Intermediate/Advanced › Under 10 mins
Forearm Balance Tutorial
A tutorial for pincha mayurasana, or forearm balance. Build strength and confidence with some preparatory poses, then learn the correct and safe way to enter and hold this asana, using props if need be. You will need a strap, block and your mat against a wall.
Headstand Tutorial
This yoga pose tutorial offers two variations of the headstand; the standard headstand and the tripod headstand. If you have never tried headstand before, this is a great place to start. It is also a handy reminder on alignment for those more experienced in this pose.
Flying Splits Tutorial
A tutorial of Eka Pada Koundinyasana - a yoga arm balance called the flying splits. This class shows you different ways to approach this advanced level arm balance. For practitioners who are working on conditioning, creating strength, flexibility and space for the pose.You’ll need to be warmed up before this class, ideally having practiced a well rounded hip-focused class.
Tune In Tune Up: The Crown Centre
This yoga class is all about connection with the divine! The crown chakra is where our ego dissolves and we connect with the source. Headstand is the posture for this class. If you don't have a regular headstand practice, then just place your head on the ground in your child's pose and you'll feel the same benefits.
Upside Down At The Wall
Practise handstand, forearm-stand and headstand at the wall with support and guidance. Straightforward and direct, we will go step-by-step through the progression of these postures with the support of the wall. Add this to your daily practice (remembering it takes time to develop these postures!) or whenever you need a reminder.
Permission To Play: Anemone
Play With Inversions
A tutorial for those who have a strong inversion practice, either headstand or forearm stand and who are looking for a challenge when already stable upside down. This class is best done with a partner. Build control in your centre whilst in an active inversion through multiple leg variations.
Permission To Play (3): Leg-endary Strength
Scissors Pose (Eka Pada Koundiyanasana) Tutorial
Move through deep twists and side crane as preparation and then find the arm balance scissors pose, Eka Pada Koundiyanasana. This pose requires strength and flexibility, suitable for stronger, more advanced practitioners. You may find that a block will help you.
Sun Salutation Tutorial
This is a fantastic tutorial dedicated to Sun Salutations, which appear in varying forms throughout many different styles of yoga, especially Vinyasa Flow sequences. With specific focus on precision and alignment, Sylvia will guide you on how to perfect this pose which can be very useful for your future practice.
Vinyasa SOS: Intermediate To Advanced
A short vinyasa SOS lesson teaching those who have mastered a 'level 2 vinyasa' how to take it to the next level and do the full vinyasa with integrity and alignment.
Chaturanga Polishing
Chaturandga Dandasana, one of the key postures of the Ashtanga Yoga Sun Salutations is a tricky but common pose requiring a deal of strength. Watch this short tutorial to strengthen and get a few pointers on how to perform your Chaturanga Dandasana safely. Learn how to position your arms and shoulders and how to find the correct alignment. You will need two blocks.
All about the Shoulder Joint
A short tutorial class by Andrew, Dr Yogi, in which he shows us points of possible instability in the shoulder joint and how to protect our shoulders with external rotation in key yoga poses of downward dog and dancers pose.
All about the SI Joint
Non-Yogi's probaby don't know about the Sacro-Illiac Joint. But most who have a regular practice do. And that's not a good thing. The SI joint needs to be kept stable, and Andrew offers some tips on how to do this.
Crow Pose Tutorial
This Crow Pose (Bakasana) tutorial gives us a new way of looking at the balance of crow (bakasana), starting up with crow on the back! Then there's plenty of core strengthening and hip releases to prepare for the full pose. For those who don't yet have a crow practice, there are some handy tips in which you may need a bolster and/or a couple of blocks to help you to find your wings to take flight in crow.
Crow Pose Tutorial
Crow pose or Bakasana is a wonderful yoga pose to master. Here Dylan gives us an easy to follow, step by step guide to the Crow pose. Get ready to fly!
Chaturanga Tutorial
Chaturanga is one of the hardest yoga poses to master safely. Dylan explains how to get from high plank to Chaturanga safely, whilst protecting the shoulders from injury.
Forrest Yoga: Interview with Ana
Ana Forrest talks to Movement for Modern Life's founder, Kat, on the benefits of Forrest yoga and how it positively impacts every aspect of our lives. Ana explains how a Forrest yoga practice will help in every aspect of living in modern life, from learning to deal with stress to radically transforming how we see ourselves.
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