Vinyasa Flow Yoga › Under 10 mins
Quick Morning Wake Up (Better than Espresso!)
Ground, fly, open and expand….a perfect class to start the day in the right way. Just a few Sun salutations to get the juices flowing! Be more productive with your day because as the saying goes, “If you can be more here now, you can be more there then.” All you need is a sticky mat!
Rocket Mandala Sun Salutations
Fun, flowy, sun salutations. Perfect as an add-on, as a warm up or if you have just a few minutes in the morning, these Sun Salutations will wake you up and get you moving. We do suggest you practice a savasana afterwards, or another cooling practice, to finish up!
Everybody Flows: Sun Salutes For Everybody
This yoga class offers us a few quick fixes and options to modify sun salutes and chaturanga dandasana for those new to the practice or who feel challenged by the strength and flexibility demands of these postures. You will learn three different options for practising chaturanga dandasana that you can bring back to your personal practice.
Begin (again) 4: Twist and Fold
Next in our yoga beginners series, this yoga class is an unwinding one that includes an introduction to seated twists, forward folds and side stretches. For beginners or refreshers.
10 minutes of morning magic
Looking to kickstart your day? This short, gentle, sweet and sumptuous flow will awaken the body, stimulate your energy and get your ready for the rest of the day. Lots of juicy spinal awakening and an uplifting flow. Gets into the shoulder, spine and side body.
Step Into Spring
An all-levels swift wake up and shake up yoga class for the whole body incorporating energising movements and stretches to wake up your whole body to feel ready to spring into springtime with abundance of energy, joy and lightness to celebrate the light!
Sun Salutation Tutorial
This is a fantastic tutorial dedicated to Sun Salutations, which appear in varying forms throughout many different styles of yoga, especially Vinyasa Flow sequences. With specific focus on precision and alignment, Sylvia will guide you on how to perfect this pose which can be very useful for your future practice.
10 Minutes of Power
If you've got just 10 minutes but love to move, try this rounded Power Yoga class with Dylan. Suitable for everyone, anytime, anyplace - just get on the mat and MOVE!
Vinyasa Tutorial
This short but sweet tutorial slows down and shows us the constituants of the 'vinyasa', the moving sequences between poses which features in the HPY Power Yoga sequences, but also in other practices. A very useful breakdown of a familiar sequence.
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