Yoga For Pregnancy › Beginners Yoga
We know that yoga can seem intimidating and can seem like it’s a million miles away from what is attainable, achievable or even fun.
We also firmly believe that it really doesn’t matter how long your hamstrings are or whether you can touch your knees or toes or if you’re already in the cirque de soleil. Really that’s not what yoga is about. So what is yoga about?
To Movement for Modern Life, yoga is simply a tool. It is a tool which is guaranteed to make you feel better. Guaranteed. Starting with a little stretch and a little strength, you will find you feel a lot better in your body, and then you may start to breathe. You may start to feel some space in your head. In your life. You may start to feel that things feel possible that you never even knew were. But don’t take our word for it. Just get moving. Forwards ever, backwards never. Get moving and keep on moving a little bit every day. We have online yoga videos to ensure that you don’t have to even go out... Show more
Optimal Foetal Positioning
This class is aimed for mums-to-be 6 weeks or so before birth to try to encourage your baby into the right position for birth. The term is optimal foetal positioning. There are positions we can do to try to encourage the best positioning for baby for the most healthy and ease-ful labour. You will need a cushion or a block and a chair or ideally, a fitness ball.
Get Moving: Standing Flow
A qi-gong inspired gentle standing flow to move the hips, shoulders and gently build strength in legs and core. A fabulous class to cultivate steadiness, and an antidote to the business of sedentary modern life. The qi-gong inspired movements and water quality of softness in the poses are fabulous for building strength and stability. With no sun salutes, this class is great for most bodies including older bodies, those with limited mobility and pregnancy.
Yoga For Sciatic Relief
Sciatic pain is common in pregnancy, and many others may need sciatic relief. This targetted class is gentle and focused on relieving pain on the sciatic nerve. You'll massage your feet, stretch your legs and open your hips and you'll learn moves to do every day for those of use who suffer from sciatic pain.
Earth Salutation
A short, delightful vinyasa which is sequenced as a lovely, gentle alternative to the Sun Salutations. Suitable for all and fan for those looking for a nurturing way to wake up the body, the Earth Salutations can be practiced throughout pregnancy.
Yoga Nidra for Fertility & First Trimester
A Yoga Nidra class which is great for improving fertility and for nurturing the body, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy. The Yoga Nidra is a form of awareness, in this class awareness is brought the body, nourishing and nurturing. This is a wonderful, very powerful and healing practice. Absolutely essential to all who wish to look after their menstrual health and their baby during pregnancy. You will need cushions and blankets to support yourself during the practice.
Joint Freeing
A safe and gentle mainly seated yoga class great if you don't need or want much movement, but you want safe and easy ways to open up the joints and keep the joints mobile and healthy. his class is ideal if you are recovering from injuries and can be practiced throughout pregnancy. This class is great for overall health as well as fertility. You may need a bolster or cushion.
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This is your yoga, your way.
Build a happier, healthier, more sustainable life.