Deanne Oram
Deanne Oram has been teaching Yoga for 13 years. She was introduced to Yoga in 1996 by a handful of teachers who were directly taught by Vanda Scaravelli. She decided to give up her full time job and found a unique teacher training course with John Stirk and Sophie Hoare in London; she qualified in 2000. Further teaching qualifications include teaching yoga to children and those with special needs. Pre-natal and post-natal yoga for women including a two year course as a Birth Educator. Inspired, she continued her training as a Doula and has supported over 30 parents through this unique experience. Deanne is always striving to understand more about the body and it’s own intelligent process of integration. She encourages students to deepen their understanding of their practice mindfully while offering something new and challenging in every class. Deanne is grateful to the teachers and students who have influenced and guided her on her own Yoga path. She is a popular teacher, teaching full time since 2002 in some of London’s top Yoga centres.