Nikita Akilapa
Nikita has been riding her fierce and fantastic yoga wave for more than 15 years, and still feels like a beginner. In 2011, pulled by forces much larger than her, she gave up her 12 year media career and ran away to India. She trained at Yoga Vidya Gurukul in Nashik, Maharashta, before going on to teach at retreat centres and studios around Europe. Since then she has studied and practiced with many inspirational teachers - including David Swenson, Nadia Narain, Mimi Kuo Deemer, Jean Hall, Naomi Absolom and Kristen Campbell.
Nikita teaches a strong, slow and soulful vinyasa flow, with a focus on breath-based movement, the mind-body-spirit connection, and both internal and external alignment. She aims to empower and motivate her students, encouraging each individual practitioner to explore their own potential and deepen their awareness of true self.
For an overview of Nikita's classes, workshops and retreats, visit yogawithnikita.com
Courses with Nikita
Day Breaker Course
5 Steps
Nikita Akilapa sets you up with a series of morning classes designed to prepare you for the day ahead.
Build Courage and Resilience
15 Steps
Strong yoga and deep relaxation for when life is tough.
Yoga to Build Strength
Move Into Calm: Yoga to reset and recentre
24 Steps
Reset and recentre with yoga classes to help balance anxiety.
Yoga to Heal Heartache
21 Steps
Ease the pain of heartbreak and find equilibrium again through the practice of yoga.
Build Your Flow
Flow towards Happiness
11 Steps
In this Vinyasa Flow Course you will boost your happiness by exploring your character strengths and developing a positive relationship with yourself.
Time to Breathe
21 Steps
Classes to support key workers who are overstretched. Short classes to practice any time and anywhere.
Home Yoga Retreat
Home Yoga Retreat 2
10 Steps
Our second home retreat exploring the joy of being present right here, right now.
The Strength Challenge
28 Steps
Classes to help you to build strength and apply your strength to more challenging yoga poses.
Outdoor Yoga
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Life 1
32 Steps
This course introduces Patanjali's eight-limbed path.
30 Steps
Short classes all under 45 minutes to energise.
Yoga 101
Introduction to Meditation
6 Steps
An Accessible Introduction to Meditation with Nikita Akilapa
21 Days of Morning Yoga Classes
21 Steps
It takes 21 days to form a habit! This course of morning yoga classes are all under 30 minutes, some are only 10 minutes, so you don't need to take long to completely change your whole day.
Springtime 30 Day Yoga Challenge
30 Steps
MFML's Springtime 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Taking Small Steps to a Healthy, Happy and Sustainable Life
How do courses work?