Core Strength › Intermediate/Advanced
You know yoga. We at Movement for Modern Life know and are passionate about yoga. We know how much it has helped us in our lives.
These videos will help you do more yoga in your own time. No more rushing to class. Phew!
Barre for Strength - Tough Core on the Floor
A really tough workout! Suitable for intermediate and advanced Barre practitioners. A traditional look at the core this class stays on the mat. We need a strong core in barre to maintain fundamental techniques like turn out and alignment. This class works the abdominals, back muscles and hips and will create strength & stability to support the spine & pelvis. Take this class at your own pace as it's fiesty! And enjoy the workout!
Dynamic Vinyasa Yoga To Awaken The Core
This challenging, dynamic vinyasa class is a great full body length and stretch, but has the focus on core connection. Connect to the deep abdominals muscles to feel powerful and focused. Warm up with some planks and variations of boat pose, and progress through a dynamic standing sequence incorporating twists and challenging balances. Suggested prop: 2 Yoga bricks
Wake Up Body and Mind
This uplifting vinyasa yoga class takes us on a stimulating journey to Natarajasana, Royal Dancer. This standing balancing backbend peak invites a deep awakening in mind, body and spirit. This class builds steadily and progressively leading to a feeling of exaltation and expansion. Feel invigorated, ready for your day in this comprehensive, well rounded practice. You will need a block and a strap.
Jivamukti Yoga: Your Daily Practice
This Jivamukti yoga class explores the power of repetition. Starting swiftly with Jivamukti sun salutations, this class focuses on how consistency and repetition of movements can have a transformational effect on the body, mind and spirit. Move through this dynamic vinyasa class, and explore the effect of repetition in your own body and mind. You may need a block.
Barre Fitness Energy Flow
A fabulous Barre class for all body strength and balance. This upbeat, and quite challenging Barre workout is strengthening muscles without increasing bulk and will improve stamina, balance and posture. The focus of this class is 'every move you make' because every move has to come from the core! Done regularly barre workouts will increase your bone density, which will help prevent conditions like osteoporosis.
Embracing Your Personal Power
A personal power Kundalini Yoga Kriya (a set of Kundalini Practises), known as Nabhi Kriya. This class works directly on your navel chakra, the seat of your personal power. Expect strong abdominals work, breahwork and repetitions. Mostly done on the back, no need for a yoga mat, this is a great practice to increase confidence.
Full Body Tone
An open level movement class to tone the full body, circulate the breath and energy body while connecting you to a meditative awareness. This class is playful and energetic offering poses such as crow and wheel, with variations for all abilities. You may need a block.
Vinyasa Flow: Earth Element
A vinyasa yoga class weaved around yoga philosophy and the elements; this class works with the element of Earth. With this practice, we will stay close to the ground, strengthening, stabilising and calming the body. This is a strong practice building structural integrity through repetitive core work to target the pelvis and shoulders. Working with Hasta (hand) Mudras, Bija (seed) Mantras and imagery of this weeks topic Earth, to inspire a practice that will leave you feeling like a majestic mountain.
Vinyasa Flow: Find Strength and Space
A comprehensive vinyasa flow yoga class with a focus on the space in-between positions and movements. Can you practice giving yourself and your body more space? See if you can become aware of finding space in between thoughts and everything that usually captures our attention. By allowing ourselves to slow down, we can make space for more to arise to our consciousness. The session begins and closes with a breathing practice and offers plenty of vinyasa yoga poses with opportunities and variations to open hips and release tension from hamstrings.
Get Moving: Jivamukti Yoga
This short but challenging Jivamukti yoga class gets moving immediately and includes sun salutations, balances, lunges and twists. The poses in this class awaken the energy in the navel centre, we practice yoga with a strong, empowered core so that we can move fearlessly through life, with strength and courage. Not suitable for pregnant students or those with high blood pressure. You will need a block.
Forearm Balance Tutorial
A tutorial for pincha mayurasana, or forearm balance. Build strength and confidence with some preparatory poses, then learn the correct and safe way to enter and hold this asana, using props if need be. You will need a strap, block and your mat against a wall.
Flying Splits Flow
This yoga tutorial shows how to transition from koundinyasana (flying splits) 1 and 2, exiting through a chaturanga vinyasa. Starting with a short vinyasa flow, this class is suitable for those with an intermediate practice, looking for some fun and strong variations. We recommend first watching the koundinyasana tutorial first. Expect a relevant conditioning introduction but being fully warmed up will always be helpful for moving into the more 'advanced' poses.
Back & Core Strengthening Yoga
This really fun, strengthening yoga and movement class creatively works the back and core. Expect a full warm up and workout with options for all abilities. In this challenging class, you'll focus on the posterior muscle chain of the body (the back) and learn how to engage and recruit these muscles and then balance things out by working on the core to help create stability as we move.
Mandala Salutations: Fiery Flanks
This is a swift-moving mandala salutation vinyasa yoga class. If you only have a spare half hour, it’s a sure and fast way to get you flowing and sweating. This power yoga class focuses on stretching and strengthening through your side body. Expect lots of lovely twists, plank variations and (optional) inversions. The mandala practice moves 360 degrees around your mat, so perhaps watch the first couple of flows to find out where Katarina takes you, or listen intently, as you won't always be able to see the screen. This change of perspective is a perfect way to change the way you look at life, getting insight from new ways of seeing things. The class focuses on igniting Agni (internal fire) and bringing awareness to Manipura chakra, our source of willpower and transformation. This class is the pure-flow for those who just need to move but if you want to extend this practice we recommend taking a supine twist to wake up the target area.
Fun Forrest Inspired Yoga for Strength
This strong, hatha yoga class is inspired by Forrest yoga; it is strengthening and really great fun! Start with abdominal work and strengthening goddess pose, then explore how to lean into support: support of the props; of our experience; of our deep, considered breath. If you have dipped your toe into the Forrest Yoga pool already, this class is a chance to play with some arm balances and some stronger hamstring work. You will need two blocks, a blanket and a bolster (if you have one) for our exploration of splits and frog over a bolster.
Glute Strengthening Workout 2
Back by popular demand! Strengthen your glutes with this follow up to Sylvia's first fabulous glutes workout class. It's so important to have strong glutes for a healthy spine and lower back, and it's crucial to keep strong for our yoga practice. Learn some creative, fun and interesting ways to target the glutes helping to create stability and strength which will make hip opening and forward folding safer and more sustainable for a long term practice. This features a full warm up and layered options to suit all levels.
Fiery Forrest Yoga Inspired Class
This strong, hatha yoga class is inspired by Forrest yoga and designed to ignite the light inside of us. Forrest yoga focuses on releasing a stiff neck and strengthening the shoulders. This yoga class has a particular focus on opening the back and hips with some powerful work to fire up the core and unlock our shoulders. The perfect class as an antidote to sedentary modern life! There is an intention to bring awareness to our breath and to soften, even in intensity. You will need a rolled up blanket and a towel for our abdominals.
Pilates for Strength: Back Mobility
Strengthen and mobilise the whole of the spine with this full-body Pilates-inspired flow class. Move your spine in all directions and learn some of the most effective exercises to create spaciousness in your vertebrae to maintain a healthy, mobile back.
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