Stress/Anxiety › Naomi Absalom
These practices have been specifically created and sequenced for watching online on Movement for Modern Life to reduce stress and anxiety you may feel in your life.
Within our anti-stress and anxiety series, we have a range of practices which include:
Relaxed Breath Practice
This class is a really relaxed breath-work class, teaching us in a supine position, how to breathe in the most relaxed way possible. A very quiet, meditative class, followed by a seated meditation focused on the steady, smooth breath.
Breathwork for Health, Calm, Immunity and Migraines
Breathwork - the secret to great health and moving you from 'doing OK' to living your most vibrant life. In this class, Naomi leads us through some powerful breath practices which can radically help your life. The first practice serves to open up the breath through the lungs and the entire system - shifting any kind of erratic breath patterns or involuntary breath holds but also supporting immune function. The second is a beautifully calming breath that works to balance the chemistry of the body. If this is your second viewing of the video and you'd like the practices without the explanation, the practices start at 8 minutes. Do not practice this class if you are pregnant (although you can practice the second technique) and for some sufferers of anxiety, it may be useful to practice with a knowledgable teacher at first. Breathwork is more powerful than you may think!