Yoga for Work › Andrew McGonigle
These classes are for you to help with your work - be it at the end of a long day at the office when you need a time for yourself to help you to stretch out your day, or during the course of the day to help you to release the tension.
Release Your Neck; Reduce Fatigue
This class is a workshop-style yoga class to target areas that hold tension in the neck, causing fatigue. The class focuses on head and neck alignment, jaw release and strength and shoulder mobility. With exercises to gain awareness of where we might be unnecessarily straining our neck and holding tension, we explore head aligment and then use neck and shoulder stretches and strengthening exercises to help release tension. You will need a blanket, foam block, cushion and a strap.
Shoulder Blades and Shoulder Girdle
A short tutorial class by Andrew, Dr Yogi, in which he shows us the importance of keeping strength in the shoulder girdle. This is a key piece of anatomy for all of us, and can be viewed as an anatomical explanation to Kristi Johnson's 'wrapping the shoulders' video, for the Forrest Yoga technique to keeping the shoulders stable.