Jivamukti Yoga › 45 to 60 mins
Jivamukti Yoga: Restore & Renew
This Jivamukti yoga class will release tension from the body and calm the mind. Take this class anytime you feel overwhelmed and could do with a break, or perhaps to wind down after work. Class includes simple movements. breath-work, hip openers, long holds in your poses, meditation and a deep guided relaxation. You will need a block, strap and blanket for the class.
Jivamukti Happy Heart
Open the heart and the hips, areas which most of us hold tension, with a beautiful, well-rounded Jivamukti yoga class which will open and mobilise your shoulders, hips and most importantly, your heart. You will need blocks or bricks and a strap.
Jivamukti Spiritual Warrior Flow
Beginning with the Magic 10 to start this classic Jivamukti yoga class. During the Magic 10, expect long counted holds and a handstand at the wall for those who are ready. During the counted long holds without further instruction, this is great for finding a more meditative state during your asana practice. We then continue with intention setting and the classic, well rounded Jivamukti vinyasa yoga practice, which includes headstand for those who can. You may need two blocks.
The Whole World In Your Hands
An all-levels Jivamukti Vinyasa yoga class with a focus on your heart and hands. In this class we open and strengthen the hands, and open the shoulders, opening the heart to light and happiness. With strong hands and an open heart, there is nothing that can't be overcome! Some core work finishes off this well-rounded, balanced class. Enjoy!
Jivamukti: Get Grounded
A swift- moving, playful and well rounded Jivamukti class in which we both seize and mostly relinquish control. Get grounded to rise up. This class features all the sun salutes, standing poses, twists, back bends and forward bends you'd expect from a Jivamukti class, but with a tougher, more feisty twist than usual. You may need a block and a strap.
Feel The Fear & Do It Anyway: Jivamukti Inversions
A full, well-rounded Jivamukti yoga class, with a focus on inversions. Inversions are a super opportunity to change our perspecitve on life, and even take a look at the ways that we approach different things in life. This class will strengthen your core and shoulders to prepare your upper body for taking inversions. It doesn't matter what shape you make in the inversion and if you go upside down or not, it's all about how we look at situations. A great class for warming and strengthening, whether you're ready to go upside down or not. Remember to handle inversions with care, our egos can get in the way, so only work carefully and within your capabilities here! You will need a strap.
Invigorating Energy
Ideal for when you need a jolt of uplifting energy, sun salute your way into an invigorating, energetic way to start your day. With plenty of sun salutes, lunges and backbends, you'll flow into hamunanasana (splits) , but don't let your splits progression spoil your flow, you then flow into backbends, a headstand and shoulderstand. Plenty of blood to the head bringing clear thinking and energising. You will need two blocks
Jivamukti flow in Green to Pincha Mayurasana
The colour green is associated with the anahata chakra, the unstuck sound of the heart. A Peacock’s tail feather is also green, and pinchamayurasana requires an open heart! This class is a full Jivamukti flow working towards Pincha Mayarasana. So whether you are outside in the grass or wearing favourite green kit, or simply green on the inside, get inspired by the earth’s favourite colour of life: green!
Jivamukti: Handstand Focus
A class to focus on your Tree Stand or Hand Stand. Yogis look to nature for inspiration. Nothing inspires us like the trees, for they literally infuse each breath we take with oxygen! So whether you are practicing in your home or out doors, find your tree and find your stable base.
Backbends for Moving Forwards
A jivamukti yoga class designed to give us the ability to look back, and act with wisdom, even as we charge forward in life. A full Jivamukti vinyasa yoga class but with extra soul and focus on the back of the body. Thanks to our friends Wellicious for their gorgeous kit.
Vinyasa to Get Out of Your Mind
Getting out of your mind and into your body with Jivamukti Vinyasa Yoga. This class has plenty of twists and a focus on the hips as well as balances. With peak poses of bakasana (crow pose) and bakasana variations, this class will take you out of your busy head and into the body to complete these challenging balances.
Emma - Fit Hips Express Jivamukti Flow
This fast-paced Jivamukti flow is perfect to getting you going in the morning, with plenty of juicy hip releases, twists, leg-stregthening and backbends this class is a rounded way to start the day.
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