Forrest Yoga › Improvers
Fun Forrest Inspired Yoga for Strength
This strong, hatha yoga class is inspired by Forrest yoga; it is strengthening and really great fun! Start with abdominal work and strengthening goddess pose, then explore how to lean into support: support of the props; of our experience; of our deep, considered breath. If you have dipped your toe into the Forrest Yoga pool already, this class is a chance to play with some arm balances and some stronger hamstring work. You will need two blocks, a blanket and a bolster (if you have one) for our exploration of splits and frog over a bolster.
Fiery Forrest Yoga Inspired Class
This strong, hatha yoga class is inspired by Forrest yoga and designed to ignite the light inside of us. Forrest yoga focuses on releasing a stiff neck and strengthening the shoulders. This yoga class has a particular focus on opening the back and hips with some powerful work to fire up the core and unlock our shoulders. The perfect class as an antidote to sedentary modern life! There is an intention to bring awareness to our breath and to soften, even in intensity. You will need a rolled up blanket and a towel for our abdominals.
Forrest-Inspired Yoga Foundations
This Forrest-inspired yoga class is for grounding and strengthening. Although all Forrest yoga classes are challenging, this class is perfect if you’re new to this style. This yoga class brings awareness to our foundations: our legs, hips and core. Expect a strong, centred practice that plays with some wobbly lunge and powerful pigeon variations. Class begins by building our inner strength with brahmari breath and deep abdominal exercises; preparing us to move through a warrior-based standing sequence. As we move through our grounded practice today, perhaps consider your relationship to earth - to the ground we walk on. What can we offer up to earth in this practice? What can we feel is being given back? You will need a blanket and a towel rolled up.
Forrest Yoga Neck & Jaw Release
This Forrest yoga class is just perfect if you've had a long day, if you're having a tough week, or are feeling a bit headachy. Any stresses or anxiety from the day or the week will unravel as you release aches in your neck, jaw and shoulders, which can suffer in stressful times. With hallmark strengthening and abs work, this class is perfect to keep you strong while you unwind. You will need a roll and a block.
Forrest Yoga Morning Flow
A short burst of Forrest Yoga to get you moving and ready for the day. With moves to fire up your abdominals, pranayama to get your digestive system going and stretches; this is the perfect way to start your day, the Forrest Yoga way!
Forrest Yoga Back Strengthener
Tense or achey back? Flush your back with goodness with this twisting bending class, while all the time building up a firm, strong core. You will need a roll, block and strap.
Forrest Yoga Morning Wake Up Call
Get ready for your day the Forrest way! Start with gentle pranayama, then get the strength you'll need for the day with core work, twists. Get moving with sun salutations and be open hearted for the rest of the day with chest openers. The perfect way to move into your day.
Slow Deep Forrest Yoga Groove
Get deep into your lower body muscles and of course your core in this yin yang class that will warm and balance. Focusing on hip flexors, legs, psoas muscles and lower back this class will leave you feeling strong and calm. Begins with a 3 minute breath practice.
Vibrant Heart
A sequence to open the upper back and shoulders. Find space, find stability and open your heart in this vibrant Forrest yoga class. With a focus on keeping backbends safe, long and strong and opening the upper back and shoulders. As you would expect from a Forrest yoga class, with a focus on the abs, but with some fabulous modifications to backbends to show how they can be performed gently and safely. You will need a block, a strap and a blanket.
Slow Flow for Hips
A forrest-inspired yoga class which will unwind the hip joints leaving you feeling free and open. The perfect remedy for professional sitters, this slow flowing practice will release emotional tensions that so many of us store in our hips.
Slow Flow for Lower Back
A forrest-inspired yoga class which slowly flows to stengthen and lengthen the lower back by firing up the core and lengthen through back bends. You will need an extra, rolled up yoga mat and a block.
Slow Flow for Shoulders
A forrest-insprired yoga class with special emphasis on unwinding the neck, shoulders and upper-back, areas which plague most of us who spend too much time looking at computers, or for the stressed-amongst us, who carry stress in the shoulders and upper-back. A deeeply stress-relieving class, be ready to be unwound as you slow flow! You may need a strap, you will need an extra, rolled up yoga mat.
Good Morning Core
This class is ideal for mornings, or anytime you want to spark up vibrancy and energy to your core. Some Forrest yoga techniques for strong and healthy core as well as plank variations and the boat pose for optimum core health. Fire up your centre and fire up your life! You will need a block.
Tutorial: Tucking the Tailbone and Telescope the Ribs
A short tutorial to show you how to tuck the tailbone and 'telescope' the ribs, common instructions in a Forrest yoga class. Here Kristi shows us how to tuck the tailbone and telescope the ribs, then gives the tutorial in cobra pose.
Get Up, Get Strong
This leg and shoulder strengthening class is ideal for those who want to go upside down, or for those who love to feel a fiery practice. Great for getting you up and moving in the morning, this class is to be practiced by a wall. You will need a block and a strap.
Strength for Upside Downs
Enjoy this shoulder strengthening class by the wall to hone your inversion skills. You will need to be near a wall. A great strengthener to prepare for forearm balance as well as handstands.
Unwind Your Hips
Whoever said that vinyasa was tough and slow, should try this yoga class! Our hips can get really tight just due to sitting too much or running could do this too, this class unravels tensions held in the hips. This work is very slow and incredibly deep. Be patient. Give your hips the time, energy and release they deserve. We promise you will feel the difference! You will need some wall space and a block.
More Core Less Time
Although Forrest yoga always has a core focus, this class is a short core boost. Suitable for all levels, although you will certainly challenge yourself, beginners and improvers should stay with their own level. A great yoga class for when energy needs a bit of a boost or for when you need to feel stronger from the inside. You will need a rolled up mat, or a cushion can be used.
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