Breath Work › Wrist Free

This is the place to find a selection of videos that work for folks with weak or injured wrists or those that just don't like sun salutes! You'll also find some short classes to help build up, protect and strengthen those carpal muscles. We also recommend checking out our Yin and Restorative Section for more classes that are easy on the wrists.


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  • Anxious Mornings Antidote11:51
    Anxious Mornings Antidote

    Nadia Gilani

    This is a great practice to do before getting out of bed, as a first thing in the morning breath practice, or as a practice to do when we're feeling overwhelmed or anxious. Starting with grounding and mindfulness of the breath, then an ujjayi breath practiced followed by alternate nostril breathing. Great breathwork practices to learn for when we need to find some peace and space in the day.

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  • Breathing Exercises for Morning Energy Boost11:20
    Breathing Exercises for Morning Energy Boost

    Andrea Kwiatkowski

    Move stuck energy and feel energised with breathwork! Starting with Kapala Bhati (Skull Shining Breath), then Alternate Nostril Breathing with Kapala Bhati and Udiyana Badha, these Yogic Kriyas (the cleansing actions of yoga) are great for waking up and getting energised. This is not suitable if you are pregnant, have tummy issues or are recovering from surgery.

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  • Stress Relief: Stretches and Breathwork35:43
    Stress Relief: Stretches and Breathwork

    Vanessa Michielon

    Embrace a peaceful, slowed down hatha class practice of breathwork and gentle seated hatha yoga to release muscular tension and flood your body with feel good hormones. Through Golden Thread Breathing, you are invited to slow down your exhalation, fostering a deep sense of relaxation. A sequence of seated and floor-based stretches targeting the neck, shoulders, back, pelvic floor and hips will then help you relieve muscular discomfort and feel more centred and relaxed. Suggested props: 2 bricks and 1 strap. Perfect for pregnant bodies in all trimesters, and all of us who have busy lives and would benefit from soothing the nervous system with stretching. If practicing pregnant please contact your healthcare provider to check the suitability of this class.

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  • Kriya to Energise50:19
    Kriya to Energise


    You can do this seated or lying down. Join Kiranjot for energising class through Kundalini yoga body movements and breathwork. This uplifting class works on the ten bodies: the 10 bodies are the kundalini equlivalenet of the koshas, The Soul, Negative Mind, Positive Mind, Neutral Mind, Physical Body, Arc Line aka Halo, Aura, Pranic body, Subtle Body and Radiant Body. With a savasana, resting pose, at the end of the physical movements, then with chanting and mandra. This class is a fantastic all round tonic. No yoga mat needed, suitable for those with wrist issues, and suitable for most levels of mobility and strength (with modifications).

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  • Blissful Awareness29:11
    Blissful Awareness

    Ava Riby-Williams

    An open level meditation practise to balance the soothing and intense energies within you. Using this mediation, we invite you to rest in the peaceful ground of being, getting under all the layers of your personality and lived experience to discover your blissful stillness. This space is the ground of your consciousness and your true identity. You may wish to sit on a cushion or in a chair with a blanket for support during this practice.

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  • Hot Flash Remedy04:39
    Hot Flash Remedy

    Petra Coveney

    A simple visualisation exercise to help to manage hot flashes often associated with the menopause. This yoga class is one simple pose, breathing deeply whilst lying in a constructive rest position. You can do this any time when experiencing uncomfortable feelings of heat. Expect a short demonstration of Petra’s Hot Flash Wave, with Ocean breathing and 3-part breath. If you practice this daily to reduce stress, you will also develop the simple skills for managing hot flashes, as you learn to allow the heat to flow calmly through you, rather than resisting it.

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  • New Moon Intention Meditation35:22
    New Moon Intention Meditation

    Dirish Shaktidas

    Set your intentions and start new beginnings with this Intention Meditation class for the New Moon. In this meditation we use gentle movement and breath work to open the body and mind; reset and clear the mind to be open to new intentions and new beginnings. After movement and breath work, there is a long relaxation to seal in the practice.

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  • Breath Work: Break Down and Breakthrough15:21
    Breath Work: Break Down and Breakthrough

    Ava Riby-Williams

    A breath break down/breakthrough. This yoga class is a breath work tutorial to feel the breath and discover more about how we breathe. It is semi meditation and semi instructional, with practical tips which could change your life by helping control anxiety or simply staying calm and present. It could be done sitting on a chair or on the floor, at work, at home, or wherever you find yourself today. A great class for breathing and feeling, to ground and to be in the present moment.

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  • Five Minute Energy Reset04:28
    Five Minute Energy Reset

    Lucy McCarthy

    A quick, powerful shake-up class to shake off stagnant, negative energy. Includes full body shakedown, lions breath, fountain breath. For whenever you feel like you need to change your energy naturally! Perfect to start the day or to take a short break during the day.

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  • Relaxed Breath Practice20:35
    Relaxed Breath Practice

    Naomi Absalom

    This class is a really relaxed breath-work class, teaching us in a supine position, how to breathe in the most relaxed way possible. A very quiet, meditative class, followed by a seated meditation focused on the steady, smooth breath.

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