Hatha Yoga › Healthy Hips › 45 to 60 mins

  • Yoga for Runners - Full Body Flow52:01
    Yoga for Runners - Full Body Flow

    Clive Fogelman

    Part of the Yoga for Runners series. A dynamic and energising flow for runners, moving through a whole range of movements and stretches that focus on mobility, agility, balance, strength and coordination. We will focus on all areas of the body, exploring both dynamic and passive stretching.

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  • Yoga for Runners - Glutes & Hips47:40
    Yoga for Runners - Glutes & Hips

    Clive Fogelman

    This yoga for runners Hatha yoga class explores a combination of mobility, strengthening and stretching of the glutes and hips through a creative range of movements and stretches. A great class for runners, walkers, cyclists and also for those of us who have spent too much time sitting when travelling or working. Everyone who needs a good stretch and strengthening. A couple of yoga blocks or books and a yoga strap or belt might be helpful for this class.

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  • Morning Yang Yoga with a touch of Yin55:18
    Morning Yang Yoga with a touch of Yin

    Carlene Bogues

    This energising morning yang yoga class starts in seated stillness and moves into a mobility warm up followed by a hatha flow with sun salutations at a mindful pace. Then explore poses that are held for longer, build strength and flexibility, working towards dancer’s pose by the wall. You will need one or perhaps two blocks, and perhaps a wall nearby. This morning yang class can be contrasted with Carlene’s Gently Energising Yin Class. Each practice with leave you feeling calm and relaxed in a different way. Try both each morning and let us know how you feel!

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  • Yin Yang Yoga01:03:45
    Yin Yang Yoga

    Dirish Shaktidas

    This yoga class is a wonderful combination of yin yoga together with yang (more active) elements. It starts with a seated yin yoga pose to clear out the noise of the day and bring us into a position of grounding, stability and equanimity. We then move through a forward folding flow for the first part of the class to let go of the mind chatter. Class finishes off with yin yoga poses for hip openings and a sweet, long, relaxing Savasana.

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  • Menopause Yoga: Befriending Your Body50:03
    Menopause Yoga: Befriending Your Body

    Petra Coveney

    A soothing and calming yoga class to cool hot flushes and help you surrender to the natural process of change associated with the perimenopause and menopause. Expect hip opening stretches and simple somatic movements through the spine which lead to a restorative yoga practice, followed by a deep relaxation, a guided meditation and a mantra. This class is taught wholly on the floor and is very gentle and grounding. It is designed to help you befriend your body with kindness and self-compassion at a time when your body is transforming and can feel out of your control. You will need a yoga mat, a strap or belt, 1 bolster and 2 cushions (or household equivalents), and 2 blocks (or thick books). NB - Modifications: take extra care with hip and knee injuries. Osteoporosis: avoid flexion rounding your back in forward folds; keep your spine straight. Trauma: please note that hip opening poses and stretches across the chest can release tension but may also trigger trauma. Follow your own breathing pace, pause the practice when needed and find a comfortable resting pose.

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  • Fun Forrest Inspired Yoga for Strength50:23
    Fun Forrest Inspired Yoga for Strength

    Ash Bond

    This strong, hatha yoga class is inspired by Forrest yoga; it is strengthening and really great fun! Start with abdominal work and strengthening goddess pose, then explore how to lean into support: support of the props; of our experience; of our deep, considered breath. If you have dipped your toe into the Forrest Yoga pool already, this class is a chance to play with some arm balances and some stronger hamstring work. You will need two blocks, a blanket and a bolster (if you have one) for our exploration of splits and frog over a bolster.

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  • Fiery Forrest Yoga Inspired Class48:14
    Fiery Forrest Yoga Inspired Class

    Ash Bond

    This strong, hatha yoga class is inspired by Forrest yoga and designed to ignite the light inside of us. Forrest yoga focuses on releasing a stiff neck and strengthening the shoulders. This yoga class has a particular focus on opening the back and hips with some powerful work to fire up the core and unlock our shoulders. The perfect class as an antidote to sedentary modern life! There is an intention to bring awareness to our breath and to soften, even in intensity. You will need a rolled up blanket and a towel for our abdominals.

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  • Flow Towards Freedom: Ignite Your Intuition54:22
    Flow Towards Freedom: Ignite Your Intuition

    Lucy McCarthy

    Cultivate tuning into your intuition, your wisdom body with this is a slow flow featuring longer, hatha holds. A more meditative, deep, hip based practice that quiets the mind enough that you can start to listen to and trust your intuition and inner wisdom. Long, juicy hip opening, kneeling warrior at the wall. Ending in a meditation with the focus of listening. This class aims at taking you out of your head and into your roots. A perfect class to help you unravel after travel or after a tough day at work. Helping you to reconnect to your innate inherent inner wisdom. You will need access to a wall, a blanket and maybe a strap.

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  • Strength & Mobilise: The Lower Body54:10
    Strength & Mobilise: The Lower Body

    Andrew McGonigle

    A full, strengthening yoga class which focuses on increasing foot, ankle, knee and hip mobility and strength. The focus is on mobilising joints in their full range, with an emphasis on strength rather than stretch. Often we feel a tightness which we assume needs a stretch, but often actually strengthening is needed! Dr Yogi shows us strengthening movements which we can use in our daily practices.Class starts slowly with gentle,small somatic movements and continues as a somatic/hatha yoga class. You will need foam blocks and a brick and a yoga strap or a towel. If you have a theraband, that would be useful for this class.

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  • Balancing Yang and Yin56:21
    Balancing Yang and Yin

    Clive Fogelman

    This class is, we think, the perfect balance! With balance of movement and stillness. The first part of the class is focused on fluid movement, and the second part is more restorative, a yin class. With plenty of hip stretches, the class is ideal for stretching after periods of sitting or after work or travel. We love practicing this class early evening, first to move to get the stress of the day moving out of your body, and then the yin to soften and release into the evening. You might need some blocks or cushions for support during the yin part of the practice.

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  • Progress Your Practice: Backbends48:27
    Progress Your Practice: Backbends

    Vidya Heisel

    The third class in progressing your practice series, this beginners yoga class focuses on backbends. Backbends help to keep the back and shoulders open after days hunched over a computer or smartphone and are essential to keep the back and spine healthy. With some slow flow and twists to counterbalance your backbending class. You will need a blanket, rolled up and two bricks.

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  • Progress Your Practice: Healthy Spine and Twists46:10
    Progress Your Practice: Healthy Spine and Twists

    Vidya Heisel

    The second class in progressing your practice series, this class is perfect for keeping your spine healthy with twists. 'You're as old as your spine' is the saying and there is no better way to keep your spine healthy than with plenty of twists and gentle movement of the spine. A perfect way to progress your practice and to keep healthy every day. You will need two bricks.

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  • Journey Towards Hanumanasana58:39
    Journey Towards Hanumanasana

    Vidya Heisel

    An intermediate flow sequence to prepare the hamstrings, inner groins and extensor muscles for Hanumanasana and Eka Pada Koundinyasana 2 (flying splits).

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  • Coming Home to Your Hips Slow Flow57:05
    Coming Home to Your Hips Slow Flow

    Leila Sadeghee

    A deep hips yoga class, a perfect antidote to long days spent sitting, which is about coming home to yourself. In this alignment-focused and beautifully sequenced slow flow, through working the deepest muscles of your hips and your core you will find a place you be can rest within yourself. You will need 2 blocks and a strap.

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  • Grounding Flow for Hips47:46
    Grounding Flow for Hips

    Lucy McCarthy

    A sweet grounding practice, fantastic for when you need to get some balance in your life. You will need a bolster for supported savasana.

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  • Creative and Juicy Hips53:31
    Creative and Juicy Hips

    Naomi Absalom

    A super juicy feast of movement and breath for those days you really do need to get down and get it all out. Perfect for when you need to release some stuck energy and access a bit of the power stored in the pelvis; this is a lovely flow guaranteed to get you out of your mind, into your body and very much into the power of the breath. There is a strong emphasis on fluid movements around the pelvis and hips.

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  • Happy, Healthy Hips57:55
    Happy, Healthy Hips

    Zephyr Wildman

    An artfully sequenced hatha yoga class with a focus on prana, or the flow of breath, at all times with some optional vinyasa to heat the body and open the hips. The krama (or stages) of practice lead you to ever deeper, more open hips. With options for beginners, intermediate and advanced, this class featuring various hip opening, twists and balances will strengthen as you open the body.

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