Kat’s Tofu Scramble Brunch |Kat Farrants

Tofu Scramble Brunch
Ready for Tofu Scramble in time for a Vegan Brunch

Most days I start the day with a green smoothie which I find just delicious and filling in the right way. Then I’ll be ready for a filling and tasty brunch. This year I’ve been eating mostly vegan food, and for home cooking I’m all vegan. Just because I’m finding it so easy to cook without dairy, and I don’t think it adds to my health or is a very kind thing to do. So I appear to be going without and it suits me well. But brunch is one of my favourite meals for days when I have a little time to cook something up, so I’ve been looking up and working out delicious ways to enjoy brunch without eggs. Enter the Tofu Scramble Brunch! And I’m pretty happy with this vegan scramble, it’s easy, takes about 30 minutes. And is delicious!

Tofu Scramble Brunch

You’ll need:

  • Tofu (smoked TooFoo is my current favourite)
  • Spring onions
  • Garlic
  • Spring greens or any seasonal veg – perhaps courgette or red pepper
  • Wild garlic if it’s in season
  • Smoked paprika
  • Cumin
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Tumeric
  • Coconut Oil
Spices for Tofu Scramble Brunch

Drain and Dry the Tofu whilst you prepare the veg

Heat the coconut oil, fry the garlic, onions and veggies

Put the spices in a separate bowl and add some water to make a yummy sauce.

Then put the veggies into one side of the pan and then crumble or cube the tofu and add to the other side.

Add the sauce mostly to the tofu. I don’t mind if they mix up but maybe you’d prefer them a bit separate.

Serve with some yummy fried potatoes if you like them, or just one some sourdough and avocado for something a little healthier.

And enjoy your Tofu Scramble Brunch!

About Kat Farrants:

Movement for Modern Life’s fabulous founder Kat Farrants lives her yoga and her own yoga practice informs how she develops MFML. This post was written by Kat and is inspired by her exploration into how she can take the small steps to move into a happier, healthier and more sustainable life. Please do join her on this journey and explore with us your happiest, healthiest, most sustainable life.


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