Meditation › Stress/Anxiety

These practices have been specifically created and sequenced for watching online on Movement for Modern Life to reduce stress and anxiety you may feel in your life.
Within our anti-stress and anxiety series, we have a range of practices which include:


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  • Winter Meditation10:00
    Winter Meditation

    Margi Young

    A beautiful Meditation filmed outdoors, with the theme of the elements. Feel yourself grounded, feel unravelled and released. If you can, do the meditation outside and feel the air on your skin and enjoy that feeling of coming back to the present moment.

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  • Breathe and Meditate to Feel Relaxed and Positive20:29
    Breathe and Meditate to Feel Relaxed and Positive

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    Calm the nervous system with this Jivamukti breathwork and meditation practice. Alternate nostril breathing is taught with Sanskrit and then a meditation with the internal mantra of 'Hari Om.' If you have mala beads and wish to practice with those, have them on hand.

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  • Chanting and Gratitude for a Positive Mindset11:03
    Chanting and Gratitude for a Positive Mindset

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    Wake up and start the day with a positive mindset from the Jivamukti method. How you start your day colours your entire day. This short morning session includes affirmations and gratitude practices to start the best way. Featuring Sanskrit chants to put us in a positive frame of mind, the class then talks us through some gratitude journaling. It’s helpful to have a notebook or journal for this class.

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  • Gentle Somatic Movement: Release Back Pain15:13
    Gentle Somatic Movement: Release Back Pain

    Nahid de Belgeonne

    If you've been feeling like your back is tight or you're suffering from back pain, this class is great, It is also a great class if you're recovering from illness and injury, or have energy challenges, because the class is entirely on the back and movements are simply sliding your body on the floor ,so no need for a yoga mat. Get curious about how your body moves and how your breath moves through your body. Feel release throughout the back and pelvis through this very nurturing, kind and gentle class which will make you feel human again with your nervous system restored and recovered. Find a comfortable place to lie down and let your body feel nurtured and nourished by this gentle somatic movement.

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  • Meditation to Settle and Calm11:50
    Meditation to Settle and Calm

    Margi Young

    A short meditation, easy to do when you're on the go or you need settling, in the middle of a busy day, or to calm before bed. Beginning with a listening meditation practice, be guided to feel the earth as a way of settling the body and quieting some of the activity of the mind. This practice is a good one to do any time of day, but may be particularly helpful before bed.

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  • Gentle Somatic Movement: Easy Neck Release Lying Down14:28
    Gentle Somatic Movement: Easy Neck Release Lying Down

    Nahid de Belgeonne

    If you've been feeling stressed or full of anxiety and overwhelm, this class is perfect. It is also a great class if you're recovering from illness and injury, or have energy challenges, because the class is entirely on the back and movements in the neck and head are very subtle. Get curious about how your body moves and how your breath moves through your body. Feel release in the neck, jaw and head through this very nurturing, kind and gentle class which will make you feel human again with your nervous system restored and recovered. Find a comfortable place to lie down and let your body feel nurtured and nourished by this gentle somatic movement.

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  • Gratitude Visualisation07:12
    Gratitude Visualisation

    Petra Coveney

    Anhedonia or ‘loss of joy’ is a menopause symptom caused by low oestrogen. But we can reframe our thoughts to help change our feelings. Join Petra in this Gratitude guided visualisation to help you focus on what you feel grateful for and set an intention on something that brings you joy, everyday of your life.

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  • Mindful Yoga Walking: Yoga Without A Mat38:40
    Mindful Yoga Walking: Yoga Without A Mat

    Lizzie Reumont

    Mindful Yoga Walking is a practice to take yoga outdoors, without a mat. You just need to take a walk, breathe and take some shapes in the outdoors. Class starts with setting intentions and grounding. Shoulder movements are then introduced to release tension and align the body and mind. A short run and lunges follow, focusing on balance and core strength. To enhance stretches and poses, we’ll be encouraged to engage with our surroundings, using trees or outdoor benches as support. Walking sun salutations creatively integrate walking with the fluid movements of a traditional sun salutation. Shoulder openers encourage increased flexibility and strength. The practice concludes with a grounding pose before a harmonious closure and reflection on the dedication given to the body, mind, and spirit during this session. Lizzie emphasizes the importance of awareness in this practice, offering the option to use the pause button to adapt the practice to your needs. By combining yoga and nature, Mindful Yoga Walking provides an enlightening journey of self-discovery. Just put on some headphones and enjoy your Mindful Yoga Walk!

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  • Kundalini Yoga For Confidence10:39
    Kundalini Yoga For Confidence


    This Kundalini Meditation for self authority, a meditation which includes mudra and breath-work. You can enjoy this as a daily practise. Especially great for helping when life is particularly challenging.

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  • Blissful Awareness29:11
    Blissful Awareness

    Ava Riby-Williams

    An open level meditation practise to balance the soothing and intense energies within you. Using this mediation, we invite you to rest in the peaceful ground of being, getting under all the layers of your personality and lived experience to discover your blissful stillness. This space is the ground of your consciousness and your true identity. You may wish to sit on a cushion or in a chair with a blanket for support during this practice.

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  • Full Body Tone01:03:33
    Full Body Tone

    Ava Riby-Williams

    An open level movement class to tone the full body, circulate the breath and energy body while connecting you to a meditative awareness. This class is playful and energetic offering poses such as crow and wheel, with variations for all abilities. You may need a block.

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  • Second Spring: A Guided Visualisation Meditation10:39
    Second Spring: A Guided Visualisation Meditation

    Petra Coveney

    It’s never too early to prepare for your Second Spring and we can start by becoming more comfortable with change. Join Petra for this guided visualisation meditation as she walks you through the seasons of a woman’s life, drawing on Nature’s seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter and arriving in your Second Spring.

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  • Guide Relaxation Meditation 19:44
    Guide Relaxation Meditation

    Dirish Shaktidas

    Preparing the body, the breath, and the mind for meditation is the focus for this subtle relaxation yoga class. After a few seated movements to prepare the body for stillness, just settle and relax the body. With a focus on the breath and a feeling of connection and groundedness, this class is perfect for whenever you need to give your body some deep self-care, when you're feeling anxious, overwhelmed or you need to rest, and perfect to use as a savasana for after a yoga class. You will need a bolster or two (or a pillow or cushion) and a blanket.

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  • Guided Rest15:20
    Guided Rest

    Kirsty Nazaré

    Take this time to settle into the body's natural tendency to know how to rest and bring the body back into a state of balance. Teaching our body how to rest should be so natural, yet is so hard. This guided rest audio class will help your body to drop into a state of relaxation. It can be done any time you're able to truly surrender and relax, lying down, being comfortable, and letting the body drop any tension.

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  • Soothing Heart Relaxation06:38
    Soothing Heart Relaxation

    Liz Lark

    Find calm during this guided relaxation meditation class. It’s perfect as a supportive, guided savasana for after class, during times of stress, or to soothe your nerves. This is a five elements cave of the heart relaxation.

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  • Meditation: Befriending your Whole Self12:46
    Meditation: Befriending your Whole Self

    Gabriella Espinosa

    In this short meditation class, be guided through an embodied enquiry of the layers of your body (physical, mental, emotional, energetic, spiritual) as a way of tuning into, welcoming and befriending your body. When we take time to listen and connect to our body we make room to welcome the full spectrum of our human experience – from the comfortable to the not so comfortable. Befriending the body in this way widens the circle of compassion and acceptance of this moment allowing you to tap into the inherent wisdom that resides within. This is a really useful short practice to connect to yourself at the start of your day, before any yoga class and when you are experiencing feelings of anxiety, stress or overwhelm.

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  • Chakra Meditation for Renewed Energy31:44
    Chakra Meditation for Renewed Energy

    Dirish Shaktidas

    Find balance and inspiration, and feel grounded, and recharged with this wonderful chakra meditation class. This meditation to find the Balanced State works through the chakras to find the place of infinite peace within each of us; a calm inner sanctuary free from the stress, tension and worry of the outside world. Expect a blend of slow, steady movements and intention-setting meditations to re-centre and bring renewed energy to the body, heart and mind. This meditation features movements, visualisations and breathing to inspire you from the inside out. Rather than feeling obligated to “do meditation”, you will be inspired to “feel your meditation”! To accomplish this, you don't just sit for the entire time still; instead you will be guided to help open up to be more receptive to the calm wisdom found deep within your core. When you learn to access your Balanced State, the peace and joy you uncover will extend to all aspects of your life.

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  • Meditation: Soft Pause10:00
    Meditation: Soft Pause

    Nikita Akilapa

    In the final part in our Introduction to Meditation Series, we start to watch the top and the bottom of our breath. You'll notice that there are round edges to the inhale and exhale, where each breath gently reaches a peak and then gives rise to the next. Either simply watch these spaces between breaths or gently hold for a moment at the top of each inhale, and pause for a moment at the bottom of the exhale.

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