20 to 30 mins › Gabriella Espinosa
Vagus Nerve Practices for Anxiety Relief
Anxiety is nervous system’s way of keeping us safe and out of danger. Due to the hormonal fluctuations in peri-menopause and menopause, women often begin to experience anxiety for the first time impacting the ability to cope with everyday life. This class is mostly seated and also includes a restorative yoga pose. The class encourages us to lean into our anxiety from a place of curiosity and compassion to listen and learn how and why it’s trying to protect us. The first part of the class is seated, and we use touch based somatic exercises to soothe our nervous system. In the second part of the class we simply lie on our backs with legs over a chair or sofa, to down regulate your nervous system and shift into a sense of feeling at ease and safe in your body. Props needed: Chair, yoga mat and blanket.
Lymphatic Yoga: Move and Glow
The lymphatic system is responsible for removing toxins, boosting the immune system and reducing inflammation in the body. This gentle yoga class takes us on a tour of the lymphatic system and teaches you practices to support your lymph and keep it moving through your body with gentle massage, stretching and yoga poses. You will need two cork bricks and a blanket.
Gentle Movement for Better Balance
The sense of play, curiosity and wonder is such an important part of being human, and this sense of playfulness can continue to inform the way we interact with the world way into our midlife and into our senior years. This is a gentle movement class which invites you to play with sensory awareness of your body in space (proprioception), gentle movement and yoga postures to improve balance and stability for your yoga practice and everyday life. You will need a foam block, an eye pillow and a blanket (or alternatives).
Restorative Yoga for Gut Health: Find Calm
Taking a moment in our busy lives to find calm and be present with ourselves is so important for overall health and wellbeing. In this calming and restorative class Gabriella guides us through a self-massage and breath practice to help relax the abdominal area and deepen our ability to listen to our bodies. Props: one bolster, two blankets and one block
Energising Yoga for Gut Health: Support Digestion
The yoga tradition teaches us that the strength of your digestive fire helps to influence your health and wellbeing. This energising yoga flow and breath practice aims to mobilise your energy to nourish your physical, mental, and emotional health and support your digestive system. Props: one blanket and two blocks
Gentle Yoga for Gut Health: Aid Digestion
This gentle yoga class begins with slow moving twists, side stretches and poses all designed to gently help support your digestive system. The class finishes with a seated practice to encourage strong posture and uses breath awareness to support digestive balance. Props: one chair, one pillow or bolster.