20 to 30 mins › Sally Parkes

  • Pelvic Floor Exercises (Session 2)16:00
    Pelvic Floor Exercises (Session 2)

    Sally Parkes

    Build on pelvic floor strength by incorporating different speeds of movement. The pelvic floor consists of both fast and slow-twitch muscle fibers, so working at varied speeds is essential for recruiting all muscle fibers and maintaining their strength and flexibility. This is especially important for post-menopausal individuals, as fast-twitch fibers decline more rapidly with age due to reduced collagen production. You’ll move through seated, all fours, and standing positions, with yoga poses and Pilates-inspired variations that are more challenging. You may need wall for balance during faster standing movements. You'll need a yoga bolser, if you have one, and a yoga block or book. It is recommended that you do Gentle Pelvic Floor exercises before this one.

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  • Gentle Pelvic Floor Exercises (Session 1)16:00
    Gentle Pelvic Floor Exercises (Session 1)

    Sally Parkes

    In this gentle yet powerful session, Sally guides us through practical techniques to maintain a healthy pelvic floor by balancing strength and flexibility. We’ll begin with simple movements to warm up the pelvic area, followed by a dynamic and static series of yoga poses. Through a variety of positions—side-lying, all fours, seated, and standing—we’ll practise contracting and releasing the pelvic floor, helping to build resilience and functionality for everyday movement. This class is a practical and accessible way to connect with your body and feel supported.

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  • Healthy Hips: Movement for Hip Recovery23:42
    Healthy Hips: Movement for Hip Recovery

    Sally Parkes

    Gentle mobility and strengthening Functional movement for the hips, plus core to support the pelvis and hip joints made accessible. Use a chair to help support your practice for days when you could do with some support, or when you're recovering from illness or injury. With some poses adapted and suitable for recovery from hip replacement. You will need a chair, a yoga belt and a block.

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  • Yoga for Back Care: Core Focus23:22
    Yoga for Back Care: Core Focus

    Sally Parkes

    The first in the yoga for back care series, this back care class is a gentle introduction to the larger muscles that make up your back, filled with gentle stretches and mobilizing your back. This class is mostly seated and suitable for most mobility levels. Although if you are currently experiencing back pain, do ask your health care practitioner before practicing.

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  • Yoga for Back Care: Building Strength28:38
    Yoga for Back Care: Building Strength

    Sally Parkes

    This Yoga class is perfect for back care, keeping your back strong and mobile. Class focuses on building core strength and mobility for the spine and hips - essential for back care. This really lovely Yoga for back care class focuses mostly on symmetrical standing movements as standing poses can help to build strength through the body, avoiding unnecessary stress on the back, particularly on the lower back area. chair and wall for support at various points too. This class is mostly standing poses. You will need a yoga block, or a book.

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  • Pilates for the Back26:39
    Pilates for the Back

    Sally Parkes

    A back strengthening Pilates-based sequence; starting with gentle spine mobilisation then moving into spinal strength exercises. Pilates based movements are fantastic at creating postural balance and strength by working the entire body synergistically. This sequence works through the entire spine with a combination of flowing movements paired with strength exercises. You will need a block.

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  • Gentle Yoga to Unwind29:04
    Gentle Yoga to Unwind

    Sally Parkes

    A gentle yoga class of floor based movements for when we're low on energy and needing a gentle boost. Keeping low to the ground, and with few poses which use wrists, this yoga class uses gravity to unwind the spine, open the chest and shoulder area, helping our heart centred energy to flow more freely. A perfect class if you're suffering from PMT or you're on your period. Many of our day to day movement patterns can create a rigidness to the spine and rib cage that negatively affects our respiration and levels of tension throughout the chest, shoulder and neck area. But by moving in a flowing and ‘softer’ way, working with gravity as opposed to against it, we can begin to release these areas of tightness to become more free in our body. This sequence of predominantly floor based Hatha Yoga asana will work to unravel the upper body, especially the chest area, to create increased synchronicity between the upper skeletal system, breath and ultimately the heart space. You may need a block and bolster.

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  • Pilates for a Stronger Core21:53
    Pilates for a Stronger Core

    Sally Parkes

    A strong, flowing Pilates class to work the core. Pilates is an effective way to strengthen the core in a functional way, in that it works to strengthen the muscles of the lower back in particular, as well as the abdominal area. This sequence uses core focused Pilates exercises for deep internal strength of the entire core and finishes with stretching on the lower back, hips and abdomen to minimise muscle soreness. You will need a block.

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  • Yoga For Strong & Stable Hips27:47
    Yoga For Strong & Stable Hips

    Sally Parkes

    A simple hatha yoga class to create stability and flexibility in the hips. The hips are weight bearing joints that are made up of the pelvis, sacrum, femurs and coccyx as well as the surrounding muscles and connective tissue. In order for the hips to be functional and healthy we need to work all these areas with a combination of strength and flexibility. This class combines Hatha based yoga movements with strengthening workout moves to strengthen the hip joints whilst the yoga based hip openers work to unwind the hips, allowing you to move more freely whilst feeling strong in your pelvic area. You will need a block.

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  • Yoga to Strengthen the Spine23:50
    Yoga to Strengthen the Spine

    Sally Parkes

    A yoga class to release and strengthen the back, with a focus on the lower back. Lower back pain and discomfort is common in today’s society and the reasons for this vary, but can include a lack of regular stretching, too much of the same kind of strength work or too much flexibility (Hypermobility). Whatever the reason, Pilates inspired movements can assist with regaining balance of this sometimes vulnerable are. This sequence is packed full of small stabilising movements which give a sense of strength throughout the entire core area and is also punctuated with gentle stretches to unwind and release the entire spine.

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  • Pelvic Girdle Pain22:59
    Pelvic Girdle Pain

    Sally Parkes

    Pelvic pain and aches are very common during pregnancy. This class discusses why the pain may occur and gives exercises to combat the pain. These exercises are suitable for during the second and third trimester. You’ll need a block and a chair handy.

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  • Pilates Series (5)27:32
    Pilates Series (5)

    Sally Parkes

    The final class in Sally's Pilates Series will challenge even regular practitioners! This class is the strongest of this progressive series. Enjoy increased strength and tone, a more stable and stronger core and longer abdominal muscles with this fabulous finale of our Pilates series.

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  • Pilates Series (4)21:34
    Pilates Series (4)

    Sally Parkes

    The fourth class in our Pilates series, a stronger intermediate Pilates class building up abdominal strengh.

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  • Pilates Series (3)22:23
    Pilates Series (3)

    Sally Parkes

    The third in our Pilates series, this is an intermediate Pilates class building your abdominal strength.

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  • Optimal Foetal Positioning21:01
    Optimal Foetal Positioning

    Sally Parkes

    This class is aimed for mums-to-be 6 weeks or so before birth to try to encourage your baby into the right position for birth. The term is optimal foetal positioning. There are positions we can do to try to encourage the best positioning for baby for the most healthy and ease-ful labour. You will need a cushion or a block and a chair or ideally, a fitness ball.

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  • Pilates To Build Strength23:34
    Pilates To Build Strength

    Sally Parkes

    A simple Pilates class, great for those starting Pilates, and those of us who spend too much time sitting, weakening our abdominal muscles. With the famous Pilates core exercises which will gently strengthen you from the inside outwards. Perfect for those with weakness and non-chronic lower back issues, although those who are new to Pilates or building strength after illness, injury or post-natal shoud start gently. You will need a block and a strap.

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  • Turning Breech Baby22:25
    Turning Breech Baby

    Sally Parkes

    This class can be really useful to try to turn your baby if baby is in breech position, or simply to try to encourage your baby into the right position for birth. You will need a cushion or a bolster and part of the class is near a wall.

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  • Post-Natal: Relax and Restore 23:13
    Post-Natal: Relax and Restore

    Sally Parkes

    Welcome home, you are free to relax! Sometimes with so much to do, we forget that our emotional batteries are nearly flat and become overwhelmed. Take time to focus on you and only you. Moving slowly and with ease, breathing deeply and thoughtfully, it's finally time to relax! You will need a bolster, strap and block.

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