Pancake Day Inspiration | 3-Ingredient Vegan Pancakes!


Who can resist the temptation of a pancake on Shrove Tuesday? This year MFML founder Kat Farrants is sharing her favourite (and super-quick and easy) 3-ingredient vegan pancake recipe from our friends ‘Vegan Punks’!

The Movement for Modern Life team love pancake day, and well… just pancakes in general. This year we are sharing our favourite super easy recipe from Vegan Punks (check out their website for some more vegan inspiration).

3-Ingredient pancake recipe

For the pancakes:

  • 3 cups oats
  • 2 bananas
  • 2 cups almond milk
  • Splash of vanilla extract – optional

Blueberry syrup (optional):

  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup


  1. Blend the oats until very fine, like flour.
  2. Add the almond milk, bananas and vanilla extract (if using), blend into a smooth batter.
  3. Using a ladle, measure 1 scoop per pancake and cook in a frying pan for a minute on each side, until brown.

For the blueberry syrup (if using):

  1. Put the blueberries in a small pan on a high heat and cook until they start to soften, then turn the heat down.
  2. Add maple syrup, stir well and then mash the blueberries up a bit to really get the flavour into the syrup.


Put the oven on a low heat (gas mark 1) and prepare a tray and small squares of parchment paper. Once each pancake is ready, place it on the tray on a piece of parchment, then keep warm in the oven until all of the pancakes are ready.

Read more:

Check out 6 vegan and gluten-free pancake recipes for more inspiration!

Get Social:

If you are really inspired to make your own pancakes, why not post a photo and share your favourite toppings with us in our movers’ group or on instagram and tag us so we can share it around!

Jess & Dan are husband and wife team that make up the Vegan Punks. We (at MFML) love them for their passion to prove that vegan food is delicious, easy to make and accessible to all. We also love their easy to follow recipes, especially this 3-ingredient pancake day one! We hope you enjoy!


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