Not Just For Christmas: Animal Welfare


Yoga teaches us that what we do to each other we ultimately do to ourselves. So how we treat and take care of our animal – not just our pets – but all living souls, reflects on us and the world that we live in.


Indeed Mahatma Gandhi said “the greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

So this Xmas as well as considering what you are eating and where it came from here are a few ideas to help you invest in animal welfare:

  1. Buy cards from animal charities. I often choose to donate rather than send cards, but you can always look out for recycling schemes such as those run by the Woodland Trust who will recycle them after Christmas.
  2. Ask people for a donation instead of a gift. Pick a favourite animal charity such as Dogs Trust or RSPCA.
  3. Stocking fillers – buy small gifts from your local animal charity, these amounts really do help them.
  4. Gift membership -show your passion for animals and become a member of one of these charities!
  5. Sponsor an animal! My godchild has a sponsored penguin and she loves it!
  6. Volunteer over Xmas – all charities need help at this time of year – even a few hours helps.
  7. Change habits. Create a different habit and think about buying cruelty free products for yourself and others. A great resolution would be to say no to Palm oil buy animal friendly toiletries for 2019!
  8. Go vegan!


Happy animal friendly Xmas everyone ……
>>If you love animals, try this animal inspired yoga class with Andrea!>>

animal yin yoga

These are a few ideas but there’s loads more information at the following websites …..

andreapicThis post was shared by Andrea Kwiatkowski, an Advanced Jivamukti certified teacher. She also teaches Yin yoga and Restorative yoga. Andrea is known for her deep philosophical message in her class, interweaving the teachings from the scriptures and making them practical for everyday living. She lives and teaches in Cambridge and runs retreats and workshops in the UK and abroad.



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