Summer Picks: Summer Yoga Classes


What are the best summer yoga videos and where can you find them? Here are the top 5 favourites selected by real movers! Get inspired to get moving!

If you’re wondering what to choose tonight or tomorrow morning, try one of these – as chosen by Movement For Modern Life subscribers:


Marie-Cécile P. has been getting stuck into Alexander Filmer-Lorch’s Universal Teaching Series this summer. There are 10 to choose from so start from the beginning or pick and choose as you like!  

summer yoga

Universal Teachings – Meditation with Alexander Filmer Lorch

Easy Hatha Yoga

If you want some basic yoga moves, Lynsey C. says try anything by Lucy McCarthy – Radiant Face is a good one. 🧘‍♀️

Summer Yoga

Radiant Face Yoga Class with Lucy McCarthy

Still can’t decide? Then try a blend!

As recommended by Louise H: Mimi Kuo-Deemer for Yoga/Qigong Fusion.

summer yoga

Fluidity and Flow – Morning Yoga with Mimi Kuo-Deemer

Louise also recommends anything by Kate Walker and Jeannie Hall! 🙏

summer yoga

After Travel or Work – Rebalance and Restore with Kate Walker

summer yoga

Gravity Surfing – Vinyasa with Jean Hall

Any other favourites?

There are so may to choose from! Help out other movers and share your favourite summer yoga videos in the comments below…


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