Move into Happiness › Under 10 mins
Release Neck and Jaw Tension Now!
A magical sequence to free your neck, which is the crucial pathway between your head and your heart. You will be seated in a chair, so this one can be done right at your desk or when you're travelling. Anywhere, really!
Second Spring: Opening Your Heart
Embracing your menopause can foster a positive mindset, which may benefit our moods and mental health. Join Petra for this 5-10 restorative pose called Mountain brook that can help you to breathe more deeply by gently stretching across your chest, and open your heart to opportunities in post menopause Second Spring.
Positive Psychology Series (4): Gratitude
A short, easy to follow meditation class focusing on curating more gratitude for what we have versus longing for what we don’t, a very important characteristic to help cultivate positivity in our lives.
Rocket Mandala Sun Salutations
Fun, flowy, sun salutations. Perfect as an add-on, as a warm up or if you have just a few minutes in the morning, these Sun Salutations will wake you up and get you moving. We do suggest you practice a savasana afterwards, or another cooling practice, to finish up!
Wake Me Up Before you Yo-ga
A mini-morning dance energy shake up. Have fun with simple, accessible, fun movements! Wake up and energise with dance.These steps are said to improve brain function, muscle brain function and muscle memory. Suitable for all!! A perfect class for whilst you wait for the kettle to boil or before you get into the shower!! You'll need nothing but an open mind.
Mantra/Chant: I Am Free
A beautiful mantra/chant. By doing a mantra, we are harmonising the mind/body subtle body, as well as it being a beautiful experience. Allow the intention of the mantra to bring you into harmony. Away from your busy day, away from your thoughts and into the heart centre. A wonderful practice for discovering your hearts' desire. The meaning behind this chant is 'I am free. I am eternity. I am consciousness. I am spaciousness. I am free.' Keep that intention in mind as you chant. This is a wonderful chant to do before your yoga practice .
Playful Joint Isolation
A fun way to explore movement and joint isolation. Through visualisation and movement, play the game of organic joint mobility. Expect to learn a game that you can play to learn to isolate your joints, and you can do anytime, rather than playing right now with the video. Bring a sense of playfulness and willingness to do something completely different!
Join the Wellbeing Revolution
This is your yoga, your way.
Build a happier, healthier, more sustainable life.