Yoga Pose Tutorials › Improvers
Flying Plank: Strengthening Yoga
Join Clive for this strengthening yoga class: a progressive sequence of flying plank for developing arm and core strength. Starting from all fours and including variations from downward dog, high plank and forearm plank. There are 5 sequences in total. Build it up over time and go at your own pace. Leave the class feeling energised and motivated for the rest of the day. Great standalone practise or an add on to your other classes and movement practises.
Everyday Essentials
This vinyasa yoga class is a real 101 of the essential yoga poses for a healthy, balanced, daily yoga practice. This class has the main staples in a balanced yoga practice. This class opens the spine in all the different directions, perfect for essential, daily health and wellbeing. Explore the full range of motion from side bending to twists, backbends to forward bends. This class may leave you feeling strong, open and uplifted. You will need a block.
Headstand Tutorial
This yoga pose tutorial offers two variations of the headstand; the standard headstand and the tripod headstand. If you have never tried headstand before, this is a great place to start. It is also a handy reminder on alignment for those more experienced in this pose.
Backbend Toolkit
In this vinyasa yoga class, while we flow we solidify the fundamental principles behind back bends. We learn tips and tricks that support a back-bending practise which will help you take care and avoid injury when moving into backbends. Expect a heating, energising flow yoga class with practical tips that you can incorporate into all of your future yoga practise.
Learn Crow Pose
A workshop-style tutorial class in which Adam will help you develop your bakasana (crow or crane pose) practice with three different training variations. We will explore this shape in varying orientations to help you develop the requisite skills to execute it well. If this pose is difficult for you, you will find a path forward or learn some options on what to do instead. You will need a block.
Upside Down At The Wall
Practise handstand, forearm-stand and headstand at the wall with support and guidance. Straightforward and direct, we will go step-by-step through the progression of these postures with the support of the wall. Add this to your daily practice (remembering it takes time to develop these postures!) or whenever you need a reminder.
Permission To Play: Anemone
Glute Strengthening Workout 1
Conditioning exercises to target your glutes! In our yoga practice, glutes (the big muscles in your bottom) can get neglected. But strong glutes can really help you to strengthen and stabilise your hips and lower back. This class has some strong moves which the less strong and mobile will find tricky, but this class is recommended to be repeated frequently as a great addition to your yoga practice.
Paschimottanasana Tutorial
This tutorial takes you step by step into Paschimottanasana (seated forward fold), an introspective asana that encourages length in the back body and helps to quieten the mind. You may need a strap for this asana.
Vinyasa SOS: Improvers
A short vinyasa SOS lesson teaching those who have mastered a 'level 1 vinyasa' how to take it to the next level with integrity and alignment.
Devotion: Practising Hanumanasana
Hanumanasana is a challenging pose – it’s the “splits” – but named after the monkey king Hanuman, who in one giant leap stretched across the continent of India to help save his Lord Rama’s wife, Sita. His act is one of devotion. When we practice Hanumanasana, it can feel really challenging, but if we consider what makes us act in the service of our highest self, or our volition in life – like Hanuman’s devotion and love inspired him to take that immortalized leap – the pose can perhaps be understood in a new light. In this practice we’ll look at Hanumanasana and consider the ways in which can embrace its difficulty with skill and insight.
Chaturanga Polishing
Chaturandga Dandasana, one of the key postures of the Ashtanga Yoga Sun Salutations is a tricky but common pose requiring a deal of strength. Watch this short tutorial to strengthen and get a few pointers on how to perform your Chaturanga Dandasana safely. Learn how to position your arms and shoulders and how to find the correct alignment. You will need two blocks.
Upward Dog Upgrade
Open up all along your spine and learn the correct sensations in your abdomen and shoulders for the perfect upward dog. Ashtanga yogis will be in upward dog up to 60 times a day, so it's worth mastering this posture. You will need up to 3 yoga blocks and an extra, rolled up mat.
Vinyasa to inversion
A fast-moving vinyasa designed to get you ready to handstand, mostly with core work, plenty of vinyasa, ideal to practice before one of our Handstand classes in the Handstand Challenge, or for your own handstand practice. Without a cool-down, you will need a twisting and backbending sequence as well as a savasana after this class. We think that adding a yin or restorative class onto the end instead of, or after your handstands is just perfect!
All about the Shoulder Joint
A short tutorial class by Andrew, Dr Yogi, in which he shows us points of possible instability in the shoulder joint and how to protect our shoulders with external rotation in key yoga poses of downward dog and dancers pose.
All about the SI Joint
Non-Yogi's probaby don't know about the Sacro-Illiac Joint. But most who have a regular practice do. And that's not a good thing. The SI joint needs to be kept stable, and Andrew offers some tips on how to do this.
Tutorial: Tucking the Tailbone and Telescope the Ribs
A short tutorial to show you how to tuck the tailbone and 'telescope' the ribs, common instructions in a Forrest yoga class. Here Kristi shows us how to tuck the tailbone and telescope the ribs, then gives the tutorial in cobra pose.
Crow Pose Tutorial
This Crow Pose (Bakasana) tutorial gives us a new way of looking at the balance of crow (bakasana), starting up with crow on the back! Then there's plenty of core strengthening and hip releases to prepare for the full pose. For those who don't yet have a crow practice, there are some handy tips in which you may need a bolster and/or a couple of blocks to help you to find your wings to take flight in crow.
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