Kat Off The Mat | A Year of Healthy and Sustainable Living


I wanted to start 2019 with sending you a thank you for supporting us on our journey, from the bottom of my heart.


Without your support and words of kindness both to me privately and on the Movers Group, we wouldn’t have been able to continue, grow and thrive.

This year I’ve learnt so much from you. I’ve heard some beautiful transformation stories from our Transformation Challenge and from those who have started their journeys with the Movement.

And I’ve listened to you. We sent out a survey asking what you wanted more of, I’ve studied and analysed every response, and am so grateful to you for taking the time to write.  What the vast majority of you wanted more of was more information about how to live a Healthy and Sustainable Lifestyle.

I just LOVE this.

Once again, Movers, you’ve fuelled my fire. You’ve given me the inspiration share my journey, both on and off the mat, on living a more healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

This year there shall be more content on lifestyle, nutrition, ways to eat and breathe healthily (as well as moving of course), ways to keep our minds healthy and ways to keep ourselves, our houses, our loved ones and friends healthy, cherished and loved in an environmentally conscious way.

I know that these days we’re all bombarded with negative images and words and it’s so hard to stay positive about world affairs and the environment. But my mission for you this year is to break down these tough thoughts into small, realisable nuggets that we can all do. If I can do them, you can too? And I want to learn more about living in this way and show you what I glean as I go along.

My first journey this January is joining Veganury.

Who’s IN?!

What are my reasons for doing that? Well, it’s out of the yogic principle of compassion for others and for the planet. But it’s not going to be easy. Although I’ve been a lifelong vegetarian because of my love of animals, I’m a lover of cheese and chocolate. I wonder who else out there just loves cheese and chocolate but would like to be more healthy for 2019 and would like to spread the wisdom of yogic compassion? Do let me know on the Movers Group if you’re up for it. And watch out for my Facebook Live on the journey.

And do write to let me know your thoughts about the theme of living a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, and let me know what topics in particular like me to explore in the Movers Group,and if there’s anyone you’d like me to interview!

I’ll be doing a daily update on my instagram page if anyone wants to follow that, or let me know your thoughts on the new way forward for the Movement!

With love
Kat and Team MFML


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