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Summer is the perfect time to build your strength. The yoga classes in this course will challenge  you to find your fire and soothe your mind. Invigorating, energising and fun - you won’t even realise how strong you’ve become.  The Strength Challenge offers a wonderful complementary course which will help you build your strength incrementally.

This course:

  • Is suitable for for physically fit intermediate or advanced yoga students. Please check first with a medical practitioner if you have any concerns.
  • Is perfect if you enjoy fiery classes
  • Gives you a variety of styles and options to strengthen your whole body and mind in different ways
  • Includes 22 classes
  • Includes yoga and barre classes  

Your Classes

Barre Fitness - Getting Strong with Every Move You Make
Barre Fitness - Getting Strong with Every Move You Make

24:06 | Amy Holly

Barre Fitness - Getting Strong with Every Move You Make

This fairly challenging Barre class has us getting strong and improving our balance with every move we make. A great class to improve balance as well as core strength. Starting with standing core Barre work, challenging the balance as we get stronger. Then we move to lunges and finally, core work on the ground. A really fun way to start the day and to improve balance, strength and overall co-ordination and mobility!

MoveTime Teacher Level
24:06 Amy Holly Improvers
Glute Strengthening Workout 1
Glute Strengthening Workout 1

22:02 | Sylvia Garcia

Glute Strengthening Workout 1

Conditioning exercises to target your glutes! In our yoga practice, glutes (the big muscles in your bottom) can get neglected. But strong glutes can really help you to strengthen and stabilise your hips and lower back. This class has some strong moves which the less strong and mobile will find tricky, but this class is recommended to be repeated frequently as a great addition to your yoga practice.

MoveTime Teacher Level
22:02 Sylvia Garcia Improvers
Power Yoga Flow
Power Yoga Flow

30:53 | Katarina Rayburn

Power Yoga Flow

Get moving quickly with this espresso of yoga classes. This power yoga class is a quick, strong and dynamic vinyasa flow, building heat from the start with sun salutations, followed by a strong standing sequence and closing with a backbend and inversion practice. This is an intermediate yoga class due to the pace, although modifications are offered.

MoveTime Teacher Level
30:53 Katarina Rayburn Intermediate/Advanced
Glute Strengthening Workout 2
Glute Strengthening Workout 2

01:04:37 | Sylvia Garcia

Glute Strengthening Workout 2

Back by popular demand! Strengthen your glutes with this follow up to Sylvia's first fabulous glutes workout class. It's so important to have strong glutes for a healthy spine and lower back, and it's crucial to keep strong for our yoga practice. Learn some creative, fun and interesting ways to target the glutes helping to create stability and strength which will make hip opening and forward folding safer and more sustainable for a long term practice. This features a full warm up and layered options to suit all levels.

MoveTime Teacher Level
01:04:37 Sylvia Garcia Intermediate/Advanced
Jivamukti Yoga: Fly Like a Bird
Jivamukti Yoga: Fly Like a Bird

38:51 | Andrea Kwiatkowski

Jivamukti Yoga: Fly Like a Bird

A fun Jivamukti yoga class with a theme of bird poses! A fast and feisty vinyasa flow which explores Asana named after the crow, eagle heron and other birds. You might just learn how to fly! This intermediate Jivamukti shorter class sequences in the bird poses, but don't forget we have tutorials on each of the bird poses if you'd like to take your time exploring these poses

MoveTime Teacher Level
38:51 Andrea Kwiatkowski Intermediate/Advanced
Back & Core Strengthening Yoga
Back & Core Strengthening Yoga

01:03:56 | Sylvia Garcia

Back & Core Strengthening Yoga

This really fun, strengthening yoga and movement class creatively works the back and core. Expect a full warm up and workout with options for all abilities. In this challenging class, you'll focus on the posterior muscle chain of the body (the back) and learn how to engage and recruit these muscles and then balance things out by working on the core to help create stability as we move.

MoveTime Teacher Level
01:03:56 Sylvia Garcia Intermediate/Advanced
Forrest-Inspired Yoga Foundations
Forrest-Inspired Yoga Foundations

52:00 | Ash Bond

Forrest-Inspired Yoga Foundations

This Forrest-inspired yoga class is for grounding and strengthening. Although all Forrest yoga classes are challenging, this class is perfect if you’re new to this style. This yoga class brings awareness to our foundations: our legs, hips and core. Expect a strong, centred practice that plays with some wobbly lunge and powerful pigeon variations. Class begins by building our inner strength with brahmari breath and deep abdominal exercises; preparing us to move through a warrior-based standing sequence. As we move through our grounded practice today, perhaps consider your relationship to earth - to the ground we walk on. What can we offer up to earth in this practice? What can we feel is being given back? You will need a blanket and a towel rolled up.

MoveTime Teacher Level
52:00 Ash Bond Intermediate/Advanced
Fiery Forrest Yoga Inspired Class
Fiery Forrest Yoga Inspired Class

48:14 | Ash Bond

Fiery Forrest Yoga Inspired Class

This strong, hatha yoga class is inspired by Forrest yoga and designed to ignite the light inside of us. Forrest yoga focuses on releasing a stiff neck and strengthening the shoulders. This yoga class has a particular focus on opening the back and hips with some powerful work to fire up the core and unlock our shoulders. The perfect class as an antidote to sedentary modern life! There is an intention to bring awareness to our breath and to soften, even in intensity. You will need a rolled up blanket and a towel for our abdominals.

MoveTime Teacher Level
48:14 Ash Bond Intermediate/Advanced
Jivamukti Fiery Lunar Flow
Jivamukti Fiery Lunar Flow

41:24 | Andrea Kwiatkowski

Jivamukti Fiery Lunar Flow

A beautiful and well rounded Jivamukti yoga class to get you flying to the moon! Learn about the lunar elements of letting go in this class with a focus on the breath and asana relating to the moon, where you'll find plenty of strengthening, standing and balancing poses. You will need a block.

MoveTime Teacher Level
41:24 Andrea Kwiatkowski Intermediate/Advanced
Turn Up Your Energy Workout
Turn Up Your Energy Workout

37:54 | Amy Holly

Turn Up Your Energy Workout

This is an intense energetic workout! A combination of barre and dance moves, it will help build strength and keep you moving. This class is perfect for when we just need to get moving; it's time to get energetic. You'll feel invigorated, worked and ready for anything! This is a challenging class and you will need a good level of fitness and some barre experience. You will need a chair and a mat.

MoveTime Teacher Level
37:54 Amy Holly Intermediate/Advanced
Mandala Salutations: Warrior Hips
Mandala Salutations: Warrior Hips

39:26 | Katarina Rayburn

Mandala Salutations: Warrior Hips

This is a powerful, creative mandala vinyasa yoga class, a sure and fast way to get you flowing! This mandala salutation class focuses on finding more space and strength in your legs, hips and groin. Expect lots of warrior variations, goddess poses and (optional) inversions. The mandala practice moves 360 degrees around your mat, so perhaps watch the first couple of flows to find out where Katarina takes you, or listen intently, as you won't always be able to see the screen. This change of perspective is a perfect way to change the way you look at life, getting insight from new ways of seeing things. The class focuses on the element of water, moving and adapting like water, bringing awareness to Svadhisthana chakra, our source of creativity. This class is pure standing yoga flow for those who just need to move but if you want to extend this practice we recommend taking a supine hip/groin pose such as a butterfly to wake the target area.

MoveTime Teacher Level
39:26 Katarina Rayburn Intermediate/Advanced
Fiery Yoga for the Hips
Fiery Yoga for the Hips

31:45 | Vidya Heisel

Fiery Yoga for the Hips

A yoga class to deepen, strengthen and open the hips, moving to a peak pose of Crescent Moon. Start with sun salutations, then prepare the body with backbends. You will need access to a clear wall, as we use a wall first of all for a modified inverted Crescent Moon, and then to deepen our crescent. You will need two blocks, a strap and a blanket.

MoveTime Teacher Level
31:45 Vidya Heisel Intermediate/Advanced
Dynamic Vinyasa Yoga To Awaken The Core
Dynamic Vinyasa Yoga To Awaken The Core

42:05 | Vanessa Michielon

Dynamic Vinyasa Yoga To Awaken The Core

This challenging, dynamic vinyasa class is a great full body length and stretch, but has the focus on core connection. Connect to the deep abdominals muscles to feel powerful and focused. Warm up with some planks and variations of boat pose, and progress through a dynamic standing sequence incorporating twists and challenging balances. Suggested prop: 2 Yoga bricks

MoveTime Teacher Level
42:05 Vanessa Michielon Intermediate/Advanced
Fun Forrest Inspired Yoga for Strength
Fun Forrest Inspired Yoga for Strength

50:23 | Ash Bond

Fun Forrest Inspired Yoga for Strength

This strong, hatha yoga class is inspired by Forrest yoga; it is strengthening and really great fun! Start with abdominal work and strengthening goddess pose, then explore how to lean into support: support of the props; of our experience; of our deep, considered breath. If you have dipped your toe into the Forrest Yoga pool already, this class is a chance to play with some arm balances and some stronger hamstring work. You will need two blocks, a blanket and a bolster (if you have one) for our exploration of splits and frog over a bolster.

MoveTime Teacher Level
50:23 Ash Bond Intermediate/Advanced
Almost An Hour Of Power
Almost An Hour Of Power

55:22 | Dylan Ayaloo

Almost An Hour Of Power

This all-levels yoga class will get your power going. It's a moderately paced power class (that means vinyasa with a bit more core!) with improvers and advanced level modifications and great insights from Dylan. It's just under an hour - one for the weekend and better than a cup of coffee. You'll just need a block.

MoveTime Teacher Level
55:22 Dylan Ayaloo Intermediate/Advanced
Flying Splits Flow
Flying Splits Flow

21:59 | Sylvia Garcia

Flying Splits Flow

This yoga tutorial shows how to transition from koundinyasana (flying splits) 1 and 2, exiting through a chaturanga vinyasa. Starting with a short vinyasa flow, this class is suitable for those with an intermediate practice, looking for some fun and strong variations. We recommend first watching the koundinyasana tutorial first. Expect a relevant conditioning introduction but being fully warmed up will always be helpful for moving into the more 'advanced' poses.

MoveTime Teacher Level
21:59 Sylvia Garcia Intermediate/Advanced
Stand in your Strength
Stand in your Strength

39:07 | Amy Holly

Stand in your Strength

Come to the day with strength. This beautifully choreographed barre class has a focus on inner and outer strength. This is a complete body work out using barre technique to remember our own strength and celebrate it! Feel strong in who you are, strong in what you believe in and then use that strength out in your community. You will need a chair and a yoga mat.

MoveTime Teacher Level
39:07 Amy Holly All Levels
Rocket Happy Hour
Rocket Happy Hour

01:06:33 | Katarina Rayburn

Rocket Happy Hour

This dynamic vinyasa yoga class is Rocket Yoga - an energetic and invigorating practice which has its roots in Ashtanga vinyasa. Expect something similar to Ashtanga, but with more flight, more variety and perhaps a little more fire than you'd get from a primary series class. This class is fast moving, after sun salutes you'll have the opportunity to get into crow pose, and then plenty of more advanced postures such as arm balances and inversions but modifications will be given. Linking breath and movement, this dynamic class will leave you with a sense of play, fun and you'll certainly feel it. Come with an open and playful mind; leave your ego behind and don't be afraid to fly or fall! You will need two bricks.

MoveTime Teacher Level
01:06:33 Katarina Rayburn Intermediate/Advanced
Arm Balancing Flow
Arm Balancing Flow

53:49 | Vidya Heisel

Arm Balancing Flow

A lovely, swift-moving Advanced vinyasa yoga flow class with a focus on arm balancing. Allthough we open hips, hamstrings and the shoulders ready to arm balance, you'll be surprised that if you're not yet ready to arm balance, or you don't want to do so today, if you visualse them, this can have a wonderful effect!! Enjoy! You will need a blanket.

MoveTime Teacher Level
53:49 Vidya Heisel Intermediate/Advanced
Learn Bigger Backbends
Learn Bigger Backbends

48:42 | Adam Hocke

Learn Bigger Backbends

An intermediate back-bending yoga class which explores the postures and variations beyond urdhva dhanuarasana (upward bow or wheel pose). After a short warm-up and flow we then proceed step by step into bridge, upward bow, one-legged variations, and inverted staff pose. You will need a brick, a block and a strap.

MoveTime Teacher Level
48:42 Adam Hocke Intermediate/Advanced
Energising Cardio & Standing Abs Workout
Energising Cardio & Standing Abs Workout

13:30 | Amy Holly

Energising Cardio & Standing Abs Workout

A fun workout and an invigorating way to start your day. This Barre class will build strength in the core and arms as well as work on your fitness. If you are looking to change up your core routine then standing abs are essential. Probably only seen in dance and boxing, standing while working the abs adds a whole new dimension to your workout. It’s short enough to fit into a busy day but long enough to really make a difference. Put this class with another short class to give you a longer workout and to target specific areas.

MoveTime Teacher Level
13:30 Amy Holly All Levels
Journey Towards Hanumanasana
Journey Towards Hanumanasana

58:39 | Vidya Heisel

Journey Towards Hanumanasana

An intermediate flow sequence to prepare the hamstrings, inner groins and extensor muscles for Hanumanasana and Eka Pada Koundinyasana 2 (flying splits).

MoveTime Teacher Level
58:39 Vidya Heisel Intermediate/Advanced