Can your attitude to wealth impact on your levels of stress around money. In this article, Laura Fredrickson explains how she lost everything and found true freedom.
Redefining Wealth
What if I told you that most of us have it backwards about wealth.
We’ve been taught that we need money to be OK, and that money equals security and freedom. And so we stress out about how to make money and how to keep it. It doesn’t seem to matter how much we have; the feelings of stress and fear and lack stay with us.
I know firsthand the cost of this false pursuit. My parents committed suicide together, due to money stress and their fundamentally flawed relationship with money and with life.
Money Stress
I grew up in an environment where ‘financial freedom’ was emphasized. It was ironic to witness 2 people who were anything but free, and ultimately took their own lives due to their fundamentally flawed relationship with life and with money.
I inherited my parents estate and came into a lot of money very suddenly. I continued on a similar path as my father. I wanted to conquer money. I believed that my security, freedom and well-being resided in my bank account.
I began trading in the stock market, and was quite ‘successful’. My life became a ticker symbol, as the market went up, so did I. When it plummeted, so did my well-being.
True Financial Freedom
In 2000, I was given the good fortune of the tech collapse and lost everything, my home went into foreclosure and I was facing massive amounts of debt. With my identity and worth correlated to the external, I became deeply depressed and decided that I was going to end my life.
Instead, I chose to be transparent and share what was truly going on with me. This vulnerability provided an open window of possibility, and illuminated what seemed to be an impenetrable darkness.
I realized I did need to commit suicide, but I needed to leave my body out of it. What needed to die were the old operating systems that had made me materially rich but emotionally bankrupt.
I was on the path of being the richest woman in the cemetery and realized that money does not lead to joy, freedom and security. Far from it.
Self Discovery
This realization catalyzed an awakening in me, and with that a renegotiation of my own terms. I went on a path of self discovery, and re-informed the foundational direction of my life and focus and created a new relationship with money and my life.
Be a Fulfillionaire
I was ready to create a life of true wealth and what I now call being a “Fulfillionaire” – an experience of personal fulfillment, emotional well being and empowerment.
As time went on, I began to see the direct correlation between my parents suicide and my bout with suicide due to money stress, as the ultimate zeitgeist of our time. With suicide and disease escalating, and money/job stress being the #1 culprit of stress, I realized the point of my pain.
Sharing my Learning
Having journeyed far into the ‘darkness’ and finding my way back to a life of true fulfillment and well being, I realized that I had experiential wisdom to share regarding the true source of freedom, happiness and security.
I’ve spent the past two decades developing and refining my proven system to help others create from the inside out, which is the ONLY way to realize a life of joy, freedom and abundance.
It became my life’s mission to guide others through the same methodology that I used to liberate myself and to support those that are ready to be Self sourced and sovereign and awaken from the cultural hallucination that their power, freedom and well being resides in anything external.
Everything I learned is contained in the PROSPERITY Bundle.
And so, the ‘Priceless Principles & Practices for True Wealth’ and the Institute of True Wealth were born. An online education system for Self mastery & Financial Wellness, providing a pathway back home to Self – to a state of sovereignty, true security and freedom.
True Wealth
True Wealth is founded on emotional well being. Our emotional well being is directly correlated to our inner dialogue, the stories we tell ourselves and the focus of our attention. Experiencing true fulfillment and wealth begins with nurturing our core relationship with ourselves. Life treats us the way we treat ourselves. This is the essence of primary nutrition.
‘Primary nutrition’ refers to the thoughts and beliefs that we hold about ourselves and our lives. Every relationship and everything in our lives is a reflection of our beliefs about it.
My mission within the Institute is to initiate a new paradigm of success which is based on holistic well being to include – personal fulfillment, emotional well being and financial empowerment.
A Sustainable Way Forward
What really matters? What do we truly value? What is our authentic definition of success?
The previous path has not been sustainable and has been extremely costly to our personal, collective and planetary well being, There is a consciousness uprising and awakening that is upon us. If you are feeling inner rumblings – heed the call. This is an alarm clock we can not hit ‘snooze on’.
You are the one you’ve been waiting for.
Join me on the path of solution. Begin your journey of creating a vital and empowered relationship with money (and the rest of your life), and liberate yourself forever.
Now, I’m teaming up with MFML to offer you an accessible way to learn these Priceless Principles & Practices for true wealth. Become the true pilot of your life. Your first first two weeks as a member of the Institute of True Wealth is a GIFT.

Some of the benefits of the Institute:
- Financial Wellness: Create your right relationship with money and feel empowered to create the life you deserve
- Personal Integrity: Learn to embody in your choices and everyday life what you most value.
- Authentic Purpose: Discover what is most meaningful to you and why you are here.
- Self Worth & Inner Peace: Realize your true worth and with that a state of irrevocable peace.
- True Security & Freedom: Learn how to create everlasting freedom and security
- Ease & Grace: Experience a sense of ease and flow. Come into alignment with the Natural Principles that create your personal reality.
- Sustainable Happiness: Realize the essence of true freedom, happiness and joy.
- Sovereignty & Independence: Master your thoughts, and therefore your experience.
- Greater Self Love: Life treats you the way you treat you. Shift from judgement to acceptance and appreciation and learn to enjoy the creative process.
- Trust: Cultivate a sense of unwavering confidence to create the life you truly desire.
About Laura Fredrickson:

Laura Fredrickson is a Financial Wellness Expert and Empowerment Specialist, International Speaker and Author and Founder of the INSTITUTE OF TRUE WEALTH.
Laura’s global mission is to empower people in their lives, specifically in their relationship with money, so they create lives of true wealth, and an experience of love, joy, passion, purpose and freedom. She is devoted to people remembering their self worth beyond their net worth, and creating lives of personal fulfillment and emotional well-being.
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