For Teachers › Morning Energiser › All Levels
Blissful Awareness
An open level meditation practise to balance the soothing and intense energies within you. Using this mediation, we invite you to rest in the peaceful ground of being, getting under all the layers of your personality and lived experience to discover your blissful stillness. This space is the ground of your consciousness and your true identity. You may wish to sit on a cushion or in a chair with a blanket for support during this practice.
Full Body Tone
An open level movement class to tone the full body, circulate the breath and energy body while connecting you to a meditative awareness. This class is playful and energetic offering poses such as crow and wheel, with variations for all abilities. You may need a block.
Buddha's Teachings: Yoga for Equanimity
This gently flowing yoga and Qi Gong class explores the fourth of the brahmavihārās, or boundless states, known as upekkha, or equanimity. This fourth abode is often the most misunderstood, as equanimity can easily be written off as indifference and not caring. The Buddha’s teachings suggest this is far from the truth. His description of upekkha is that it is a perfect, unshakable balance of heart and mind, rooted in insight. When we cultivate equanimity, we cultivate a state of being even minded and calm. In this state, we learn to trust, meet and respond to life in ways that let us care deeply and fully about what truly matters. We make room for joy, pain, sorrow and challenges. We learn to meet life in ways that neither opposes nor demands more from it, and can remain steady, trusting and open to whatever grim corners we may turn in life.
Liberate Your Hips: A Yin/Yang Flow
This yoga class is a mix between yin and yang to increase mobility in the hip joint. Starting with yin yoga and Qigong, it then gently flows towards some more yang poses to work the inner and outer hips and to free up the spine for a lovely balanced way to liberate the whole body. This class is perfect for a slightly gentler morning choice or in the evening if you've spent the day seated or standing. Working with the water element, it brings softness and a sense of letting go. You will need two bricks and a strap.
Raise Your Energy with Kapalbhati Breath Work
A wonderful practice for first thing in the morning to raise your energy! This is a breath work class called Skull Shining Breath which is fantastic to improve our focus and energy and get ready for the day. Don't practice on a full stomach or if you're pregnant, and as with any class, don't force anything. Enjoy letting the energy flow!
Vinyasa Transitions: Expanding your Options
This vinyasa yoga class is an exploration of different ways of transitioning through poses. It will help you be more creative and mindful in your transitions, but also to be more centred and grounded throughout our practice. In life, as in yoga, often you may see your practice as a series of poses, but this class focuses on the moments between them. This flowing sequence gives you tools to explore different ways of transitioning through vinyasa which will expand your options when practising and help you explore different ways of moving your body. There is an emphasis on being mindful of the connections to be made throughout your practice.
Sleep Recovery Series (4): Simple Morning Wake Up
Keep it simple with a set of simple exercises which can be done anywhere! This can be done in the office, kitchen or wherever you don't have space to lay out a yoga mat, and wake up happier and more focussed. Also great as a pick-me-up when you're at work, these poses and this breath focus will help you wake up easily, and can be done almost anywhere. You’ll clear your head, get your circulation going and feel more alert. Use this any time of day as a pick-me up.
Yoga For Happiness (4): Kindness
In this gentle vinyasa yoga class, the focus is on ahimsa (non violence). In the body, we can work with soft negotiation rather than force or brutality. In the mind, we can be aware of the tone with which we speak to ourselves. Pay attention to what you ask of your body in today's practice; notice when you are forcing it to do something it doesn't want to do / ignoring or overriding body wisdom. Pay attention to the internal dialogue and notice the tone of internal dialogue. Make a note of any recurring thoughts. Finally, write a mantra, something supportive and loving, that you can repeat to yourself (e.g. you are perfect as you are).
Yoga For Happiness (3): Patience
In this yoga class, Nikita will take you through a slow vinyasa flow with a focus on patience. If you are able to see with honesty where you are, you are able to grow from this point of awareness. But growth doesn't necessarily happen quickly. Expansions will happen a a rate and pace that feels appropriate to the body, the heart, the mind. When we rush, when we push too far too fast, we can often be met with some form of shut-down. Without any harsh judgement of yourself, consider the ways that you could be more patient. It could be moving more slowly on the commute, it could be by allowing your loved ones to do things in their own way at their own pace. Where can you afford to introduce some more patience to your life? You may need a brick.
Yoga For Happiness (1): Honesty
This is the first class in Nikita's Yoga for Happiness Series. This is a nourishing and supportive, mindfully paced vinyasa flow yoga class. A perfect to start your day with mindfulness, openness and honesty. With slowness to the flow comes depth of feeling and depth of breath. This class isn't complicated, but it does require that you come to the mat being honest with yourself, your needs or your limits; the boundaries being set by the body. Enjoy a simple, well rounded flow class where you'll find you're able to build self-kindness and self-confidence through an honest acceptance of your body in the here and now. The Yoga For Happiness Series is designed to help us move towards self-acceptance - meeting ourselves where we are, as we are, without judgement. This set of nourishing and supportive classes will invite you to really see yourself, both on and off the mat.
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