Mindfulness › Under 10 mins

  • Quick Morning Wake Up (Better than Espresso!)09:50
    Quick Morning Wake Up (Better than Espresso!)

    Margi Young

    Ground, fly, open and expand….a perfect class to start the day in the right way. Just a few Sun salutations to get the juices flowing! Be more productive with your day because as the saying goes, “If you can be more here now, you can be more there then.” All you need is a sticky mat!

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  • Breath Challenge (8): Breathing for Anxiety and Stress Part 207:02
    Breath Challenge (8): Breathing for Anxiety and Stress Part 2

    Daniel Peppiatt

    Focus on Mindful walking - especially useful when we feel that we just can't sit and keep the mind still. This walking meditation / mindfulness class is great for when you're anxious as it makes a strong connection between the mind and body. This is a great 'stealth' practice. You can do this anytime you're out and about, or just before you go into any stressful event and nobody would know you're doing your mindfulness breathwork practice!!

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  • Mindfulness To Go08:32
    Mindfulness To Go

    Clive Fogelman

    A short mindfulness exercise for space, body and breath which is perfect for doing anytime, anywhere. Perhaps you're waiting at the bus stop, you're on the train or plane, you're at your desk and feeling overwhelmed, or you're just a few minutes early for an appointment. This class is a really wonderful way to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life. A ten minute centring exercise that you can do when you are looking to cultivate a feeling of presentness, groundedness and connection. Download this class on the App so you can take it on the go and feel space, body breath, wherever you are!

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  • Simple Sleep Recovery Series (6): Marma Points for Relaxation09:48
    Simple Sleep Recovery Series (6): Marma Points for Relaxation

    Lisa Sanfilippo

    Marma points are two hand-pressure points from the Ayurvedic tradition of marma. When you find the right point, and combine these points with a long exhale, they drop you down into a relaxed state that restores your ability to de-stress and rest throughout the day, and can send you off into sweet dreams at night. Not suitable for pregnant women or those with low blood pressure. A great tool to use for anytime you need to relax and calm.

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  • Awareness practice05:49
    Awareness practice

    Adrianna Zaccardi

    In this short tutorial, Adrianna guides you through an awareness practice that can be used alone, but also before each of the restorative yoga classes. Scan the layers of the body (physical, mental, emotional or spiritual) to listen into what is present in your body right now, so that it may inform our choices as we move into practice, be it poses, or a place in which to anchor our attention during each pose. A really useful short practice to listen to to connect to yourself before any yoga class, but especially useful for Adrianna's restorative classes.

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  • Yoga for Exam Stress (10): Clear Your Mind With Bumble Breath06:10
    Yoga for Exam Stress (10): Clear Your Mind With Bumble Breath

    Robin Watkins - Davis

    This short class brings a breathing technique called bumble bee breath and brings a tibetan singing bowl to help you to focus on the sound to help you to clarify. It is a great technique to learn to clear the mind.

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  • Yoga for Exam Stress (5): Affirmation Workshop Part 208:24
    Yoga for Exam Stress (5): Affirmation Workshop Part 2

    Robin Watkins - Davis

    This affirmation workshop is to harness your own mental power so that you have greater self belief, confidence and positivity. This affirmation workshop gives us some ideas for affirmations which can help greater self-belief, confidence and confidence. Mentally repeating a series of phrases and words to re-train the mind, so that your thoughts are supporting you.It might be helpful to choose affirmations which resonate with you and repeat these during the course of the day. Some of the words and phrases are from https://chopra.com/articles/daily-affirmations-your-hour-by-hour-positivity-plan

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  • Yoga for Exam Stress (4): Affirmation Workshop Part 109:17
    Yoga for Exam Stress (4): Affirmation Workshop Part 1

    Robin Watkins - Davis

    Do you have a thought pattern or a habit that you have noticed that you think might be getting in your way of achieving your goal of performing at your best? This workshop explains what an affirmation is and how it can put a meditation practice into your daily life and help reach your goals and live the life you want. You will need a journal, or paper and pen for today's video.

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  • Mantra/Chant: I Am Free09:32
    Mantra/Chant: I Am Free

    Naomi Absalom

    A beautiful mantra/chant. By doing a mantra, we are harmonising the mind/body subtle body, as well as it being a beautiful experience. Allow the intention of the mantra to bring you into harmony. Away from your busy day, away from your thoughts and into the heart centre. A wonderful practice for discovering your hearts' desire. The meaning behind this chant is 'I am free. I am eternity. I am consciousness. I am spaciousness. I am free.' Keep that intention in mind as you chant. This is a wonderful chant to do before your yoga practice .

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  • Wanting Things Too Much: The Theory07:42
    Wanting Things Too Much: The Theory

    Toby Ouvry

    The third and final module in our series on stress transformation. Toby's discourse on attachments, pleasures and enjoyments prepares you for the accompanying meditation.

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  • Transforming Anger: The Theory08:02
    Transforming Anger: The Theory

    Toby Ouvry

    Discover ways to transform negative anger into positive power in this mindfulness discourse with Toby Ouvry.

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  • Mindful in Moments: Course Summary04:42
    Mindful in Moments: Course Summary
  • Mindful In Moments: Introduction03:30
    Mindful In Moments: Introduction

    Toby Ouvry

    Toby's introduction to the Mindful Moments series. Did you know it is perfectly possible to build a meaningful mindfulness practece with just 5 mintues per day? Toby explains how and why in this short video.

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  • Mindful Moment 5: Stillness05:21
    Mindful Moment 5: Stillness

    Toby Ouvry

    Release tension from your body and relax into the present moment using the breath as your guide. A simple 5 minute exercise that will leave you with a sense of stillness and calm.

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  • Mindful Moment 4: The Mind05:12
    Mindful Moment 4: The Mind

    Toby Ouvry

    A really useful technique when the mind seems to be a raging torrent of overwhelm and information. Learn how to simply watch the mind as if you were watching a river.

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  • Mindful Moment 3: Stress05:09
    Mindful Moment 3: Stress

    Toby Ouvry

    Learn to use mindfulness techniques to release physical and emotional stress through the breath. A simple but effective way of paying mindful attention.

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  • Mindful Moment 2: Breath04:58
    Mindful Moment 2: Breath

    Toby Ouvry

    The second beginners' step into mindfulness. This easy five minutes of mindfulness invites you to focus on the breath.

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  • Mindful Moment 1: The Body04:56
    Mindful Moment 1: The Body

    Toby Ouvry

    A beginner's first step into meditation and mindfulness. Just 5 minutes of sitting and observing the body. Great to practice on its own or as an add on to your movement practice.

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