Somatics and Creative Movement › Re-charge Fatigue
We're so sorry you are feeling tired but you have come to the right place for a pick me up. These classes are for when it is almost to much to even roll out your mat. Whether you’re recovering from injury or illness, you are differently abled, you have a low energy syndrome, you’re getting on a bit or you’re just a bit tired right now, these classes will provide a gentle way to move, included some seated yoga classes. We promise these videos will not ask too much of you physicaly or mentally and when you are done you will feel better, warmer, glad that you came. Remember that our Yin and Restorative Section might be a good option for you today and that Breath-work is available to all bodies as is Meditation and Show more
Gentle Somatic Movement: Standing Tall After Sitting for Long Periods
A gentle, exploratory somatic movement class. In this class we are standing ideally in bare feet, reaching out in different directions to wake up the nervous system after a period of sitting. Suitable for everyone, needs no equipment and can be done in limited space. Be curious and perhaps you'll be surprised at how awake and energised your body feels after just doing subtle movements.
Gentle Somatic Movement: Release Hands & Pelvis to calm nervous system
This gentle somatic movement class is seated and can be done at work, in the office, in a hotel room after travel or anywhere. The movements are very small and subtle, simply but very effectively calming the nervous system with just small movements in the hands and pelvis. You don't need any equipment and can do this class in a limited space.
Gentle Somatic Movement: Release Back Pain
If you've been feeling like your back is tight or you're suffering from back pain, this class is great, It is also a great class if you're recovering from illness and injury, or have energy challenges, because the class is entirely on the back and movements are simply sliding your body on the floor ,so no need for a yoga mat. Get curious about how your body moves and how your breath moves through your body. Feel release throughout the back and pelvis through this very nurturing, kind and gentle class which will make you feel human again with your nervous system restored and recovered. Find a comfortable place to lie down and let your body feel nurtured and nourished by this gentle somatic movement.
The Human Method: Somatic Movement for Head, Neck and Jaw
A somatic exploration class to help release head, neck and jaw tension. This class is brilliant to learn more about our body, and become curious about how our individual parts interact. With a greater understanding of the individual movements, the whole self becomes clarified. The entire class takes part on the floor, supine, with just very small movements so that we can become curious about the way our body works. No need for a yoga mat, just a comfortable, carpeted floor to lie on and wear clothes to keep you warm and allow you to move around.
The Human Method: Somatic Movement for Breathing
This somatics class is an exploration to unlock our patterns of breathing. This c lass takes place entirely on the back, supine. Once we start to breathe to our full capacity, we notice ourselves feeling calmer, more focussed, and better able to sleep. Most of us tend to breathe too fast, not breathe to our potential, and not breathe at all when life gets difficult. At times of stress, many of us find it difficult to pay attention; the breath is an easy way in. This class will help to make breathing muscles more resilient, reduce shortness of breath, improve lung capacity, manage respiratory complications and reduce the impact of respiratory problems on your mental health. Particularly those recovering from illness, injury, or feeling emotionally overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious, will benefit from this class.
Awaken Energy 2: Balls, Blocks and Massage
A second class to move chi (or energy) in the body using tennis ball massage. This class is perfect in the morning to gently stimulate energy or as a prelude to yin class; ideal if you’re feeling tired and want to gently lift your energy with minimal movement. You will need 2 tennis balls or spiky massage balls and a block.
Awaken Energy 1: Blocks, Rollers and Massage
Learn techniques to move energy in the body. You will need 1-2 tennis balls or spiky massage ball, a block and a foam roller. You'll learn how to move energy (or chi, in Chinese medicine) along meridian lines. This class is entirely floor based so is ideal for when you have limited space, and the class is great for those who are feeling fatigued or low in energy. You could even practice this prior to a yin yoga class.
Gentle Movement for Better Balance
The sense of play, curiosity and wonder is such an important part of being human, and this sense of playfulness can continue to inform the way we interact with the world way into our midlife and into our senior years. This is a gentle movement class which invites you to play with sensory awareness of your body in space (proprioception), gentle movement and yoga postures to improve balance and stability for your yoga practice and everyday life. You will need a foam block, an eye pillow and a blanket (or alternatives).
Wake Up Shake Up: Tap and Stretch
Wake up, shake up, tap and stretch. This short and gentle movement class doesn't need a yoga mat or any equipment: perfect for when you're on the move or even in the office. Awaken, enliven and invigorate through shaking movements before tapping along the meridians, and moving through gentle stretches which are as invigorating as they are soothing and quietening. The focus is less on postural extremism and more on awareness of embodiment. A practice of interoception and inner attention. A great class for seniors or those with more limited mobility, recovering from surgery or times of illness. Inspired by disco and qigong.
Awake and Alert: Tapping and Breathing
Unlock vitality! Perfect for the morning or when you need a pick me up of energy. No need for a yoga mat, the class includes simple energising techniques of tapping, breath work and twists which could be done standing or seated. Class is perfect for all mobility levels, all bodies, all ages.
Mindful Movement to Unwind & De-Stress
This is a short, calming mindful movement and breath work class to help you find a settled, but grounded posture and a focused mind. The emphasis is on breathing and using a gentle moving meditation to really be in the moment. This class is perfect if you're low on energy and need a quick energy re-set, perhaps to calm you after a full-on day at work, if you are struggling with anxiety or you are recovering from illness or injury and you want to be gently reminded what it’s like to be back in the body.
Work Break Yoga
A simple and practical toolkit of creative movement to remedy unhelpful sitting positions. It is especially good as a break from work, sitting on the sofa, and after travel to bring relief to tension headaches, sore necks and backs. This is a hatha style yoga class to stimulate your energy and cool your nerves and it contains loads of tips and tricks to use in any moment where you need to refresh, re-energise and relieve aches from being stationary for too long. You will need access to a wall.
Mental Reboot
Get back to focus and mental clarity! The ultimate coffee alternative to stimulate the brains back to focus. Perfect for those who are looking to boost productivity or simply in need of refining your coordination skills. Expect fun co-ordination games that you can do almost anywhere which will make your brain ache!!
Five Minute Energy Reset
A quick, powerful shake-up class to shake off stagnant, negative energy. Includes full body shakedown, lions breath, fountain breath. For whenever you feel like you need to change your energy naturally! Perfect to start the day or to take a short break during the day.
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