For Teachers › Beginners Yoga
We know that yoga can seem intimidating and can seem like it’s a million miles away from what is attainable, achievable or even fun.
We also firmly believe that it really doesn’t matter how long your hamstrings are or whether you can touch your knees or toes or if you’re already in the cirque de soleil. Really that’s not what yoga is about. So what is yoga about?
To Movement for Modern Life, yoga is simply a tool. It is a tool which is guaranteed to make you feel better. Guaranteed. Starting with a little stretch and a little strength, you will find you feel a lot better in your body, and then you may start to breathe. You may start to feel some space in your head. In your life. You may start to feel that things feel possible that you never even knew were. But don’t take our word for it. Just get moving. Forwards ever, backwards never. Get moving and keep on moving a little bit every day. We have online yoga videos to ensure that you don’t have to even go out... Show more
Blissful Awareness
An open level meditation practise to balance the soothing and intense energies within you. Using this mediation, we invite you to rest in the peaceful ground of being, getting under all the layers of your personality and lived experience to discover your blissful stillness. This space is the ground of your consciousness and your true identity. You may wish to sit on a cushion or in a chair with a blanket for support during this practice.
Full Body Tone
An open level movement class to tone the full body, circulate the breath and energy body while connecting you to a meditative awareness. This class is playful and energetic offering poses such as crow and wheel, with variations for all abilities. You may need a block.
Everybody Flows: Refine The Shapes
As a follow-up to ‘Make the Shapes,’ this short practice will help you refine your understanding of down dog and standing poses with a few alignment cues to help your poses feel more sustainable and interesting. Although there’s a lot to learn, this practice focuses on feet, hands, and shoulders. You will need a tennis ball and a brick or something like it.
Downward Dog Tutorial
A tutorial on the yoga pose downward dog to help you find alignment and ease in this classic yoga pose.
Release Your Neck; Reduce Fatigue
This class is a workshop-style yoga class to target areas that hold tension in the neck, causing fatigue. The class focuses on head and neck alignment, jaw release and strength and shoulder mobility. With exercises to gain awareness of where we might be unnecessarily straining our neck and holding tension, we explore head aligment and then use neck and shoulder stretches and strengthening exercises to help release tension. You will need a blanket, foam block, cushion and a strap.
Paschimottanasana Tutorial
This tutorial takes you step by step into Paschimottanasana (seated forward fold), an introspective asana that encourages length in the back body and helps to quieten the mind. You may need a strap for this asana.
Tree Pose (Vriksasana) Tutorial
This tutorial takes you step by step into Tree Pose, a wonderful asana to help you to develop focus, build core strength and find the balance between effort and ease in your practice. This tutorial takes you step by step into Vriksasana, a great asana to build strength in your legs, length in your side body and improve mobility and length in your spine.
Eagle Pose Tutorial
This tutorial takes you step by step into Eagle Pose, a fantastic asana to help you to develop focus, build core strength and find the balance between effort and ease in your practice.
Physical Aspects: Moving Mindfully To Explore Your Body
An exporation of your hands, wrists, shoulders, this flow is great for those of us who spend a lot of time at computers, have a strong asana practice or any other activity that builds repetitive strain. Working on all fours this flow moves on from the exploration of our bodies limits and begins to prepare the physical self for the demands of more challenging postures. Preparing the core and basic all round flexibility, this class works well as a stand alone sequence for the mornings or as a lovely warm up for stronger classes. Watch in combination with Dan's Discussion Of The Physical Aspects Of Yoga.
Mental Aspects - Exploring Mental Strength and Flexibility
In this session of mindful movement explore the parameters and limitations of our own body with very gentle movements in a seated position with the eyes closed. More than anything else it is a misunderstanding of our mind and how it functions that causes us difficulties during asana practice. In this very gentle seated first practice we will explore some of the mind games that create resistance and how we might work through them. Watch in combination with Dan's Discussion Of The Mental Aspects Of Yoga.
All About the Knee
A short tutorial brought to you by our Dr Yogi on the workings of the delicate knee joint and how to protect the knee in some key yoga postures.
Find Your Feet
All about the Feet. In this short tutorial, Andrew, Dr Yogi, talks about the role of the feet and their impact on the whole body. Focusing on collapsed arches, Dr Yogi has some tips for building the arches, which will also help with pronation issues.
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