Hatha Yoga › Beginners Yoga
We know that yoga can seem intimidating and can seem like it’s a million miles away from what is attainable, achievable or even fun.
We also firmly believe that it really doesn’t matter how long your hamstrings are or whether you can touch your knees or toes or if you’re already in the cirque de soleil. Really that’s not what yoga is about. So what is yoga about?
To Movement for Modern Life, yoga is simply a tool. It is a tool which is guaranteed to make you feel better. Guaranteed. Starting with a little stretch and a little strength, you will find you feel a lot better in your body, and then you may start to breathe. You may start to feel some space in your head. In your life. You may start to feel that things feel possible that you never even knew were. But don’t take our word for it. Just get moving. Forwards ever, backwards never. Get moving and keep on moving a little bit every day. We have online yoga videos to ensure that you don’t have to even go out... Show more
Sofa Yoga
A beautifully calming yoga class, which is to be done with the help of a sofa. A perfect class for a sunday morning, or anytime you need to really chill, breathe deeply and take it easy. With the favourite pose of inversion over the back of the sofa. What's not to love. A great class to relax, for all abilities and mobilities.
Healthy Hips: Strength for the Hip Joints
Pilates and Yoga for healthy, mobile and strong hip joints. If you're a regular yoga practitioner, or you sit for long periods, you may have weaker muscles in the areas surrounding the hips. This class uses Pilates and yoga moves to strengthen the hips by moving the body in different planes of motions and at different speeds. A great class for most of us who have weaker hip and glute muscles. You may use an exercise band, if you have one, but it's not necessary for the class, and some exercises are done next to the wall.
Love Yourself First
A gorgeous short, sweet practice to embrace yourself. Encouraging a celebration of self, embracing all that you are through this fluid and uplifting sequence. Connect to your self, step into your highest potential. You will need 2 blocks. Clothing by Shanti Sundays.
Yoga for Back Care: Introduction
Welcome to the Yoga for Back Care. This is an introduction to the course, and may help you to use the classes. If you are currently feeling real back pain, wait until that settles before starting the course and see your health practitioner for their guidance. This introduction helps us to understand the anatomy of the spine, and how our spine works, so that when we practice our classes, we know how we're keeping the spine healthy, the impact our movements have on the sprine, and how we can increase our spinal health, care for our backs better, and reduce back pain.
Yoga for Back Care: Core Focus
The first in the yoga for back care series, this back care class is a gentle introduction to the larger muscles that make up your back, filled with gentle stretches and mobilizing your back. This class is mostly seated and suitable for most mobility levels. Although if you are currently experiencing back pain, do ask your health care practitioner before practicing.
Yoga for Back Care: Building Core Strength
This yoga for back care class is increasingly tougher, building up core strength! This class focuses on building up internal strength and activating the back muscles. This class builds on the back care classes deep core introduction class, the focus on this class is on increasing range of movement whilst activating the outer core, and why being able to activate the core is important for stabilisation of the spine and pelvis. You will need a chair.
Yoga for Back Care: Deep Core Muscles
The yoga for back care class is mostly either seated, on the back or on all fours and includes gentle, supported and floor-based movements to mobilise the shoulders, spine and pelvis. Combine mobilisation with conscious breathing and gentle stretching to release stiffness and increase the feeling of embodiment, really inhabiting and saying 'yes' to your body. Bring awareness to the entire body via the breath before bringing attention to the psoas, lower abdominal area and pelvic floor to practice how to activate and release these muscles, the deep core, in equal measures.
Neck and Shoulders
Most of us experience pain in our neck and shoulders. Perhaps it from from sitting for long periods, using mobile phones and laptops or sometimes pain in the neck and shoulders can be from stresses from dealing with the challenges that we expereince in our lives. This classes targets the neck and shoulder with a combination of 10 stretches and movements for releasing tension, creating mobility and openess. A great daily practise or something you can integrate a few times a week in addition to your other practices. Can be done from sitting or standing and practised anywhere!
Ease into Your Day
This gentle hatha yoga classes eases us into the day, but is great for any time of day. This class will gently and slowly allow us to feel integrated and grounded, ready for the day. With plenty of supine hip openers, some standing and balancing poses and closing with a calming savasana, ready for the day.
Yoga for Beginners: Explore Playfulness
This beginners yoga class focuses on balances and experimenting with our yoga practice with a sense of playfulness. In this balancing sequence, it's OK to wobble and fall! The point of yoga is not to be perfect, but to embark upon a journey of exploration and curiosity. After moving through classic sun salutations with balance play, expect to experiment with eagle pose and half moon pose. You may wobble and fall, but have fun with it any enjoy the process. You will need a wall and two yoga bricks (or books!).
Yoga for Beginners: Embodied Breath
In this beginners yoga class, we explore the notion of embodiment. This exploration will specifically focus on the breath and lungs as we move through yoga poses. Class starts with a breath practice to connect to the body, then moves through half sun salutations and poses learnt in the classes at the start of the yoga for beginners course, presented with new variations. You will need a strap, blanket, brick and cushion.
Yoga for Beginners: Exploring Connection to Earth
This yoga class focuses on the body’s connection to the earth and the exploration of bandhas, or seals. In this class we discover how connecting to the earth brings tone and support to our yoga practice. Discover more about the earth seals (hasta bandha and panda bandha) while bringing more stability and energy to the body. Using balancing poses, such as tree, and seated poses, we explore the feelings of support, being present and being grounded. This class also introduces the hip opener, pigeon pose, and mudras (hand gestures). You will need a thin block or pillow, and a belt.
Yoga for Beginners: Conscious Attention
In the final class of the third week of the yoga for beginners course, we’ll explore the idea of noticing and consciously paying attention. After flowing through some lunge salutations, we’ll move through poses such as crescent moon, puppy pose and eagle arms. Class is approached gently, with great consciousness and attention. It ends with a meditation and body scan to notice how the mind and body feels after conscious movement.
Yoga for Beginners: Go Slow
The focus for this hatha yoga class, the next in our beginners yoga course, is on finding a sense of ease in our practice. Class starts with breath work and gentle seated stretches. After flowing through a mindfully paced sun salutation B, the sequence further explores familiar poses. Often, when working through balancing and strengthening poses, we find areas of the body gripping. Therefore, we experiment with different hand and food placements to see if there is a more easeful way of moving and holding poses. Sometimes, when the body relaxes it can find more endurance and comfort. Class ends with a long constructive rest and savasana.
Yoga for Beginners: Finding Steadiness
The second yoga class in the yoga for beginners course this week focuses on steadiness and exploring new standing poses. The placement of the feet is so important for a solid, steady foundation. Class starts with breath work to help us feel grounded and centred. Move mindfully with the breath through a slow sun salutation A, before we introduce warrior one and pyramid poses. Expect a gentle pace and to learn different variations of these poses, transitions between them and variations for standing balances. Class ends with a long relaxation. You will need two bricks and a blanket.
Yoga for Beginners: Get Grounded
To begin week three of the yoga for beginners course, this hatha yoga class starts by finding our gentle, steady and grounding breath, before moving into some self-care foot massage. Then expect a gentle yoga flow through variations of half sun salutations to get the spine moving in all directions. Then, new standing poses are introduced - chair pose and tree pose. These poses require a firm footing, good grounding and a sense of balance. You will need two bricks, a block and a blanket.
Yoga for Beginners: Your Full Yoga Practice
This yoga class is the final class of the second week of the yoga for beginners course. The focus of the class is completing a full practice and reviewing alignment. Expect a flowing class where we’ll join poses together with the breath, then move through standing poses, and finishing with seated twists, bridge pose and relaxation. Take this opportunity to choose your own intention for the practice before moving through all the poses and transitions learned this week in a way which feels good for your body today. The most important lesson in this class is listening deeply to how your body is responding to the practice and taking cues from your own body. You may need a couple of bricks.
Yoga for Beginners: Find Your Strength
In this beginners yoga class, build on the skills explored in the previous classes, with a focus on upper body strength. There will also be time spent delving into the options for plank and chaturanga. Chaturanga can be a tricky pose which requires strength and patience to develop - but it’s not one to be afraid of. Learn to warm up the hands, arms and shoulders and how to build strength and safe alignment for this pose. You may need a couple of yoga blocks or bricks.
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Build a happier, healthier, more sustainable life.