Move into Calm › Mollie McClelland Morris
Functional Back Care: Somatic Spine
A somatic movement class of gentle, but deep practice to bring awareness to the lower spine and sacroiliac area. This class is deeply restful and unwinding for the spine and can leave you feeling relaxed, but moved in interesting ways. Help your body access its own intelligence through embodiment, touch and intuitive movement. Class takes place entirely on the floor. You will need two blankets.
Dealing with Overwhelm
Mollie shows us some really useful bodywork practices for when life just gets too tough and stressful, to create some space in your body, your tissues and your head. She uses tapping, breathwork and yoga - some of which you can learn and use at your desk for when life moves too fast. Optional prop: a blanket.
Vinyasa: Journey Into Ourselves
This vinyasa yoga class is a journey into our true authenticity, ourselves. It is a process of inquiry and curiosity in the opening of our hearts to the world. A fun, but not fast-moving vinyasa yoga class which explores playfulness and the true expression of what it is to be.