Champions of Change Podcast 15: Dan Peppiatt on simple living and contentment


Yoga Off The Mat - The Movement For Modern Life Podcast
Yoga Off The Mat - The Movement For Modern Life Podcast
Kat Farrants

Kat Farrants, founder and CEO of Movement For Modern Life, talks with experts in different fields and looks at them from the point of view of a yogic lifestyle. With her discoveries, we learn how to take our Yoga practice off the mat and live a happy, healthy, sustainable life.

Packed with consumerism, never ending social obligations and the inevitable family politics, the Christmas season can be a struggle for many of us. But is this culmination of worry, guilt and busy-ness just symptomatic of the way we live our lives for the other 11 months of the year? Life is not always idyllic, and that’s OK, but Dan Peppiatt’s unique take on life may just be the spark we need to not only survive the festive period, but create shifts in our perspective which can ripple through our whole life and bring contentment.

Our minds are always racing, especially at Christmas, because it is simply part of our culture; we are commodities which need to be needed, valued and in demand. We spend far too much time preparing, planning and pontificating, and not enough time in the present. “Rather than the wheel spinning smoothly we feel a bit like we’re bumping through life and we can’t quite put our finger on what’s wrong; it’s a little bit of misalignment.”’

We’re always looking for more and we feel like something is missing, but we never find it in earning more or buying more, or even practicing more yoga. Wanting more is at the heart of our crises, but the answer isn’t in ‘more’, it’s in letting go.

In this captivating chat, Dan offers some nuggets of wisdom to help those wheels run smoothly. Getting more sleep, breathing better and eating healthily are all coping strategies; we don’t get to the root of the problem. Your worst enemy really is your greatest teacher. So, discover how exploring stillness, living your practice off the mat, being in the present and shifting your mindset can be the permanent fix accessible and achievable for everyone in cultivating contentment. How can you step aside from the swirling snow globe of your mind so the snowflakes can settle calmly around you?

Dan is a yoga teacher and founder of Yoga Like Water, which facilitates teacher trainings. His perception that almost anything is yoga means his classes are far removed from what most people consider yoga to be; they’ll really get you questioning your place in the world and your place in yoga.

Follow Dan’s classes at

Find out more about his teacher trainings and workshops with Yoga Like Water at


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