#MovementForModernLife + #MoveMoreLiveMore
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We are increasingly becoming more familiar with how our circadian rhythms affect our energy levels during the day, and how the cycles of the seasons impact on our moods and energy through the year. You may not have thought about working with your menstrual cycle in quite the same way. Yet we know that working with all our cycles and rhythms can reap benefits in enhancing our physical, mental and emotional health. We created this course inspired by and in collaboration with the work of Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer, founders of Red School and Uma Dinsmore-Tuli founder of Womb Yoga. This course will show you how you can work through your cycle each month and welcome every phase by knowing what it has to offer you and how it can support you to realise your full potential. By exploring different types and intensity of yoga, meditation and breathing practices each week, you might be surprised at how much energy and sense of well-being you are able to release. You might start to re-define your relationship with yourself.
This course is:
- Suitable for all menstruating women
- Designed to give you new insight into your menstrual cycle
- Recommended for practice throughout the month
- 28 Classes
- All Levels
Your Classes

Honour Your Cycle: Winter
40:01 | Uma Dinsmore Tuli
A beautiful yoga nidra (yogic sleep) for menstruation, especially designed to ease flow, ease pain and feel nourished and supported. Uma uses the sound of Tibetan singing bowls to help us to drop into a deep, nourishing relaxation. The first 6 minutes 40 talks through setting up for yoga nidra, how to create a comfortable yoga nidra so that you feel held and supported. You may wish to start at 6.40 if you'd like to get straight into your yoga nidra after you've set up. You may enjoy a hot water bottle for this class. We recommend a scarf to wrap around the waist and a blanket to keep warm and you will need to set yourself up next to your sofa or a chair, so that your knees are resting up, and your ankles higher than your knees.
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
40:01 | Uma Dinsmore Tuli | Beginners |

Moontime Magic
37:31 | Lucy McCarthy
This gentle, nourishing flow is for you to help you to honour your body. Perfect for your moontime, or whenever you feel like giving your body extra support. Feel your moontime magic with this nourishing sequence featuring prana namaskar, a flow that asks, what is it we'd like to surrender.
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
37:31 | Lucy McCarthy | All Levels |

Surrender to Your Flow - Moon Time Meditation
11:06 | Lucy McCarthy
A guided visualisation taken whilst lying down for extra nourishment to help to support you through days you're needing to release and relax and that extra support.
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
11:06 | Lucy McCarthy | All Levels |

Honour Your Flow: Restorative Yoga for Your Cycle
54:03 | Lucy McCarthy
This restorative yoga class is especially for low energy days. Suitable for everyone who needs extra nourishment and support, but these poses are especially great to also relieve symptoms you may experience during your moontime such as releasing heat from hips, relieving cramps, headache and aching. Restorative yoga is wonderful at restoring energy levels, cooling the body and calming the body’s system. You will need a bolster, a chair, two bricks, an eye-bag and a blanket.
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
54:03 | Lucy McCarthy | All Levels |

Celebrate Your Flow
24:15 | Lucy McCarthy
Support your body and celebrate your flow with this slow, sweet flow for days you'd like to practice, but you want to nourish yourself and support yourself during your moontime. A very grounding, slow practice, also great for whenever your body might need extra support but you'd like to flow. You will need a bolster, blanket and eye bag.
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
24:15 | Lucy McCarthy | All Levels |

Yoga for Period Pain
23:36 | Uma Dinsmore Tuli
A gentle hatha class for that very annoying time of the month. Instead of reaching for the painkillers and battling through these times, try this class which focuses on gentle, nurturing movements and you may be surprised the benefits these key asana have on regulating your menstrual cycle, giving all-round fertility benefits as well as period pain. You will need a bolster.
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
23:36 | Uma Dinsmore Tuli | Beginners |

Lunar Practice
50:00 | Zephyr Wildman
This nourishing yoga class is great for when our bodies are crying for extra nourishment and support. Perfect for the day after the night before, the day after a big athletic event, for that time of the month or for when you need to settle the nervous system. The perfect spa for body, mind and soul. Props: bolster or pillows.
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
50:00 | Zephyr Wildman | Intermediate/Advanced |

Honour Your Cycle: Spring
35:58 | Uma Dinsmore Tuli
Honour completion of your bleed cycle and take time to savour the spring moment, when your energy returns, but you want to honour, not depleat your energy reserves. It's easy at this time to feel energised but this can depleat us. This nourishing, gentle yoga class focuses on breathing, mudra and gentle movements from heart to womb, letting the body soak up the benefits and class ends with a long relaxation, short yoga nidra. You will need pillows or cushions to sit on and a bolster and blankets for a long relaxation.
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
35:58 | Uma Dinsmore Tuli | Beginners |

Flow And Restore
41:51 | Lucy McCarthy
A delicious balanced practice to both uplift and relax you - a grounding and steadying class, to prepare for a deep, restful sleep. Beginning with a steady nourishing flow and leading to big rejuvenation through restorative yoga poses. A yin and yang practice to bring you into balance. You will need a bolster, two bricks, a strap and an eye bag.
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
41:51 | Lucy McCarthy | All Levels |

Gentle Yoga to Nourish and Support Series: (1) Breathe and Move
22:19 | Mimi Kuo-Deemer
Start to move with your breath in this beginners yoga class. Feel supported, nourished and revitalised. This first class in this series begins with finding the breath, so the body and breath move together in simple sequences that help condition our respiratory and circulatory systems. This will allow you to feel more invigorated yet also relaxed, clear and calm. As well as being an accessible starting place for many students, this yoga class is also a nourishing standalone class for when you need to calm jangled nerves and return strong and grounded to your breath.
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
22:19 | Mimi Kuo-Deemer | Beginners |

Evening Yin/Yang Flow
37:16 | Jonelle Lewis
A peaceful Yin/Yang flow to wind down and relax for the end of the day. With some spinal rolling and freeing, some poses from QiGong, some restorative and Yin poses, this fusion yoga class is a perfect way to wind down and relax at the end of the day, or for whenever you need to calm, nourish and restore yourself. The perfect self-care solution to our overwhelmed lives. You will need a bolster (or pillows), a blanket, 2 yoga bricks and a foam block and a strap.
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
37:16 | Jonelle Lewis | All Levels |

Whole Body Awakening
29:39 | Jean Hall
If you're short for time, this yoga class is the perfect one for you. This class is a whole body awakening practice that is specifically focused on isolating, activating and mobilising the major joints and muscles in the body. This is a perfect all-rounded class in itself, but can also be used to warm up and prepare the body for dynamic and challenging poses.
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
29:39 | Jean Hall | All Levels |

Open to Nourishment and Support
22:25 | Zephyr Wildman
A nourishing and supportive class in which you will be asked to lean into the space you feel in your body. A lovely class to practice at the end of the day, with back and shoulder opening postures all on the back, also including shoulder stand and plough pose to help you to relax and release into the experience of your body.
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
22:25 | Zephyr Wildman | Beginners |

Self Care Warming Flow
42:00 | Mollie McClelland Morris
Any time you want to take care of yourself, take this easy to follow sequence. Body taps and brushing give way to gentle repetitive moves that encourage every muscle to warm and open. Mindfully paced, sweet and kind, Mollie's class is suitable for most bodies. Ends with a gorgeous long relaxation. You may like to have a blanket ready if it's chilly.
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
42:00 | Mollie McClelland Morris | Beginners |

Honour Your Cycle: Summer
33:00 | Uma Dinsmore Tuli
This class celebrates the vitality of the summer of the menstrual cycle. With rhythmic, nutritious, grounding movements, you move and breath to get some flow and energy into your body with lots of rhythm and circles. Start with your feet and get moving through all your joints with a rhythmic flow to gently bring the sunshine in! Then class ends with a micro yoga nidra relaxation. You will need bolsters and cushions to get comfortable in your yoga nidra and perhaps padding for the knees for the rhythmic yoga movement practice.
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
33:00 | Uma Dinsmore Tuli | Beginners |

Full Monty Vinyasa
47:09 | Lucy McCarthy
Bring the light in with this Full Monty yoga class.This is a full spectrum, whole bodied strong and energising practice which incorporates breath work (pranayama), chanting (mantra) physical postures (asana) and ends with meditation. Call in more lightness and ease into your body. You will need one block.
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
47:09 | Lucy McCarthy | Intermediate/Advanced |

Love Yourself First
14:42 | Lucy McCarthy
A gorgeous short, sweet practice to embrace yourself. Encouraging a celebration of self, embracing all that you are through this fluid and uplifting sequence. Connect to your self, step into your highest potential. You will need 2 blocks. Clothing by Shanti Sundays.
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
14:42 | Lucy McCarthy | Beginners |

Gentle Yoga to Nourish and Support Series: (2) Rooting to Rise
22:16 | Mimi Kuo-Deemer
In Chinese, there is a saying ‘gen shen di gu’, which means when the roots and deep the foundations are strong. From Moving with the Breath, we shift the focus to rooting firmly down in the earth and allowing our bodies to rise from this firm root up toward the sky. We will practice some more dynamic standing poses after an initial warm-up we practiced in class #1 to feel this connection more fully in our body.
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
22:16 | Mimi Kuo-Deemer | Beginners |

Morning Practice: Fluidity and Flow
37:31 | Mimi Kuo-Deemer
This morning yoga and qigong class is focused on circular, smooth movements through the body and joints to set you up for the day. With some beautifully awakening qigong forms such as variations of swimming dragon followed by active sun salute variations and fluid movements through standing poses. Enjoy waking up all your senses in this awakening flow!
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
37:31 | Mimi Kuo-Deemer | Beginners |

Find Your Flow
41:28 | Bridget Woods-Kramer
Find your Flow with a delicious, all-levels, flow yoga sequence with careful attention to alignment and a delicious hip focus. Followed by a long breath-work session. For greater mental and physical clarity, these breathing practices will get you centred and ready to go!
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
41:28 | Bridget Woods-Kramer | All Levels |

Grounding, Centering, Letting Go
01:07:12 | Mimi Kuo-Deemer
A grounded, slow vinyasa which has some surprising challenges as well as a little qi-gong, for extra centering. This is an amazing class for those times when you need to just 'check in' with yourself - and from a rooted centre, you can grow wings to fly up to half-moon pose, crow and twist away your day. A very cleansing and calming class, although you will be asked to pay attention to your alignment as you fly!
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
01:07:12 | Mimi Kuo-Deemer | Improvers |

Honour Your Cycle: Autumn
22:24 | Uma Dinsmore Tuli
A very gentle movement and breathing class for pre-menstrual tension. Release PMT with gentle hip-releasing yoga poses, work on emotional releases through resting poses. This class is nourishing and supportive, to give your body the rest and gentle movements it needs. You will need cushions or a bolster to support your knees during resting pose.
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
22:24 | Uma Dinsmore Tuli | Beginners |

Pre-menstrual Yoga Nidra
19:46 | Uma Dinsmore Tuli
This yoga nidra is a fantastic practice to give your body permission for deep release and nurture. This practice is highly recommended before your period, but it's a great releasing practice for any time of the month. You will need to have your legs supported by a chair, sofa or bolsters.
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
19:46 | Uma Dinsmore Tuli | Beginners |

PMS SOS Symptoms Softener
26:12 | Lucy McCarthy
Enjoy your surrender to this introverted time, support mind and body in its shedding releasing process, healthy menstrual flow, downward, soften abdomen to ease flow, forward bends ease gas and bloating. A largely restorative yoga class to enjoy yielding to your body's needs.
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
26:12 | Lucy McCarthy | All Levels |

A Restful End to the Day
31:45 | Andrea Kwiatkowski
This yin practice will sooth the nervous system after a busy day, or one spent at a desk. With great postures for relieving a tired back, tight hamstrings, this is also a great practice for during menstruation. This class is fantastic for de-stressing the adrenals focuses on releasing stress and fatigue. You will need a bolster and a block.
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
31:45 | Andrea Kwiatkowski | Beginners |

Unwind & Declutter
40:03 | Catherine Annis
A simple, Scaravelli class which teaches us how yoga can help to empty us. This class is perfect if you're feeling busy, anxious or overwhelmed. Just as we create space and de-clutter our house, it's also useful to de-clutter our minds and bodies as you move towards stillness. This class is almost entirely supine, working with bridge position - just exploring the space in the pelvis, the spine and the shoulders, and stretching hamstrings, then we move into standing postures . You will need a strap and a blanket.
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
40:03 | Catherine Annis | Beginners |

Gentle Yoga to Nourish and Support Series: (3) Between Heaven & Earth
21:10 | Mimi Kuo-Deemer
Building on the last class’s focus on rooting to rise, this yoga qi-gong class builds a combination of strength and softness in the arms and hands and upper and lower body. Bring energy upward from stable roots to the spine. We will work to lengthen it and feel how our bodies can become a healthy and nourished axis between heaven and earth.
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
21:10 | Mimi Kuo-Deemer | All Levels |

Healing Flow
29:56 | Zephyr Wildman
A warming enquiry into the body and mind. This class gently encourages you to face up to emotional pain and intuitively start to make a plan to heal. An essential for your emotional wellbeing toolbox.
MoveTime | Teacher | Level |
29:56 | Zephyr Wildman | All Levels |