Meditation › Under 10 mins
Gratitude Visualisation
Anhedonia or ‘loss of joy’ is a menopause symptom caused by low oestrogen. But we can reframe our thoughts to help change our feelings. Join Petra in this Gratitude guided visualisation to help you focus on what you feel grateful for and set an intention on something that brings you joy, everyday of your life.
Soothing Heart Relaxation
We Rise Meditation
A beautiful meditation class which includes mantra. This meditation is for when we need to connect back to ourselves in a busy and often overwhelming world. It is inspired by Maya Angelou’s poem ‘Still I Rise’ and is a reminder of what can arise within us for the good. Whenever you are feeling a sense of disconnect, when you feel frazzled and overwhelmed, we really recommend this meditation practice. We use the mantra ‘We Rise and I am connected’ and hand gestures to connect back to our bodies and ourselves.
Positive Psychology Series (4): Gratitude
A short, easy to follow meditation class focusing on curating more gratitude for what we have versus longing for what we don’t, a very important characteristic to help cultivate positivity in our lives.
Meditation: Soft Pause
In the final part in our Introduction to Meditation Series, we start to watch the top and the bottom of our breath. You'll notice that there are round edges to the inhale and exhale, where each breath gently reaches a peak and then gives rise to the next. Either simply watch these spaces between breaths or gently hold for a moment at the top of each inhale, and pause for a moment at the bottom of the exhale.
Meditation: Counting the Breath
In the third part in our Introduction to Meditation series, we start to count the breath. Get settled in a comfortable spot, either sitting or lying down, and begin to count your breaths backwards from 20 to 1. Say to yourself mentally, I am breathing in 20, I am breathing out 20. I am breathing in 19, I am breathing out 19, and so on until you reach 1. If you notice your mind has wandered away from this focus, draw it back. If you lose your count, start again. If you manage to get all the way to 1, try starting at 50 next time. You might want to use this exercise as a tool to anchor an anxious mind any time you feel overwhelmed.
Meditation Series Introduction
A really accessible introduction to meditation comprising five short breath based meditation classes to help you land in the present moment and move into your body. Using the breath is a very simple anchor for your thoughts and can be an easy way to start meditation. Each meditation invites you to focus on the breath in a different way. Be aware of the thoughts that creep into your mind. They will inevitably come, but when they do, try not to engage with them. Simply notice and observe them in a detached way. Acknowledge them and let them go. See them and send them on. If you find yourself being drawn off on a narrative, be compassionate toward yourself and simply bring yourself gently back to the breath. Remember, there is no failure; only meditating. The act of meditating is to mindfully watch the thoughts, rather than to carelessly engage with them. You are winning by even attempting the exercise.
Meditation:Watching the Breath
In this first introduction to meditation video we use the breath as our anchor. Learn how to pay close attention to your breath and how it feels in your body; start to explore all its qualities. Get really involved in all its personality - length, depth, temperature, quality. Fully inhabit it. Breathe in, knowing you are breathing in, breathe out, knowing you are breathing out. Use it as an anchor to the present moment. The minute you notice your mind drifting off to something else, make a point of bringing it right back. Keep the focus and enjoy this meditation introduction! Watch the intruction here:
Self-Love Discussion
Meditation To Chill
This short meditation is the perfect pick me up when you feel overwhelmed, stressed out and have a heavy head full of information, ideas and thoughts. For all levels. In this video you will learn how to gather your thoughts and re structure/organise them so you feel centred and calm. Wonderful practice after school or in the middle of the day when you need to centre and anchor yourself.
Eight Minute Meditation
This short, easy meditation will keep you centred, especially for when you're feeling a bit overwhelmed, and can be practiced at your desk at work in a chair, so you're ready to continue with your day. Deceptively simple, this 8 minute meditation will be the game-changer for your day! Thanks to Flow Tunbridge Wells for providing this beautiful location for filming.
Dynamic Stillness Meditation
A very different kind of meditation! This meditation is performed in the yoga 'tree' pose - or a balance of your choosing. Be creative in your choice of balance pose and don't be afraid to take your meditation practice into your yoga! Thanks to Flow Tunbridge Wells for providing this beautiful location for filming.
Wanting Things Too Much: The Theory
The third and final module in our series on stress transformation. Toby's discourse on attachments, pleasures and enjoyments prepares you for the accompanying meditation.
Transforming Anger: The Theory
Discover ways to transform negative anger into positive power in this mindfulness discourse with Toby Ouvry.
Mindful Moment 1: The Body
A beginner's first step into meditation and mindfulness. Just 5 minutes of sitting and observing the body. Great to practice on its own or as an add on to your movement practice.
Quick Fix To Calm
Have this in your yoga toolkit - its super effective at changing your mindset and bringing you calm in a matter of minutes. Practice this every day if you can. You can do this practice either lying down, it's great before bed - or on a chair if you're needing to melt away tension at work.
Meditation On Breathing
A short and gentle introduction to meditation. Ideal for after a yoga class, this is a simple meditaion on breathing. You'll find that when you start to focus mindfully on your breath, you gain focus, clarity and insight and you may even find that life is less stressful. One to incorporate as a daily practice!
Meditation For Inspiration and Calm
Take this meditation with one of the greatest gurus of our time. Incredibly efficient combination of pranayama (breathing) and meditation to leave you feeling spiritually inspired and calm.
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Build a happier, healthier, more sustainable life.