Gentle Yoga › Wrist Free

This is the place to find a selection of videos that work for folks with weak or injured wrists or those that just don't like sun salutes! You'll also find some short classes to help build up, protect and strengthen those carpal muscles. We also recommend checking out our Yin and Restorative Section for more classes that are easy on the wrists.


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  • Release Neck and Jaw Tension Now!08:25
    Release Neck and Jaw Tension Now!

    Margi Young

    A magical sequence to free your neck, which is the crucial pathway between your head and your heart. You will be seated in a chair, so this one can be done right at your desk or when you're travelling. Anywhere, really!

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  • Relax & Calm Yoga - Evening chill (better than vino!)13:03
    Relax & Calm Yoga - Evening chill (better than vino!)

    Margi Young

    This class is Margi’s favorite way to end the day. A perfect, simple all on the back class to relax and calm ready for bed. Breath centered, close to the earth, gentle, soothing twists, hip openers, hamstring stretches and a short meditation with legs elevated on a chair or couch. Enjoy this very relaxed floor-perspective of this floor based class! Go from this practice right to bed. Please have a belt or and a cushion.

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  • Gentle Somatic Movement: Easy Neck Release Lying Down14:28
    Gentle Somatic Movement: Easy Neck Release Lying Down

    Nahid de Belgeonne

    If you've been feeling stressed or full of anxiety and overwhelm, this class is perfect. It is also a great class if you're recovering from illness and injury, or have energy challenges, because the class is entirely on the back and movements in the neck and head are very subtle. Get curious about how your body moves and how your breath moves through your body. Feel release in the neck, jaw and head through this very nurturing, kind and gentle class which will make you feel human again with your nervous system restored and recovered. Find a comfortable place to lie down and let your body feel nurtured and nourished by this gentle somatic movement.

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  • Bedtime Wind Down Yoga - Replay of Live Class01:04:12
    Bedtime Wind Down Yoga - Replay of Live Class

    Jean Hall

    This class is an antidote to the festive frazzle. Feel nurtured, nourished and supported, calmed and ready for a peaceful night’s sleep with this restorative, gentle yoga class, perfect to combat the feelings of festive overwhelm.

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  • Christmas Yin Yoga - Replay of Live Class01:29:04
    Christmas Yin Yoga - Replay of Live Class

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    This is an extra special yin class, the perfect time of year for hibernating at home in our pyjamas and all our props. This class includes, breath work, a yin sequence to cultivate kidney energy during the winter season, soothing of the nervous system with warmth and relaxing meditation. You will need: Any props you have a home or things to use as props! A Bolster and blocks Hot water bottle ready to add warmth!

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  • Strengthen the Knees and Back22:41
    Strengthen the Knees and Back

    Norman Blair

    This thereapeutic gentle yoga class helps to strengthen the back and knees to help prevent injury. Starting in constructive rest, then butterfly, the rest of the class is somatics to gently strengthen. But all done subtly and gently. After the lying down practice, at the beginning, there are standing exercises to strengthen the backs and knees. This class really is highly recommended for those with knee issues, to gently stretch the hips and tighten the knees. You may need blocks and a brick.

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  • Awakening to Yourself17:49
    Awakening to Yourself

    Petra Coveney

    Oestrogen is an anti-inflammatory, so your perimenopausal symptoms can include sore joints and muscle stiffness, especially around the hips, shoulders, wrists and ankles. Join Petra for this simple morning class with somatic movement to help you limber up, lubricate joints and set a positive intention for your day ahead. You can even practice this class in bed.

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  • Release Tension29:17
    Release Tension

    Joo Teoh

    A qi gong and yoga fusion sequence to release feelings of being stuck, feeling tense, or just when you’re not in your flow. With some chair variations to make all the practices more accessible, this sequence uses qi gong and yoga to clear out stagnation and shift your tension. A chair can be used in this practice to make the class accessible to all.

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  • Joint Mobilisation Warm Up13:17
    Joint Mobilisation Warm Up

    Carlene Bogues

    A perfect, short yoga class to take anytime, anywhere - no mat needed, perfect for when you only have limited space. This class will help to loosen the joints and release some tension as a warm up before your regular class or work out, or as a standalone class for a break from work. This practice is a mobility flow that focuses on circular movements and some qigong warm ups to create more space and ease in the body.

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  • Hot Flash Remedy04:39
    Hot Flash Remedy

    Petra Coveney

    A simple visualisation exercise to help to manage hot flashes often associated with the menopause. This yoga class is one simple pose, breathing deeply whilst lying in a constructive rest position. You can do this any time when experiencing uncomfortable feelings of heat. Expect a short demonstration of Petra’s Hot Flash Wave, with Ocean breathing and 3-part breath. If you practice this daily to reduce stress, you will also develop the simple skills for managing hot flashes, as you learn to allow the heat to flow calmly through you, rather than resisting it.

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  • Menopause Yoga: Befriending Your Body50:03
    Menopause Yoga: Befriending Your Body

    Petra Coveney

    A soothing and calming yoga class to cool hot flushes and help you surrender to the natural process of change associated with the perimenopause and menopause. Expect hip opening stretches and simple somatic movements through the spine which lead to a restorative yoga practice, followed by a deep relaxation, a guided meditation and a mantra. This class is taught wholly on the floor and is very gentle and grounding. It is designed to help you befriend your body with kindness and self-compassion at a time when your body is transforming and can feel out of your control. You will need a yoga mat, a strap or belt, 1 bolster and 2 cushions (or household equivalents), and 2 blocks (or thick books). NB - Modifications: take extra care with hip and knee injuries. Osteoporosis: avoid flexion rounding your back in forward folds; keep your spine straight. Trauma: please note that hip opening poses and stretches across the chest can release tension but may also trigger trauma. Follow your own breathing pace, pause the practice when needed and find a comfortable resting pose.

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  • Waiting for the Kettle to Boil04:57
    Waiting for the Kettle to Boil

    Kate Walker

    A short practice designed to do next to your counter top while you wait for the kettle to boil (or a great short class to step away from your desk). We'll do chair pose, quad and hip/glute stretches as well as some deep breaths. A great way to use the time before your cuppa to feel better, stronger and more at peace.

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  • Five Minute Stress Buster05:43
    Five Minute Stress Buster

    Kate Walker

    Just sit down on the floor wherever you are (your office, your kitchen floor, a waiting room or even an airport!) and de-stress for five minutes. You'll be surprised the difference you can feel with very simple breath work, side stretches, twists and deep, relaxing breaths.

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  • Breath Work: Break Down and Breakthrough15:21
    Breath Work: Break Down and Breakthrough

    Ava Riby-Williams

    A breath break down/breakthrough. This yoga class is a breath work tutorial to feel the breath and discover more about how we breathe. It is semi meditation and semi instructional, with practical tips which could change your life by helping control anxiety or simply staying calm and present. It could be done sitting on a chair or on the floor, at work, at home, or wherever you find yourself today. A great class for breathing and feeling, to ground and to be in the present moment.

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  • Yin Yoga to Breathe Easy30:40
    Yin Yoga to Breathe Easy

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    This simple Yin yoga class features breath work (pranayama) and poses to target the lung meridian to relax the body, mind and breath. The lung meridian, when out of balance, may result in headaches, colds and asthma and when in balance brings us to a place of acceptance. This class also includes a beautiful sun and moon visualisation throughout; Buddha taught to trust the sun, the moon and the truth. You will need blocks, a blanket and a strap.

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  • Learn Safe Alignment14:12
    Learn Safe Alignment

    Lizzie Reumont

    This is a crucial, in-depth yoga class for all of us to learn how to practice safely. It is especially good for those coming back into their yoga practice after injury of the ribs, shoulders, arms and hands. Learn how to practice in an integrated way, how to be balanced, and the correct orientation of the head and neck to the arms and torso. A really great yoga tutorial as well for all of us to learn correct arm, shoulder movements in poses like Eagle Pose.

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  • Gentle Yoga to Unwind29:04
    Gentle Yoga to Unwind

    Sally Parkes

    A gentle yoga class of floor based movements for when we're low on energy and needing a gentle boost. Keeping low to the ground, and with few poses which use wrists, this yoga class uses gravity to unwind the spine, open the chest and shoulder area, helping our heart centred energy to flow more freely. A perfect class if you're suffering from PMT or you're on your period. Many of our day to day movement patterns can create a rigidness to the spine and rib cage that negatively affects our respiration and levels of tension throughout the chest, shoulder and neck area. But by moving in a flowing and ‘softer’ way, working with gravity as opposed to against it, we can begin to release these areas of tightness to become more free in our body. This sequence of predominantly floor based Hatha Yoga asana will work to unravel the upper body, especially the chest area, to create increased synchronicity between the upper skeletal system, breath and ultimately the heart space. You may need a block and bolster.

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  • Protect & Recover 3: Healthy Spine32:38
    Protect & Recover 3: Healthy Spine

    Lizzie Reumont

    Perfect for recovering from illness or injury, or for those seeking more gentle variations to the usual yoga class. This yoga class can be done either standing or in a chair. This class helps to very gently mobilise and create a sense of awareness and balance through the back - the vertebra, ribcage, shoulders and arms and hands as they relate down into the hips, and up through the neck. The slow pace gently brings the spine into flexion, extension, side bending and twisting either in sitting position or through standing. You will need a chair.

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