Anusara-Inspired Yoga › Stress/Anxiety
These practices have been specifically created and sequenced for watching online on Movement for Modern Life to reduce stress and anxiety you may feel in your life.
Within our anti-stress and anxiety series, we have a range of practices which include:
Nurturing Practice - Grief
Take this grounding practice to nurture the body in times of grief or heartbreak. Steady and progressive standing sequence leading to hip-openers.
Easy Hips: 1
Tight or painful back, legs or hips? Take this easy series with Leila and benefit from this easy to follow straightforward routine. Easy and effective pain relief and maintenance for those of you who are new to yoga, who are working with injuries or those with very limited time. Props: Yoga block or stack of books. Yoga belt or tie/scarf.
Sugar Detox
This first sugal detox class balances the metabolism to give a natural boost instead of a sugar ”˜high’. It’s full of juicy twists and forward bends and a perfect 15 min booster for a mid-afternoon low. Instead of reaching for that sweet snack try this sweet yoga class. You may like to use a bolster and have a chair handy and you may need a block and a belt.
Sugar Detox 3
Revolution from the inside! This third level of the sugar detox series includes breath work (pranayama) and some more advanced poses, all focusing on twisting. The twists detoxify and focus on an inner cleansing and digestive health. For relaxation you may want to use a bolster and you may need a block and a belt.
Yoga for Anxiety
This is a yoga class for when your head is a 'swiling thought mess'. Class starts with some energetic jumping lunges (feel free to give these a miss if you're not up to them!) - then the class intersperses asana to open and release the hips with calming breath exercises. Suitable for all levels, although not everyone may be able to keep up with Leila's energy levels at the start of class, but persevere if you can! The remaining 30 minutes of yoga and breath-work is much more peaceful and bound to see your anxiety levels to calm and managable levels.
Compassion through Slow Flow
In this mindfully slow-flow vinyasa yoga class, Bridget explores the theme of compassion to ourselves. Class starts with a 10 minute discussion reminding us the importance of being compassionate to ourselves. The asana is a slow flow which focuses on the hips, with plenty of lunging work and variation. There is an opportunity for a handstand suppported by the wall or a partner and class finishes with a long, nourishing guided relaxation. You may need a belt, a wall and a partner could be handy too!
Blue Valentine
Refresh your soul with this beautiful heart-opening practice. Leila leads an easy flowing vinyasa which opens the side body and chest and finishes with a luxurious supported backbend with some tips for self massage for added TLC.
After Work Stretch
When you come in after work and want to slough off your day, try this short sequence to get some new energy, feel refreshed and get rid of any stale energy brought on from sitting at a computer or talking to your boss or customers all day. Suitable for all levels.
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