Breath Work › Move into Calm
Hatha Yoga to Feel Ready for Bed
Let’s unwind and prepare for a deep, restful sleep with this hatha yoga class. Through gentle stretches, calming breathwork, and mindful movement, we’ll release tension, quiet our minds, and shift from stress to relaxation. This class is designed to soothe our nervous system, ease our bodies into stillness, and create the perfect conditions for deep, restorative sleep.
Anxious Mornings Antidote
This is a great practice to do before getting out of bed, as a first thing in the morning breath practice, or as a practice to do when we're feeling overwhelmed or anxious. Starting with grounding and mindfulness of the breath, then an ujjayi breath practiced followed by alternate nostril breathing. Great breathwork practices to learn for when we need to find some peace and space in the day.
Breathing Exercises for Morning Energy Boost
Move stuck energy and feel energised with breathwork! Starting with Kapala Bhati (Skull Shining Breath), then Alternate Nostril Breathing with Kapala Bhati and Udiyana Badha, these Yogic Kriyas (the cleansing actions of yoga) are great for waking up and getting energised. This is not suitable if you are pregnant, have tummy issues or are recovering from surgery.
Meditation to Settle and Calm
A short meditation, easy to do when you're on the go or you need settling, in the middle of a busy day, or to calm before bed. Beginning with a listening meditation practice, be guided to feel the earth as a way of settling the body and quieting some of the activity of the mind. This practice is a good one to do any time of day, but may be particularly helpful before bed.
Stress Relief: Stretches and Breathwork
Embrace a peaceful, slowed down hatha class practice of breathwork and gentle seated hatha yoga to release muscular tension and flood your body with feel good hormones. Through Golden Thread Breathing, you are invited to slow down your exhalation, fostering a deep sense of relaxation. A sequence of seated and floor-based stretches targeting the neck, shoulders, back, pelvic floor and hips will then help you relieve muscular discomfort and feel more centred and relaxed. Suggested props: 2 bricks and 1 strap. Perfect for pregnant bodies in all trimesters, and all of us who have busy lives and would benefit from soothing the nervous system with stretching. If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.
Prenatal Yoga - Breathwork and Stretches for Stress Relief (for all levels and trimesters)
Embrace a peaceful, slowed down hatha class practice of breathwork and gentle seated hatha yoga to release muscular tension and flood your body with feel good hormones. Through Golden Thread Breathing, you are invited to slow down your exhalation, fostering a deep sense of relaxation. A sequence of seated and floor-based stretches targeting the neck, shoulders, back, pelvic floor and hips will then help you relieve muscular discomfort and feel more centred and relaxed. Suggested props: 2 bricks and 1 strap. Perfect for pregnant bodies in all trimesters, and all of us who have busy lives and would benefit from soothing the nervous system with stretching. If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.
Blissful Awareness
An open level meditation practise to balance the soothing and intense energies within you. Using this mediation, we invite you to rest in the peaceful ground of being, getting under all the layers of your personality and lived experience to discover your blissful stillness. This space is the ground of your consciousness and your true identity. You may wish to sit on a cushion or in a chair with a blanket for support during this practice.
Cooling Hot Flashes
Hot flashes are not just physical sensations of heat - they start in your brain. Low oestrogen can make your internal temperature gauge over-sensitive to small changes causing either hot flashes or cold chills. These symptoms can also be triggered by stressful thoughts, and if you feel embarrassed by your hot flash, this stressful feeling can make the flashes hotter and last longer. Join Petra for this class to both cool your body and calm your mind. She shows you two simple cooling breath techniques and subtle versions you can practice in public. This is followed by her Hot Flash Wave guided visualisation, Ocean breath and a restorative supported reclined cobbler pose to release heat and relax.
Breath Work For When You Don't Know What To Do
New Moon Intention Meditation
Set your intentions and start new beginnings with this Intention Meditation class for the New Moon. In this meditation we use gentle movement and breath work to open the body and mind; reset and clear the mind to be open to new intentions and new beginnings. After movement and breath work, there is a long relaxation to seal in the practice.
Breath Work: Break Down and Breakthrough
A breath break down/breakthrough. This yoga class is a breath work tutorial to feel the breath and discover more about how we breathe. It is semi meditation and semi instructional, with practical tips which could change your life by helping control anxiety or simply staying calm and present. It could be done sitting on a chair or on the floor, at work, at home, or wherever you find yourself today. A great class for breathing and feeling, to ground and to be in the present moment.
Breathe Deep and Restore
This yin yoga, restorative yoga and breath work class cools, calms and softens into body and mind; a deeply nourishing and supportive yoga class. Connect to your body and soul with this deep breathing experience. With a focus on breath work throughout, expect deeply restorative yoga poses to help to unwind and decompress. You will unravel the tension with cleansing breath work, deep stretches, and blissful meditation. Breathe through the yin and restorative poses; stretch and soften tense muscles; relax, release and recharge. This class is designed for anyone who needs a break, perfect for anytime in our busy lives to take time for yourself to relax, slow down, and BREATHE DEEP. You'll need a bolster, brick and a blanket.
Raise Your Energy with Kapalbhati Breath Work
A wonderful practice for first thing in the morning to raise your energy! This is a breath work class called Skull Shining Breath which is fantastic to improve our focus and energy and get ready for the day. Don't practice on a full stomach or if you're pregnant, and as with any class, don't force anything. Enjoy letting the energy flow!
Sleep Recovery Series (7): Meditations
A simple breath focused meditation class to help digest the day’s thoughts, feelings and impressions to banish the bedtime thought-parade that can prevent you from sleeping. Lisa gives you tips on mental-digestion during the day to prevent and recover from night-time sleeplessness.
Sleep Recovery Series (5): Breathe to Relax
A tutorial of breath work practices which are gentle, adaptable and easy to remember when you want to repair your ability to rest throughout the day. Use them to drift off to sleep at night, or if you wake in the middle of the night. The first breath practice is a simple Ujjayii breath with a lengthened exhale to increase a sense of calm, then three part breathing. These techniques are perfect to practice before bed or anytime you need to relax.
Meditation: Soft Pause
In the final part in our Introduction to Meditation Series, we start to watch the top and the bottom of our breath. You'll notice that there are round edges to the inhale and exhale, where each breath gently reaches a peak and then gives rise to the next. Either simply watch these spaces between breaths or gently hold for a moment at the top of each inhale, and pause for a moment at the bottom of the exhale.
Meditation: Exploring the Breath
In the fourth part in our Introduction to Meditation Series with Nikita, we learn how to explore breath patterns as a means to change the way we feel. Allow the exhale to be twice as long as the inhale to give the body a chance of releasing all the old, to make space for the fresh new oxygenated air to flow in fully. Start at an equal breath (e.g. inhale for six seconds and exhale for six seconds) then increase gradually to a ratio of 1:1.5 (e.g. inhaling for six seconds and exhaling for nine seconds). Eventually, breathing to a ratio of 1:2 (e.g. inhaling for six and exhaling for 12 seconds). Maintain for up to about 20 breaths and then return to normal breath. If you are asthmatic, you may find that it's tricky to get to the full 1:2 ratio at first, in which case stay at 1:1.5. This is another great technique you might want to use as a tool to anchor an anxious mind any time you feel overwhelmed.
Meditation: Counting the Breath
In the third part in our Introduction to Meditation series, we start to count the breath. Get settled in a comfortable spot, either sitting or lying down, and begin to count your breaths backwards from 20 to 1. Say to yourself mentally, I am breathing in 20, I am breathing out 20. I am breathing in 19, I am breathing out 19, and so on until you reach 1. If you notice your mind has wandered away from this focus, draw it back. If you lose your count, start again. If you manage to get all the way to 1, try starting at 50 next time. You might want to use this exercise as a tool to anchor an anxious mind any time you feel overwhelmed.
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