Arm Balances › Improvers
Flying Plank: Strengthening Yoga
Join Clive for this strengthening yoga class: a progressive sequence of flying plank for developing arm and core strength. Starting from all fours and including variations from downward dog, high plank and forearm plank. There are 5 sequences in total. Build it up over time and go at your own pace. Leave the class feeling energised and motivated for the rest of the day. Great standalone practise or an add on to your other classes and movement practises.
Full Body Tone
An open level movement class to tone the full body, circulate the breath and energy body while connecting you to a meditative awareness. This class is playful and energetic offering poses such as crow and wheel, with variations for all abilities. You may need a block.
Fun Forrest Inspired Yoga for Strength
This strong, hatha yoga class is inspired by Forrest yoga; it is strengthening and really great fun! Start with abdominal work and strengthening goddess pose, then explore how to lean into support: support of the props; of our experience; of our deep, considered breath. If you have dipped your toe into the Forrest Yoga pool already, this class is a chance to play with some arm balances and some stronger hamstring work. You will need two blocks, a blanket and a bolster (if you have one) for our exploration of splits and frog over a bolster.
Building strength for arm balances
This strong yoga practice will take you through a sequence of poses which will help strengthen and warm up the body ready for arm balances. Expect hip openers, core work, wrist strengthening and shoulder stabilisation. Follow this practice with some arm balance tutorials such as crow and flying pigeon, then a well deserved savasana! You may need two blocks.
Learn Crow Pose
A workshop-style tutorial class in which Adam will help you develop your bakasana (crow or crane pose) practice with three different training variations. We will explore this shape in varying orientations to help you develop the requisite skills to execute it well. If this pose is difficult for you, you will find a path forward or learn some options on what to do instead. You will need a block.
Positive Psychology Series (3): Resilience
A fun, fast, feisty vinyasa yoga class where we learn to build grit; the ability to get back up when you fall. Expect new and creative ways of dynamic sequencing, arm balances and inversions infused into this power flow. A great class to try something new and challenging! You're not looking to achieve perfect poses here, but to try to do what your body is able to do, and build resilience in the process. Do listen to your body though! If class is too fast-moving and feisty, and goes to poses which aren't suitable for you, take rest pose or listen to your body and modify the pose to bespoke the practice for your own body and capabilities.
Rocket Happy Hour
This dynamic vinyasa yoga class is Rocket Yoga - an energetic and invigorating practice which has its roots in Ashtanga vinyasa. Expect something similar to Ashtanga, but with more flight, more variety and perhaps a little more fire than you'd get from a primary series class. This class is fast moving, after sun salutes you'll have the opportunity to get into crow pose, and then plenty of more advanced postures such as arm balances and inversions but modifications will be given. Linking breath and movement, this dynamic class will leave you with a sense of play, fun and you'll certainly feel it. Come with an open and playful mind; leave your ego behind and don't be afraid to fly or fall! You will need two bricks.
Arm Balance Party
This full vinyasa yoga class aims to make arm balances fun and accessible for everybody. Go step by step into the poses, including crow, side crow, and side plank variations, together with modifications or alternative paths to the full yoga pose if it doesn’t happen today. You will need a yoga brick and a good sense of humour.
Rainbow Vinyasa Purple(5): Transcendence
Jivamukti Spiritual Warrior Flow
Beginning with the Magic 10 to start this classic Jivamukti yoga class. During the Magic 10, expect long counted holds and a handstand at the wall for those who are ready. During the counted long holds without further instruction, this is great for finding a more meditative state during your asana practice. We then continue with intention setting and the classic, well rounded Jivamukti vinyasa yoga practice, which includes headstand for those who can. You may need two blocks.
Ashtanga Full Primary Series
A led full Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series class with modifications. The practice links yoga postures with breathing leading to a powerful, flowing practice that develops your strength, coordination and focus. This class is suitable for all and offers variations to allow everyone to enjoy and benefit from the practice. Charlie, a direct student of K. Pattabhi Jois, the man who popularised the Ashtanga Yoga practice in the late 20th century, leads the class. You may need 2 blocks and a strap.
Balance Into Happiness
Take this class whenever you need to ditch negative thoughts and move into positivity. Plenty of balances and stretches with peak poses of crow and shoulder stand, the rest is achievable for everyone!
Jivamukti: Handstand Focus
A class to focus on your Tree Stand or Hand Stand. Yogis look to nature for inspiration. Nothing inspires us like the trees, for they literally infuse each breath we take with oxygen! So whether you are practicing in your home or out doors, find your tree and find your stable base.
Grace and Strength Vinyasa
Wave like fluidity of the spine through variations in the namaska sun salutations feeling grace, strength and power. From a slow, graceful beginning and with plenty of more advanced yoga poses to challenge the intermediate and advanced practitioners, those not ready for the peak poses of handstand, half moon and the splits should hold back to where you feel more comfortable.
Crow Pose Tutorial
This Crow Pose (Bakasana) tutorial gives us a new way of looking at the balance of crow (bakasana), starting up with crow on the back! Then there's plenty of core strengthening and hip releases to prepare for the full pose. For those who don't yet have a crow practice, there are some handy tips in which you may need a bolster and/or a couple of blocks to help you to find your wings to take flight in crow.
Side Crow Tutorial
This short tutorial is a beautiful short sequence to prepare the body for side crow. There is plenty of twist and core work before Emma leads us into the Jivamukti Style of Side Crow and teaches how to straighten the opposite arm during side crow. You may appreciate two blocks to help your side crow.
The Magic Ten
The Magic Ten are a Ten minute practice of key poses to get you moving if you have only 10 minutes. Great for getting you going in the morning. It's very simple, 10 minutes, 10 poses, 10 breaths in each including a handstand which you may need to practice against a wall. These will get you moving beautifully when you've no time for anything else.
Classic Power Yoga
This is the classic full power yoga class for all levels. Dylan offers basic and intermediate level options throughout this Hot Power Yoga classic sequence. Practice includes dynamic sun salutations, twists, arm-balances, backbends, forward bends and inversions. Turn up the heating in your room for full effect!
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