Therapeutic Benefits › Kate Walker

If you've got a body part that's giving you trouble you've come to the right place! Bad back? Painful knees? Ouchy Hips? This is your SOS toolkit for when something hurts.


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  • Detox & Immune Boost Flow for Every Body23:47
    Detox & Immune Boost Flow for Every Body

    Kate Walker

    A well-rounded and accessible yoga class with plenty of twist postures to boost our immune system and cleanse from the inside out. With carefully structured sequences that open up the body with twists and side bends you'll help yourself feel better in no time. Great for when you feel you're fighting off a cold, but equally fab when you just want an energy boost.

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  • Wrist Relief Class05:49
    Wrist Relief Class

    Kate Walker

    Typing, texting, sewing, hairdressing or guitar playing? Any and all small repetitive movements build tension in the wrists and forearms. Sometimes even yoga can make these areas feel a bit sore. In this quick, targeting class, we'll release both sides of the forearms and deep into the wrists and hands for instant relief. Can be added onto the beginning or end of a yoga class too!

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