Meditation › Improvers
Kundalini Yoga For Confidence
Blissful Awareness
An open level meditation practise to balance the soothing and intense energies within you. Using this mediation, we invite you to rest in the peaceful ground of being, getting under all the layers of your personality and lived experience to discover your blissful stillness. This space is the ground of your consciousness and your true identity. You may wish to sit on a cushion or in a chair with a blanket for support during this practice.
Full Body Tone
An open level movement class to tone the full body, circulate the breath and energy body while connecting you to a meditative awareness. This class is playful and energetic offering poses such as crow and wheel, with variations for all abilities. You may need a block.
Guided Meditation 3: Space Awareness
Part three of this series of guided meditations explores our space introceptive awareness (awareness of internal/external space). Find the calm and peace within your heart in this guided meditation. Ideal for those who have meditated before. Thanks to Flow Tunbridge Wells for providing this beautiful location for filming.
Guided Meditation 2: Inner Sense
Part two of our meditation improvers course is a guided meditation on your senses. Ideal for those who have meditated before, this meditation is an exploration of the senses. Thanks to Flow Tunbridge Wells for providing this beautiful location for filming.
What on Earth is Meditation all About?
Most of us plunge into 'meditation' without even asking the fundamental questions; WHAT actually is it and WHY on earth might they want to do it. Others are scared of even trying because they don't understand WHAT or WHY and yet more give up too soon because they think that they are rubbish at it, probably through misunderstanding the 'WHAT'!! In this lighthearted chat, Dan asks the questions WHAT is meditation? WHY on earth would we want to spend time practising it? And if we decide that its for us then HOW might we go about starting.
Body Breath Meditation
Dylan guides us through a simple, seated body, breath meditation. Great for beginner explorers of the mind or those with a regular meditation practice who enjoy participating in a class.
Simple Breath Meditation
This easy to follow meditation is perfect for beginners. Graham gives four simple ways to use the breath as a focus to settle the body help concentrate the mind. He also offers helpful tips throughout the practice about what often happens when we try to mediate and what we might think we are doing wrong. If you have never meditated you need to get comfortable first so try Graham’s tutorials for sitting cross-legged or easy alternatives (using a chair or kneeling). Props: Bolster, cushions, or chair.
Meditation: How to sit comfortably
Never meditated before? Always found after 20 seconds you get wriggly and uncomfortable? Graham explains the basics of how to get comfortable and why it's rule 101 of meditation practice. This practice gives tips for a comfortable cross-legged seat.
Better Sleep: Meditation
In this simple meditation practice which can be used before sleep, Lisa shows us how to bring awareness to the thoughts in our mind and how to helpfully acknowledge those thoughts, which can help calm the mind before bedtime. This meditation can be used anytime, and is useful to use at any point in the day when the road seems rocky, but is especially useful before sleep to ensure a more restful, calmer mind in preparation for deep rest.
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