Yoga Pose Tutorials › 45 to 60 mins
Low Back Pain: How Yoga Can Help
In this yoga anatomy class, learn about the anatomy of the spine and the most common causes of low back pain in adults, followed by suggestions on how you can strengthen and support your spine during a yoga class. It’s estimated up to 8 out of 10 people in the UK are affected by back pain at some point in their lives with around a third of the population suffering an episode of low back pain each year. Understanding the anatomy of our lumbar spine and the importance of core stability can truly help you to support and maintain a healthy back on and off your yoga mat. NB: Please note that all advice and recommendations in this film are given generally and do not constitute any form of an individual diagnosis or treatment plan. A consultation with a medical practitioner or registered physical therapist is recommended.
Learn Bigger Backbends
An intermediate back-bending yoga class which explores the postures and variations beyond urdhva dhanuarasana (upward bow or wheel pose). After a short warm-up and flow we then proceed step by step into bridge, upward bow, one-legged variations, and inverted staff pose. You will need a brick, a block and a strap.
Scaravelli Workshop: Shoulders and Upper Back
We all love a good shoulder massage. Join this workshop-style Scaravelli class to focus on creating more awareness in your upper back and shoulder area. Learn to relax the arms, let go of the shoulders, and find some more space and ease in your upper spine. You will need a bolster, two blocks and a strap.
Wake up your Feet!
Our feet are our connection to the earth – they are our roots. We rely on them for balance and for carrying us from place to place, and yet they are often overlooked and underappreciated. During this Scaravelli yoga workshop, give them some love – explore how to release tight joints to reveal softer, more responsive feet, that elevate even the most simple yoga poses into an almost magical experience. Begin to open from the ground up; stretch and expand through your feet and see how, by waking your feet, you wake up your whole being! You will need a strap which is tied to help a toe-stretch.
Live at Yoga Garden Party: Scaravelli-Inspired: The Intelligence of the Shoulder Blade
Find your body's inner intelligence. Explore the relationship between the shoulders, arms, ribs, upper spine and the breath. Learn how to soften through gentle, deliberate and focused subtle action. A subtle exploration into the shoulder socket. You may need a foam block. None of the movements made in this class are difficult, but the subtle movements are profound and can change the way you use your body in everyday life.
Join the Wellbeing Revolution
This is your yoga, your way.
Build a happier, healthier, more sustainable life.