Morning Energiser › Aoife Kane
These practices are great for the morning. They are especially designed to give you some get up and go, no matter how much time you have; if you're giving yourself a short weekday gift of starting the day well or a beautiful, longer energising weekend practice to give yourself the time and space you need to feel just great.
We think you'll find that the day goes with so much more panache and ease after you start the day by getting moving.
Good Morning Core
This class is ideal for mornings, or anytime you want to spark up vibrancy and energy to your core. Some Forrest yoga techniques for strong and healthy core as well as plank variations and the boat pose for optimum core health. Fire up your centre and fire up your life! You will need a block.
Lift Your Spirits
This vinyasa yoga class will get your heart moving and lift your spirits through a fast pace right from the very start and focusing on backbends. This class is a light-hearted way to start the day and will get you moving. Accessible for beginning intermediates with modifications, you will need a block.