Hatha Yoga › Travel SOS
Travelling takes a toll on our bodies and minds. Whether you're you're fighting jet lag after a long flight of or spending endless hours on the road, this special Travel SOS video series will help you unravel and unwind so you can feel amazing as you embark on your journey.
Rise & Shine (No Mat Needed)
A yoga class you can do anywhere, no need for a yoga mat no need for a yoga space, so this is great for hotels or when we're on the go. A standing sequence to wake the mody up and to gently start the day. No need for a yoga mat, these are movements to increase circulation and joint mobility with a little bit of strength. Use it as a warm up for other classes or in the morning to get the body going. Equally good as a midday energiser or at the end of the day if you've been sitting for long periods or driving. A great way to break up the day and feel more refreshed, centered and focused for the day ahead.
Yoga for Hips and Shoulders
If you've been working at a computer or spending time sitting whilst travelling, this class is the perfect antidote freeing your hips and shoulders and regaining mobility, gently. Most of this gentle hatha yoga class is seated and can even be done in a chair, stretching the shoulders. Then the hips practice is the second half and the hip stretches are butterfly pose variations on the floor. You'll need blocks (or books) and a blanket or towel and a strap.
Welcome to the Day Hatha Yoga
A perfect, gentle but invigorating start to the day, or a perfect break when you need a little grounded energising.This class can be done anywhere at anytime. A perfect way to kick off the day, mid-day energy shift or pre-yoga class warmup; there’s just ten movements to start your day, focused and energised. Working from the ground via all fours and up to standing, you will leave this class feeling grounded, balanced and centered.
Short Shoulder and Neck Relief Class
A quick but powerful class, done standing or seated, with just a strap. Create relief and release in the neck, shoulders and upper back - amazingly effective if you've been hunched over a computer.
Waiting for the Kettle to Boil
A short practice designed to do next to your counter top while you wait for the kettle to boil (or a great short class to step away from your desk). We'll do chair pose, quad and hip/glute stretches as well as some deep breaths. A great way to use the time before your cuppa to feel better, stronger and more at peace.
Five Minute Stress Buster
Just sit down on the floor wherever you are (your office, your kitchen floor, a waiting room or even an airport!) and de-stress for five minutes. You'll be surprised the difference you can feel with very simple breath work, side stretches, twists and deep, relaxing breaths.
Yoga for Stress Relief: Neck Release
When the muscles of our neck are chronically tight we are more likely to maintain our nervous system in a state of stress. On the contrary, when we allow them to soften, our body and mind can more easily shift into a calm state. This floor-based yoga flow is specifically designed to help you release tension from your neck and shoulders, so you can feel more spacious and relaxed. This class is perfect for when you're busy at work, when you're feeling overwhelmed, when you've been driving a lot or are feeling stressed. This calming yoga practice will help you create more space and relaxation in your neck and stabilise your shoulders as you move.
Your Daily Shoulder, Neck & Head Practice
This short yoga class mobilises, strengthens, and relaxes the shoulders and neck through their full range of motion. This is so important for our sedentary lives, and is a vital class for when you've ben busy at work, when you're feeling overwhelmed or when you're travelling. Additionally, you will give yourself a face, head, and jaw massage to help you release tension and find calm. Practise this class regularly as a preparation for your time on your mat or simply to feel good in your body. You will need a yoga brick or block.
Your Daily Hips Practice
This short yoga class helps to mobilise, strengthen and relax the hips through their full range of motion. Practise this class regularly as a preparation for your time on your mat or simply to feel good in your body. A perfect class for after long sedentary periods, either working at a desk or travelling. You may need a couple of bricks and a blanket.
Love Your Back: Gentle Yoga
A gently paced yoga class to put some love back into your back. This class starts supine with gentle somatic and yoga movements, unwinding the tension lying down and then incorporates standing poses to help with the release of tension throughout the day. This is the perfect class if you have a hard day and feel the tension in your lower back, it's a great antidote to having been sedentary at work or travelling.
Work Break Yoga
A simple and practical toolkit of creative movement to remedy unhelpful sitting positions. It is especially good as a break from work, sitting on the sofa, and after travel to bring relief to tension headaches, sore necks and backs. This is a hatha style yoga class to stimulate your energy and cool your nerves and it contains loads of tips and tricks to use in any moment where you need to refresh, re-energise and relieve aches from being stationary for too long. You will need access to a wall.
Post Travel Wind Down
A perfect travel yoga class to practise anywhere, anytime and after any type of travel. There is no need for a mat, just access to a wall and a chair. You can do these stretches in a small space; perfect for the hotel room. These gentle stretches will target those parts of the body that typically most feel tight after travelling. They are also really useful for grounding yourself when you arrive in a new space or destination.
Yoga for the Workplace: Release Stress
A short yoga class using the wall, perfect if you're at the office, in a hotel room or short on space and you need to quickly release stress. With neck and shoulder stretches and hamstring releasing you'll find that just a few minutes is all it takes to transform body and mind and give yourself just the refreshing pause in the day you need. You'll just need a wall.
Yoga for the Workplace: Ease Tension
Gently ease tension in your body whilst you're at work or when you're seated. This gentle chair yoga class focuses on stretches to ease the body and mind during stressful times at work. It is also an ideal class if your mobility is limited, if floor or standing poses aren't possible for you right now or if you have limited space and you need to ease tension and stretch out.
Love Your Neck, Shoulders & Upper Back
A simple yoga class, perfect as a bookend as a warm up or wind down to the beginning or end of a practice, even perfect as a post-athletic stretch out, or a break during the day. With a focus on with poses that open your shoulders, hips, hamstrings and lower back. You will be doing some seated poses so if you have tender knees or ankles, I recommend having a block for under your pelvis. We use the wall in this practice, so you'll need to be near a wall as a prop. You may want a bolster for legs up the wall, our closing posture, it feels great under the pelvis, it really helps to support hamstring lengthening. You wil need a block and a belt handy.
Flow Towards Freedom: Ignite Your Intuition
Cultivate tuning into your intuition, your wisdom body with this is a slow flow featuring longer, hatha holds. A more meditative, deep, hip based practice that quiets the mind enough that you can start to listen to and trust your intuition and inner wisdom. Long, juicy hip opening, kneeling warrior at the wall. Ending in a meditation with the focus of listening. This class aims at taking you out of your head and into your roots. A perfect class to help you unravel after travel or after a tough day at work. Helping you to reconnect to your innate inherent inner wisdom. You will need access to a wall, a blanket and maybe a strap.
Super Quick Hips
A perfect really short class if you spend a lot of time sitting or if you've been travelling, to help to release tight hips. The class is in seated position, so you won't need space for a mat, which makes it a perfect class to be done in the office or when you're travelling. You will need 2 bricks.
Everybody Flows: Happy Hips & Hamstrings
This yoga class helps to mobilise and feel your hamstrings and the full circumference of your hips, especially if you feel tight or restricted in these regions. To make this class more accessible if you feel inflexible, we will spend a good portion of the practice supine on our backs. You can use this as a preparation for standing poses or to stretch areas of the body which might feel tight after travel, spending long times seated or after running or cycling. You will need a strap, a yoga block or a folded blanket.
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