Gentle Yoga › Move into Calm › 30 to 45 mins

  • Yoga Flow to Free your Shoulders 35:02
    Yoga Flow to Free your Shoulders

    Margi Young

    A relaxed, contentment-inducing flow, perfect for anytime of day. Focus of the class is on shoulder and neck releases. Try this class after a busy day's work, after a long drive or travel, or to start the day feeling relaxed and open in the heart and shoulders. This class begins reclined over two blocks to begin the process of opening the front of the shoulders, lungs and heart. Move into some neck releases and twists, all with an emphasis on freedom of the shoulder area. After a few standing poses, the class ends with a supported inversion and hip opener. Props: 2 Blocks and a strap

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  • Yoga for Back Pain Relief 31:31
    Yoga for Back Pain Relief

    Vanessa Michielon

    A wonderful class for Prenatal back pain, suitable for all trimesters. This class can also suit most of us for most stages in life! Back pain and back stiffness is common during pregnancy, but also for all of us who live sedentary, modern lives. This class is the perfect antidote! Embrace gentle movements like thread the needle pose, open twists, oyramid pose and Happy Baby, which promote spinal flexibility and tension relief. The practice gracefully closes with heart-opening poses like Camel Pose and Bridge, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and empowered to navigate the physical changes of pregnancy with ease. Suggested props: 2 bricks. If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Hip Opening Yoga Flow41:38
    Hip Opening Yoga Flow

    Vanessa Michielon

    Our hips can suffer if we live a sedentary life, if we drive a lot, or we're athletic. This gentle, all-levels hip-opening slow flow is perfect for a prenatal practice (in any trimester), or for any of us with hips! This beautiful class gently mobilises and opens the hips and strengthens the lower body with wide legged forward bend, goddess pose and poses to open, strengthen and stabilise the hips, wonderful for pregnancy and for all of us. Suggested props: 2 bricks. If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Yoga to Calm and Ground36:09
    Yoga to Calm and Ground

    Margi Young

    This hatha class is great for when we're feeling tired or overwhelmed, to calm the nervous system and ground the body. Class begins with lying on the ground with a short body scan. Then we have a wonderful antidote to overwhelm and anxiety with supported forward folds, to clear the brain. After a foot massage, practice rooting standing and balancing poses. Feel the ground as a way of letting go of anxiety and find stability within. You may need 2 blocks (or books) and a blanket.

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  • Gentle stretching to cool and unwind37:48
    Gentle stretching to cool and unwind

    Gabriella Espinosa

    This gentle, all-levels hatha yoga class works with forward bends and pranayama (breath work) to cool the body and calm the busy mind. A perfect class to take as a middle of the day work-break, if the day is feeling overwhelming, or to gently calm at the end of the day. Gentle stretching is a wonderful way to destress and enhance feelings of safety in the body. Stretching triggers a host of physiological reactions including increased blood flow and oxygen to the muscles, hydrating surrounding connective tissue, releasing feel good chemicals such as endorphins and activating the parasympathetic nervous system - the rest and digest mode. Props needed: yoga mat, chair, blanket

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  • Prenatal Yoga - Back pain relief (for all levels and trimesters)31:31
    Prenatal Yoga - Back pain relief (for all levels and trimesters)

    Vanessa Michielon

    A wonderful class for Prenatal back pain, suitable for all trimesters. This class can also suit most of us for most stages in life! Back pain and back stiffness is common during pregnancy, but also for all of us who live sedentary, modern lives. This class is the perfect antidote! Embrace gentle movements like thread the needle pose, open twists, oyramid pose and Happy Baby, which promote spinal flexibility and tension relief. The practice gracefully closes with heart-opening poses like Camel Pose and Bridge, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and empowered to navigate the physical changes of pregnancy with ease. Suggested props: 2 bricks. If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Prenatal Yoga - Hip Opening Flow (for all levels and trimesters)41:38
    Prenatal Yoga - Hip Opening Flow (for all levels and trimesters)

    Vanessa Michielon

    Our hips can suffer if we live a sedentary life, if we drive a lot, or we're athletic. This gentle, all-levels hip-opening slow flow is perfect for a prenatal practice (in any trimester), or for any of us with hips! This beautiful class gently mobilises and opens the hips and strengthens the lower body with wide legged forward bend, goddess pose and poses to open, strengthen and stabilise the hips, wonderful for pregnancy and for all of us. Suggested props: 2 bricks. If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Your Calming Yoga Practice35:41
    Your Calming Yoga Practice

    Adam Hocke

    This yoga class helps to ground and calm an anxious body or mind and bring us back to the present moment. Start with some grounding self-massage, then move gently with simple, repetitive, and breath-led movements to stabilise the nervous system. Additionally, we will pay particular attention to releasing tension in the head, neck, and shoulders to bring about a profound sense of relaxation and ease. This class is perfect after a long day or when we're overwhelmed. You will need a narrow block or a folded blanket and a brick.

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  • Yoga to Rest & Digest: The Vagus Nerve38:02
    Yoga to Rest & Digest: The Vagus Nerve

    Gabriella Espinosa

    This yoga class uses simple practices to resource and reset the nervous system using breath, sound, gentle movement and massage to stimulate the vagus nerve and encourage deep relaxation. Either follow the class in full or learn the practices which resonate with you to be done in your own time. The vagus nerve acts as a “super information highway” communicating between the brain and our body’s systems regulating our mood, digestion, heart rate and hormones. The vagus nerve balances our nervous system by switching on our parasympathetic 'rest and digest' mode and influences how we connect and feel safe with others. You will need a bolster, blanket, tennis ball and/or soft pilates ball. Gabriella uses a Yoga Tune Up Coregeous Ball.

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  • Yin Yoga to Breathe Easy30:40
    Yin Yoga to Breathe Easy

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    This simple Yin yoga class features breath work (pranayama) and poses to target the lung meridian to relax the body, mind and breath. The lung meridian, when out of balance, may result in headaches, colds and asthma and when in balance brings us to a place of acceptance. This class also includes a beautiful sun and moon visualisation throughout; Buddha taught to trust the sun, the moon and the truth. You will need blocks, a blanket and a strap.

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  • Chakra Meditation for Renewed Energy31:44
    Chakra Meditation for Renewed Energy

    Dirish Shaktidas

    Find balance and inspiration, and feel grounded, and recharged with this wonderful chakra meditation class. This meditation to find the Balanced State works through the chakras to find the place of infinite peace within each of us; a calm inner sanctuary free from the stress, tension and worry of the outside world. Expect a blend of slow, steady movements and intention-setting meditations to re-centre and bring renewed energy to the body, heart and mind. This meditation features movements, visualisations and breathing to inspire you from the inside out. Rather than feeling obligated to “do meditation”, you will be inspired to “feel your meditation”! To accomplish this, you don't just sit for the entire time still; instead you will be guided to help open up to be more receptive to the calm wisdom found deep within your core. When you learn to access your Balanced State, the peace and joy you uncover will extend to all aspects of your life.

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  • Restorative Yoga: Inner Knowing44:33
    Restorative Yoga: Inner Knowing

    Adrianna Zaccardi

    This restorative yoga class brings our attention to rest at the crown of the head (Sahasrara). Start in seated meditation using visualisation, and then expand your presence with a restorative downward facing dog. You will need access to a wall (or edge of bed or sofa) for the deeply restorative legs up the wall pose followed by a deep body scan to close practice. You will need blankets, eye pillows or covering, bricks and a bolster. Pregnant practitioners: after the 30 week mark, downward facing dog should be practiced for periods of 30 seconds or less, or rest in child’s pose.

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  • Restorative Yoga: Open to Love41:49
    Restorative Yoga: Open to Love

    Adrianna Zaccardi

    A very gentle restorative yoga class. Starting with self-massage, explore the use of touch and breath to gently open the heart to the fullness of life. Followed by simple gentle and nourishing restorative yoga poses to open the chest, bringing presence to rest at your heart space (Anahata). You will need a bolster, block and blanket. Suitable for all.

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  • Restorative Yoga: Pause to Feel43:00
    Restorative Yoga: Pause to Feel

    Adrianna Zaccardi

    This restorative yoga class is designed to cultivate awareness through the pelvis, lower belly and sacral plexus; the home of the creative energy centre (Svadhishthana). Poses in this yoga class focus on the back, the lower belly and the legs, and are intended to create space to allow the energy to flow fluidly through this energy centre. It starts with low lunges, moving to a restorative child’s pose and then you'll need a clear wall for ‘legs up the wall’ pose.

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  • Re-Bound37:29

    Adam Hocke

    This well rounded, gentle flow yoga class brings in the joy, a perfect class to uplift if you're feeling a little low. We will, with care, bring some joy and feeling back into the body and this present moment as best as we can through opening up to breath and back-bending postures along with a few other energising surprises. You will need a blanket, and a brick or something like it, and a playful light attitude.

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  • Self Care Flow42:40
    Self Care Flow

    Adam Hocke

    This yoga class is perfect for when we feel anxious, stressed, overwhelmed or just have a busy mind. It is a gentle class for anytime; when you just feel that you need to be kind to yourself, when you are anxious and wired, or when you don't like what you're reading in the news. Come back to the reality of your body and breath with this flow practice. In this sequence we go through familiar and calming patterns of movement and spend time enjoying the internal life of postures through strengthening techniques that bring us more deeply into our bodies and the reality of the present moment. As we start feeling a bit better, we round it off with some self-massage and a powerful compassion meditation.

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  • Flow Towards Freedom: Mellow Mind33:38
    Flow Towards Freedom: Mellow Mind

    Lucy McCarthy

    A mindfully paced, meditative slow flow class to sooth your nervous system and calm your mind. With a focus on forward bends, pranayama and relaxation to finish. This class will quiet and slow down your mind. Ideal for when you want to invite a feeling of deep peace and calm!

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  • Yin for Ankles, Knees and Hips32:18
    Yin for Ankles, Knees and Hips

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    The perfect yin yoga class for those of us who spend a lot of time in shoes, standing up or sitting at a desk. It is equally great after a long day's hiking! Use this class to regain mobility in your feet and ankles and nourish your knees and hips. Yin yoga involves long holding of the poses; stay so long as you are comfortable but, as ever, if you feel any discomfort, do come out of the pose. You will need a block.

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