Stress/Anxiety › Margi Young
These practices have been specifically created and sequenced for watching online on Movement for Modern Life to reduce stress and anxiety you may feel in your life.
Within our anti-stress and anxiety series, we have a range of practices which include:
Winter Meditation
A beautiful Meditation filmed outdoors, with the theme of the elements. Feel yourself grounded, feel unravelled and released. If you can, do the meditation outside and feel the air on your skin and enjoy that feeling of coming back to the present moment.
REPLAY - Connect with your Feet
This luscious hatha yoga class starts with self-care and grounding. Feel relaxed and released with this grounding yoga class which focuses on the feet. We connect deeply with our feet through a series of foot-focused poses. As we move with intention, we’ll strengthen our foundation, inviting stability and ease into our practice. Together, we’ll explore how nurturing our connection to the ground enhances our overall experience on the mat, allowing us to feel more balanced and centered in our bodies.
Relax & Calm Yoga - Evening chill (better than vino!)
This class is Margi’s favorite way to end the day. A perfect, simple all on the back class to relax and calm ready for bed. Breath centered, close to the earth, gentle, soothing twists, hip openers, hamstring stretches and a short meditation with legs elevated on a chair or couch. Enjoy this very relaxed floor-perspective of this floor based class! Go from this practice right to bed. Please have a belt or and a cushion.
Meditation to Settle and Calm
A short meditation, easy to do when you're on the go or you need settling, in the middle of a busy day, or to calm before bed. Beginning with a listening meditation practice, be guided to feel the earth as a way of settling the body and quieting some of the activity of the mind. This practice is a good one to do any time of day, but may be particularly helpful before bed.
Yoga to Calm and Ground
This hatha class is great for when we're feeling tired or overwhelmed, to calm the nervous system and ground the body. Class begins with lying on the ground with a short body scan. Then we have a wonderful antidote to overwhelm and anxiety with supported forward folds, to clear the brain. After a foot massage, practice rooting standing and balancing poses. Feel the ground as a way of letting go of anxiety and find stability within. You may need 2 blocks (or books) and a blanket.