Stress/Anxiety › Bridget Woods-Kramer
These practices have been specifically created and sequenced for watching online on Movement for Modern Life to reduce stress and anxiety you may feel in your life.
Within our anti-stress and anxiety series, we have a range of practices which include:
Guided Relaxation
This is a guided relaxation in Savasana (Corpse Pose). You may want to use this lovely long savasana at the end of any of our longer, more dynamic classes to help you to let go and cultivate compassion towards yourself and others. Also a beautiful relaxation for anytime you need to be de-stressed and chilled out.
Compassion through Slow Flow
In this mindfully slow-flow vinyasa yoga class, Bridget explores the theme of compassion to ourselves. Class starts with a 10 minute discussion reminding us the importance of being compassionate to ourselves. The asana is a slow flow which focuses on the hips, with plenty of lunging work and variation. There is an opportunity for a handstand suppported by the wall or a partner and class finishes with a long, nourishing guided relaxation. You may need a belt, a wall and a partner could be handy too!