Morning Energiser › Leila Sadeghee
These practices are great for the morning. They are especially designed to give you some get up and go, no matter how much time you have; if you're giving yourself a short weekday gift of starting the day well or a beautiful, longer energising weekend practice to give yourself the time and space you need to feel just great.
We think you'll find that the day goes with so much more panache and ease after you start the day by getting moving.
Master Of Energy, Master Of Awareness
Become a master of energy with this full-length prana-fuelling yoga class. Perfect for when life is challenging and you're looking for a deeper awareness to help you navigate. In these practices we're building a vessel to expand our awareness, so we can engage with life in a vibrantly creative way. This is a luscious and soulful practice that incorporates visualisation with the yoga. With plentiful planks and many long holds, you'll find your core fired up and your strength will be challenge! This is a challenging class but simply do your best to work on your personal power!
Refresh Your Intention
Sometimes we set an intention which needs to be re-energised. This practice serves to invigorate our intentions, be it new year resolutions, or re-invigorate our conscious minds, and ensure that each day we are on track with our intentions and our daily, conscious lives and choices. Expect a feisty Vinyasa flow yoga class with surprises and long holds too, build up the heat to work through your embodied goals. You may need a strap and yoga bricks.