For Teachers › Increase Focus
Full Body Tone
An open level movement class to tone the full body, circulate the breath and energy body while connecting you to a meditative awareness. This class is playful and energetic offering poses such as crow and wheel, with variations for all abilities. You may need a block.
Anatomy of Breathing
You can hardly get through five minutes of any good yoga class without being reminded to breathe. Of course, all of us breathe every second of every day, we do it instinctively. However, how much do we all know about the mechanics of breathing and how we can optimise our breathing for our health and wellbeing? This yoga anatomy video offers an invaluable insight into the anatomy of your breath and how to use your breath on and off your yoga mat to help you feel good both physically as well as mentally. Please note that all advice and recommendations in this film are given generally and do not constitute any form of an individual diagnosis or treatment plan. A consultation with a medical practitioner or registered physical therapist is recommended.
Chants to the Goddesses
If you need strength in your life, it's time to chant to the goddessses! Join in chants of wonderful aspects of the divine feminine. These invocations are to the Goddess’s Durga the warrior goddess, Lakshmyai the bestower of wealth and generosity and Saraswati. the Goddess of knowledge and music, poetry and dance. These chants are said to connect us to the divine feminine, Mother Earth and these qualities. The chants are: Om Shri Durgayai namah Om Shri Maha Lakshmyai namah Om aim Sarasvatayi namah. Open your mind and enjoy!
Waterfall of Oms
A beautiful chant of Om repeatedly. This will let you steady, centre and invite deep peace and healing into mind, body and spirit. A simple yet powerful short practice suitable for all.
Create a Steady & Strong Yoga Foundation
Learn how to stay safe during your yoga class; how to be strong and engage the correct muscles when you do your yoga practice. This sequence breaks down some basic biomechanics; learn how to engage the glutes and core in your practice to stabilise your yoga.This is a slightly different way to practice a yoga class. It encourages a greater control while in yoga poses and more of an even distribution of work for the whole body. The results is a refinement of body, mind and energy. You will need a strap and a belt.
Vinyasa Transitions: Expanding your Options
This vinyasa yoga class is an exploration of different ways of transitioning through poses. It will help you be more creative and mindful in your transitions, but also to be more centred and grounded throughout our practice. In life, as in yoga, often you may see your practice as a series of poses, but this class focuses on the moments between them. This flowing sequence gives you tools to explore different ways of transitioning through vinyasa which will expand your options when practising and help you explore different ways of moving your body. There is an emphasis on being mindful of the connections to be made throughout your practice.
Chanting: Get to the Heart of Yoga
This is a popular devotional song known as a bhajan, and is called Shri Krishna Govinda Hare Murare, Hey Nath Narayana Vasudevaa. This particular bhajan has a pacifying and soulful quality to it - it is a lovely route directly into the heart of yoga. Singing and drumming can help us release some of the charge of our nervous system. Focus on the vibration of sound, the slowness of your breath, the weaving of the melody.
Yoga For Happiness (4): Kindness
In this gentle vinyasa yoga class, the focus is on ahimsa (non violence). In the body, we can work with soft negotiation rather than force or brutality. In the mind, we can be aware of the tone with which we speak to ourselves. Pay attention to what you ask of your body in today's practice; notice when you are forcing it to do something it doesn't want to do / ignoring or overriding body wisdom. Pay attention to the internal dialogue and notice the tone of internal dialogue. Make a note of any recurring thoughts. Finally, write a mantra, something supportive and loving, that you can repeat to yourself (e.g. you are perfect as you are).
Slow Flow With Yoga Philosophy
A wonderfully balanced slow flow yoga class but with a difference. This class clearly explains how the philosophy of yoga can be integrated into the physical practice. This yoga class is steeped in the guidance of the ancient sage Patanjali, inspiring us to create an asana, how to practice and the results of practice. The goal is to deepen your meaning into the why and how, and to benefit from your dedicated absorption while practicing yoga. A wonderful full-body, all round practice.
Yoga For Happiness (3): Patience
In this yoga class, Nikita will take you through a slow vinyasa flow with a focus on patience. If you are able to see with honesty where you are, you are able to grow from this point of awareness. But growth doesn't necessarily happen quickly. Expansions will happen a a rate and pace that feels appropriate to the body, the heart, the mind. When we rush, when we push too far too fast, we can often be met with some form of shut-down. Without any harsh judgement of yourself, consider the ways that you could be more patient. It could be moving more slowly on the commute, it could be by allowing your loved ones to do things in their own way at their own pace. Where can you afford to introduce some more patience to your life? You may need a brick.
Tune In Tune Up: The Crown Centre
This yoga class is all about connection with the divine! The crown chakra is where our ego dissolves and we connect with the source. Headstand is the posture for this class. If you don't have a regular headstand practice, then just place your head on the ground in your child's pose and you'll feel the same benefits.
Tune In Tune Up: The Third Eye
In the sixth class of Andrea's Tune In Tune Up series, we focus on the agnya chakra, or third eye. Develop your intuition with the posture of child's pose, using the sound of the third eye to tune into our humility.
Tune In Tune Up: The Throat Centre
This yoga class uses two poses which relate to our relationship with our self and communication. Often, we have obstacles of cynicism and mistrust in the way of developing a harmonious relationship with ourselves. Today's asana are shoulderstand and the plough, for those who practice these postures often. Otherwise, simply use the sound of the mantra.
Tune In Tune Up: The Heart Centre
If somebody has hurt us in our lives, this can be a wonderful opening class to help you with forgiveness. Open your heart with bow pose and the wheel. If the wheel is not accessible for you, you can try bridge pose instead.
Get Off Your Mat
Changing a known route can shift us into the now. This yoga class is a somatic movement flow for those feeling the call to explore even further beyond the four corners of the mat. Great for teachers or those with a more intermediate practice. This is a sequence Naomi often shares in her teacher's practices. A creative, playful and challenging class.
Tune In Tune Up: The Solar Plexus
If you are looking for confidence in your life, help with any anger and healing those who we have hurt, this yoga class will offer a posture and mantra to help you tune into your solar plexus chakra and connect with yourself and others.
Tune In Tune Up: The Sacral Centre
For some creativity, or when you're struggling to let things go in your life, this is the perfect short yoga class. Just two simple, assessible postures combined with sound will help you to let go in your life.
Permission To Play: Anemone
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