Meditation › Women's Health
Gratitude Visualisation
Anhedonia or ‘loss of joy’ is a menopause symptom caused by low oestrogen. But we can reframe our thoughts to help change our feelings. Join Petra in this Gratitude guided visualisation to help you focus on what you feel grateful for and set an intention on something that brings you joy, everyday of your life.
Second Spring: A Guided Visualisation Meditation
It’s never too early to prepare for your Second Spring and we can start by becoming more comfortable with change. Join Petra for this guided visualisation meditation as she walks you through the seasons of a woman’s life, drawing on Nature’s seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter and arriving in your Second Spring.
Meditation: Befriending your Whole Self
In this short meditation class, be guided through an embodied enquiry of the layers of your body (physical, mental, emotional, energetic, spiritual) as a way of tuning into, welcoming and befriending your body. When we take time to listen and connect to our body we make room to welcome the full spectrum of our human experience – from the comfortable to the not so comfortable. Befriending the body in this way widens the circle of compassion and acceptance of this moment allowing you to tap into the inherent wisdom that resides within. This is a really useful short practice to connect to yourself at the start of your day, before any yoga class and when you are experiencing feelings of anxiety, stress or overwhelm.
Cultivating Courage Meditation
A seated meditation with mudra and mantra; call on the goddess durga for your strength and courage. This is a seated guided meditation with mudra (hand gesture) and repetition of mantra (sacred yogic chant) to invite the brave, courageous, inner warrioress within us to come forth! A simple yet potent centring and empowering practice to steady the mind and embolden the heart. Suitable for all trimesters and life in general!!
Surrender to Your Flow - Moon Time Meditation
A guided visualisation taken whilst lying down for extra nourishment to help to support you through days you're needing to release and relax and that extra support.
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