Intermediate/Advanced › Mercedes Sieff
You know yoga. We at Movement for Modern Life know and are passionate about yoga. We know how much it has helped us in our lives.
These videos will help you do more yoga in your own time. No more rushing to class. Phew!
Positive Psychology Series (5): Creativity
In the final yoga class of the Positive Psychology Series, the sequence focuses on creativity. This is a beautifully creative and fiesty vinyasa yoga sequence with plenty of variations and dance-like movements to cultivate creativity. You will need a strap.
Positive Psychology Series (3): Resilience
A fun, fast, feisty vinyasa yoga class where we learn to build grit; the ability to get back up when you fall. Expect new and creative ways of dynamic sequencing, arm balances and inversions infused into this power flow. A great class to try something new and challenging! You're not looking to achieve perfect poses here, but to try to do what your body is able to do, and build resilience in the process. Do listen to your body though! If class is too fast-moving and feisty, and goes to poses which aren't suitable for you, take rest pose or listen to your body and modify the pose to bespoke the practice for your own body and capabilities.
Positive Psychology Series (2): Patience
Patience is one of the six character traits to focus on in positive psychology. This yoga class class features long hip opening holds interfused with some creative vinyasa and balance. A perfect class for those of us who are sedentary.
Positive Psychology Yoga (1): Zest
This is the first of Mercedes' Positive Psychology infused vinyasa yoga sequences! Zest is a way of approaching life - it's an energy but also a way of cultivating a positive approach to problems. This fast and fun vinyasa flow is not for attaining each pose, but about keeping a positive outlook even through challenge. This yoga class leads to advanced arm balance s- perfect for a well-rounded, energy-filled start to the day. But do be careful and only practice within your body's limitations. Remember that this class is about working on your an approach to poses and building courage rather than achievement!
Advanced Hip Vinyasa
This deep hips and arm balance yoga class will challenge everyone. Mercedes gets straight to the stiffest parts of the hips weaving creative vinyasa, hand and leg balances with deep hip openers. The class opens with a grounding centering chant to bring the body to one pointed focus (Eka Grata). Mercedes builds the form to Archer, Yogin Dandasana and Grasshopper ”“ a twisted out arm balance. This class is sure to clear those stiff hips and touch every layer of your being. You may need a block to sit.
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Build a happier, healthier, more sustainable life.