Hatha Yoga › Improvers
Vinyasa Flow: Air Element
This vinyasa yoga class weaves around yoga philosophy and the elements; this class works with the element of Air. The focus of this class is on the breath. Moving in a variety of standing poses using different Pranayama techniques to connect with the wind element and utilise the delivery of Prana, (life force to heal, inspire and transform our physical, energetic and mental forms) to find our way back home at our true centre, our heart.
Fun Forrest Inspired Yoga for Strength
This strong, hatha yoga class is inspired by Forrest yoga; it is strengthening and really great fun! Start with abdominal work and strengthening goddess pose, then explore how to lean into support: support of the props; of our experience; of our deep, considered breath. If you have dipped your toe into the Forrest Yoga pool already, this class is a chance to play with some arm balances and some stronger hamstring work. You will need two blocks, a blanket and a bolster (if you have one) for our exploration of splits and frog over a bolster.
Fiery Forrest Yoga Inspired Class
This strong, hatha yoga class is inspired by Forrest yoga and designed to ignite the light inside of us. Forrest yoga focuses on releasing a stiff neck and strengthening the shoulders. This yoga class has a particular focus on opening the back and hips with some powerful work to fire up the core and unlock our shoulders. The perfect class as an antidote to sedentary modern life! There is an intention to bring awareness to our breath and to soften, even in intensity. You will need a rolled up blanket and a towel for our abdominals.
Hit The Wall Hatha
A complete hatha yoga class at the wall with alignment focus. The wall is a fabulous prop to give us support and give us feedback on our alignment, so move your mat to the wall for this fun and revealing complete practice. As you use the wall's support and feedback, you will learn much about the way you transmit force through your body and where there may be imbalances and inefficiencies in your alignment. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to invert, twist, and stretch with more leverage and depth. Meet your new favourite prop! You will also need a chair.
Inner Axis - All Levels
Inner Axis is new wellbeing movement class developed by Max Strom and deals directly with stress, anxiety, and sleeplessness. It is gentle and graceful, utilising breath-based yoga inspired movement, inspiring visualizations, and immediately effective relaxation techniques. It is accessible to all fitness levels. A very calming practice, a great antidote for stressful modern lives. (There is no chanting or sanskrit.)
Transformation Through Tapas
A strong and empowering, spiritually uplifting, intelligently sequenced, alignment-based Hatha yoga class which will leave you feeling balanced, grounded and calm. With plenty of backbends, as well as balances and twists, this is a wonderful class to explore the full spectrum of a hatha yoga, whilst retaining aligment. Also wrist-free options. You may need a block.
The Jewel of the Lotus Heart - Yoga,Qigong and Mindfulness
In Tibetan, there’s a mantra known as Om mani padme Om, or Hail the jewel in the lotus heart. The mantra suggests that through our practices, we can begin to polish a jewel that resides inside the lotus petals of our heart. When this polished jewel begins to reflect radiant light in all directions, we begin to awaken our innate qualities of wisdom and compassion. This mindfully paced gentle practice will integrate vinyasa yoga, qigong and mindfulness practices that can help the jewel of our lotus heart shine.
Harmonising Effort and Ease – Yoga, Qigong and Mindfulness Meditation
The Buddha emphsised using right effort in our actions and intentions in meditation and life. This practice looks at how we can approach strength building practices, especially in the legs, using right effort so that we create more space for awareness and less reactivity. We’ll also explore the idea in qigong of using intention, not force – or yong yi, buyong l – and apply it through a blend of yoga and qigong forms to explore how we can harmonise effort and ease.
Elemental Flow: Root Down Gently
The First of Lucy's 5 elements series. This yoga class will connect you to the earth with gentle, slow and steady movements and a focus on grounding, slowing down and getting present. Perfect for when you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed, or you just need help to calm. This class starts with a long breath-work relaxation, then works gently on the hips to release feelings of business and stress. You will need a tennis-size ball and you might need a block.
Turning Toward Awareness: Yoga, Qigong & Mindfulness
Feel centred, grounded and start to fine tune your awareness with this gentle and beautiful fusion of yoga, qigong and mindfulness class with a focus on twists and forward folds. With a gentle start, working with mindful movement, this is a practice exploring how we might work with twists as a way to discover greater ease and space in our physical, mental and emotional experience of being human. With twists, we are invited to curve our awareness inward and we grant ourselves space to learn to respond to whatever experiences arise. From this, we allow ourselves time to build better resources to meet the business of our outward lives.
Vinyasa on the Soft Side of Life
This well-rounded full body stretch, gentle yoga class has a focus on luscious side bends. Side bends are a fabulous way to move the whole body. They help open space in the lungs and respiratory muscles but are also highly therapeutic for the spine, back, and core. When these areas are less tense and more free, maybe you might feel that you can slide into that precious soft side of life. Although the class is gentle, you may find the moves tough!
Blossoming into Joy
A short, gentle hatha yoga class, perfect to start the day, or for whenever you need a short burst of rejuvenation. You're planing new seeds of joy and lightness into your day. With a focus on long, steady breaths, and holding the poses, you'll find rejuvenation throughout your cells to help you to blossom into lightness and joy, fully refreshed.
Feel Grounded in Uncertain Times
Feeling unsettled? Uncertain? With a focus on alignment, this class will get you steady in uncertain times. Nikita guides you through a hatha standing posture sequence, designed to stabilise and ground, whilst bringing you fully into your body
Progress Your Practice: Backbends
The third class in progressing your practice series, this beginners yoga class focuses on backbends. Backbends help to keep the back and shoulders open after days hunched over a computer or smartphone and are essential to keep the back and spine healthy. With some slow flow and twists to counterbalance your backbending class. You will need a blanket, rolled up and two bricks.
Side Bend For Spinal Health
Improve your posture with this gentle, open level yoga class. A lovely, gentle way to start the day, or to relax at the end of the day. The side-bends focuses on creating space and length in the side body, promoting expansion of the breath and an improved posture. You will need a bolster and a blanket.
Gratitude Flow
A beautiful flow designed to get you vibrating on the frequency of gratitude. With plenty of back-bends, which give a full heart-opening in lunges, twists and balances – leading to Dancer's pose and Wheel as peak postures. Slow, strong and steady vinyasa flow. You may need a foam block, a strap and a brick.
Rise and Shine
A perfect practice to start your day with. To put a spring in your step and brightness into the body. Great for days when you're feeling sluggish and need a kick start to your day in a gentle way. This class ends with a lovely long savasana so you're rested and ready for the day.
Physical Aspects: Moving Mindfully To Explore Your Body
An exporation of your hands, wrists, shoulders, this flow is great for those of us who spend a lot of time at computers, have a strong asana practice or any other activity that builds repetitive strain. Working on all fours this flow moves on from the exploration of our bodies limits and begins to prepare the physical self for the demands of more challenging postures. Preparing the core and basic all round flexibility, this class works well as a stand alone sequence for the mornings or as a lovely warm up for stronger classes. Watch in combination with Dan's Discussion Of The Physical Aspects Of Yoga.
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